Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 |
Evaluating low-temperature heat sources for large-scale heat pump integration: A method using open-source data and indicators
Fuchs, Nicolas; Yanez Vazquez, Luis Guillermo; Nkongdem, Bertrand; Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Heizkosten und Treibhausgasemissionen in Bestandswohngebäuden
Meyer, Robert; Fuchs, Nicolas; Thomsen, Jessica; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph |
Studie Study
2023 |
Klimaneutrale Unternehmen. Teil 1: Überblick zu freiwilligen Initiativen und Aktivitäten zur Treibhausgasneutralität auf unterstaatlicher Ebene
Riedel, Franziska Sophie; Fornefeld, Felicitas; Kost, Christoph; Gorbach, Gregor; Thomsen, Jessica |
Bericht Report
2023 |
Die Rolle von Wasserstoff in der Wärmewende am Beispiel von vier Versorgungsgebieten in Deutschland
Thomsen, Jessica |
Vortrag Presentation
2023 |
Hydrogen in the German heating sector - An opportunity? Lessons from a bottom-up study on path options for an efficient and socially acceptable decarbonisation
Fuchs, Nicolas; Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph |
Vortrag Presentation
2022 |
Integrating flexibility provision into operation planning: A generic framework to assess potentials and bid prices of end-users
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Weidlich, Anke |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Decarbonizing industrial small and medium enterprises: Novel solutions to the challenges
Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon; Fuchs, Nicolas; Gorbach, Gregor |
Vortrag Presentation
2022 |
Comparing the Energy System of a Facility with Uncertainty about Future Internal Carbon Prices and Energy Carrier Costs Using Deterministic Optimisation and Two-Stage Stochastic Programming
Gorbach, Oliver Gregor; Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
Bottom-Up Studie zu Pfadoptionen einer effizienten und sozialverträglichen Dekarbonisierung des Wärmesektors. Endbericht
Thomsen, Jessica; Fuchs, Nicolas; Meyer, Robert; Wanapinit, Natapon; Ulffers, Jan; Bavia Bampi, Bruno; Lohmeier, Daniel Jan; Prade, Erik; Gorbach, Gregor; Sanina, Natalia; Engelmann, Peter; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph; Braun, Martin; Lenz, Matthias |
Studie Study
2022 |
Electricity Trading in Local Sector-coupled Energy Communities
Wanapinit, Natapon; Tutte, Max; Thomsen, Jessica |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2022 |
Find the balance: How do electricity tariffs incentivize different system services from demand response?
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Weidlich, Anke |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Synergies Between Renewable Energy and Flexibility Investments: A Case of a Medium-Sized Industry
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
An MILP Model for Evaluating the Optimal Operation and Flexibility Potential of End-Users
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph; Weidlich, A. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Effect of the Foresight Horizon on Computation Time and Results using a Regional Energy Systems Optimization Model
Thomsen, Jessica; Saad Hussein, Noha; Dolderer, A.; Kost, Christoph |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Participative Renewable Energy Community - How Blockchain-Based Governance Enables a German Interpretation of RED II
Chantrel, S.; Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Food industry case study on the influence of CO2 pricing on the decarbonization and investment strategies into energy supply technologies
Fuchs, N.; Thomsen, Jessica |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2021 |
Getting Prices for Prosumers Right? Incentivizing Investment and Operation of Small-scale PV-Battery Storage Systems Through Prices, Charges and Levies
Thomsen, Jessica; Weber, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Neues Strommarktdesign für die Integration fluktuierender Erneuerbarer Energien
Böttger, Diana; Becker, Holger; Dreher, Marian Alexander; Ganal, Helen; Geiger, David; Gerhardt, Norman; Harms, Yannic; Pape, Carsten; Fouquet, Dörte; Schmitz, Richard; Schön, Andrea; Große, Andreas; Ulffers, Jan; Fuchs, Nicolas; Kost, Christoph; Thomsen, Jessica; Pfennig, Maximilian; Lehnert, Wieland; Stock, David Sebastian; Axthelm, Wolfram; Stark, Matthias |
Studie Study
2021 |
Impact of Internal Carbon Prices on the Energy System of an Organisation's Facilities in Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom Compared to Potential External Carbon Prices
Gorbach, Gregor; Saad Hussein, Noha; Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2020 |
Exploiting Renewable Energy and Flexibility Potential via Local Cooperation
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2019 |
Promoting Flexibility from Prosumers through a Novel Generic Charateristics flexibility Model
Wanapinit, Natapon; Weidlich, Anke; Thomsen, Jessica |
Vortrag Presentation
2018 |
Using demand side management and CHP in renewable dominated decentral energy systems: A case study
Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
Modeling and evaluation of regional electricity systems with high shares of renewable energy and flexibility technologies
Thomsen, Jessica |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis
2018 |
Enhancing operation of decentralized energy systems by a regional economic optimization Model DISTRICT
Thomsen, Jessica |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2017 |
Betreibermodelle für Stromspeicher - Ökonomisch-ökologische Analyse und Vergleich von Speichern in autonomen, dezentralen Netzen und für regionale und überregionale Versorgungsaufgaben
Jülch, Verena; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Junne, Tobias; Unterreiner, Lea; Arnold, Markus; Reith, Sören; Eltrop, Ludger; Wassermann, Sandra; Niederberger, Marlen |
Bericht Report
2017 |
An optimized energy system planning and operation on distribution grid level - The Decentralized Market Agent as a novel approach
Thomsen, Jessica; Saad Hussein, Noha; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Schlegl, Thomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2017 |
Ausbauoptimierung dezentraler Energiesysteme zur Untersuchung von Flexibilitätspotenzialen beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien
Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2016 |
Vermarktung von Flexibilitäten im Verteilnetz - Analyse der Akteure und Rollen für zukünftige Geschäftsmodelle im Verteilnetz
Thomsen, Jessica; Schulz, A.; Hartmann, Niklas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Towards a cloud-based platform architecture for a decentralized market agent
Kopp, O.; Falkenthal, M.; Hartmann, Niklas; Leymann, F.; Schwarz, H.; Thomsen, Jessica |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Decentralised Market Agent - Accessing Central Markets with Demand Side Management Technologies
Thomsen, Jessica; Roulland, A.; Hartmann, Niklas; Kellermann, M.; Schlegl, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Economic viability of smart grid technologies in households
Thomsen, Jessica; Roulland, A.; Hartmann, Niklas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Darstellung des Konzeptes - DMA Decentralised Market Agent - zur Bewältigung zukünftiger Herausforderungen in Verteilnetzen
Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Klumpp, F.; Erge, Thomas; Falkenthal, M.; Kopp, O.; Leymann, F.; Stando, S.; Turek, N.; Schlenzig, C.; Schwarz, H. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
A holistic comparative analysis of different storage systems using levelized cost of storage and life cycle indicators
Jülch, Verena; Telsnig, T.; Schulz, M.; Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Eltrop, L.; Schlegl, Thomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Levelized Cost of Storage Method Applied to Compressed Air Energy Storage
Jülch, Verena; Jürgensen, J.; Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Schlegl, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2014 |
Technology Modelling of a PV-Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Plant - Case Study on Industrial Companies in Germany
Kost, Christoph; Eikenberg, L.; Thomsen, Jessica; Schlegl, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2014 |
Levelized Cost of Electricity: PV and CPV in Comparison to Other Technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, J., N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon P.; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schmidt, J.; Schlegl, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2013 |
Levelized cost of electricity - renewable energy technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schlegl, Thomas |
Studie Study
2013 |
Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Schlegl, Thomas |
Studie Study
2012 |
Studie Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien
Kost, Christoph; Schlegl, Thomas; Thomsen, Jessica; Nold, Sebastian; Mayer, Johannes N. |
Studie Study
2012 |
Developing Local Value Creation in an Emerging CSP Market: The Case of Morocco
Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph; Saad, N.; Schlegl, Thomas |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper