Dr. Jessica Thomsen

Head of Team Distributed Energy Supply and Markets, Division Power Solutions

Research focus

  • Techno-economic analysis of local to regional energy systems
  • Model development for the operation and expansion of sector-coupled energy systems at the distribution grid level
  • Analysis of optimal operation and expansion of energy supply from properties to supply areas
  • Evaluation of decentralized flexibilities
  • Analysis of local trading or market concepts
  • Development of decarbonization strategies for industrial companies
  • Analysis of political and regulatory measures

Curriculum vitae

07/2019 - today Team leader "Distributed Energy Supply and Markets"
12/2012 - 06/2019
Researcher at Fraunhofer ISE, group Energy System Analysis
5/2011 - 11/2011
Diploma thesis at Fraunhofer ISE
10/2006 - 11/2011
Studies: Mechanical Engineering with a focus on international project management at the University of Siegen

Major projects

BKM_2.0 Analysis of peer-2-peer marketing of electricity and development of a balancing group management 2.0
FlexGeber Demonstration of flexibility options in the building sector and their interaction with the energy system in Germany
IND-E Decarbonization and electrification potentials in German industry: data, actors and models
C/sells Evaluation of the flexibility potential of properties
Grid operation as a new market role
Contribution to the Moroccan Solar Plan
Study on Potential of Local Manufacturing of Solar Technologies in Morocco – Industry and Value Chain Assessment
Strategic Study 2013/13 An Appraisal and Evaluation of Energy Utilization and Efficiency in Saudi Arabia
Egypt Master Plan Combined Renewable Energy Master Plan for Egypt


Publication Type
2025 Evaluating low-temperature heat sources for large-scale heat pump integration: A method using open-source data and indicators
Fuchs, Nicolas; Yanez Vazquez, Luis Guillermo; Nkongdem, Bertrand; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2024 Heizkosten und Treibhausgasemissionen in Bestandswohngebäuden
Meyer, Robert; Fuchs, Nicolas; Thomsen, Jessica; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph
2023 Klimaneutrale Unternehmen. Teil 1: Überblick zu freiwilligen Initiativen und Aktivitäten zur Treibhausgasneutralität auf unterstaatlicher Ebene
Riedel, Franziska Sophie; Fornefeld, Felicitas; Kost, Christoph; Gorbach, Gregor; Thomsen, Jessica
2023 Die Rolle von Wasserstoff in der Wärmewende am Beispiel von vier Versorgungsgebieten in Deutschland
Thomsen, Jessica
2023 Hydrogen in the German heating sector - An opportunity? Lessons from a bottom-up study on path options for an efficient and socially acceptable decarbonisation
Fuchs, Nicolas; Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph
2022 Integrating flexibility provision into operation planning: A generic framework to assess potentials and bid prices of end-users
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Weidlich, Anke
Journal Article
2022 Decarbonizing industrial small and medium enterprises: Novel solutions to the challenges
Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon; Fuchs, Nicolas; Gorbach, Gregor
2022 Comparing the Energy System of a Facility with Uncertainty about Future Internal Carbon Prices and Energy Carrier Costs Using Deterministic Optimisation and Two-Stage Stochastic Programming
Gorbach, Oliver Gregor; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2022 Bottom-Up Studie zu Pfadoptionen einer effizienten und sozialverträglichen Dekarbonisierung des Wärmesektors. Endbericht
Thomsen, Jessica; Fuchs, Nicolas; Meyer, Robert; Wanapinit, Natapon; Ulffers, Jan; Bavia Bampi, Bruno; Lohmeier, Daniel Jan; Prade, Erik; Gorbach, Gregor; Sanina, Natalia; Engelmann, Peter; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph; Braun, Martin; Lenz, Matthias
2022 Electricity Trading in Local Sector-coupled Energy Communities
Wanapinit, Natapon; Tutte, Max; Thomsen, Jessica
Conference Paper
2022 Find the balance: How do electricity tariffs incentivize different system services from demand response?
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Weidlich, Anke
Journal Article
2021 Synergies Between Renewable Energy and Flexibility Investments: A Case of a Medium-Sized Industry
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2021 An MILP Model for Evaluating the Optimal Operation and Flexibility Potential of End-Users
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph; Weidlich, A.
Journal Article
2021 Effect of the Foresight Horizon on Computation Time and Results using a Regional Energy Systems Optimization Model
Thomsen, Jessica; Saad Hussein, Noha; Dolderer, A.; Kost, Christoph
Journal Article
2021 Participative Renewable Energy Community - How Blockchain-Based Governance Enables a German Interpretation of RED II
Chantrel, S.; Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2021 Food industry case study on the influence of CO2 pricing on the decarbonization and investment strategies into energy supply technologies
Fuchs, N.; Thomsen, Jessica
Conference Paper
2021 Getting Prices for Prosumers Right? Incentivizing Investment and Operation of Small-scale PV-Battery Storage Systems Through Prices, Charges and Levies
Thomsen, Jessica; Weber, C.
Journal Article
2021 Neues Strommarktdesign für die Integration fluktuierender Erneuerbarer Energien
Böttger, Diana; Becker, Holger; Dreher, Marian Alexander; Ganal, Helen; Geiger, David; Gerhardt, Norman; Harms, Yannic; Pape, Carsten; Fouquet, Dörte; Schmitz, Richard; Schön, Andrea; Große, Andreas; Ulffers, Jan; Fuchs, Nicolas; Kost, Christoph; Thomsen, Jessica; Pfennig, Maximilian; Lehnert, Wieland; Stock, David Sebastian; Axthelm, Wolfram; Stark, Matthias
2021 Impact of Internal Carbon Prices on the Energy System of an Organisation's Facilities in Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom Compared to Potential External Carbon Prices
Gorbach, Gregor; Saad Hussein, Noha; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2020 Exploiting Renewable Energy and Flexibility Potential via Local Cooperation
Wanapinit, Natapon; Thomsen, Jessica
Conference Paper
2019 Promoting Flexibility from Prosumers through a Novel Generic Charateristics flexibility Model
Wanapinit, Natapon; Weidlich, Anke; Thomsen, Jessica
2018 Using demand side management and CHP in renewable dominated decentral energy systems: A case study
Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon
Journal Article
2018 Modeling and evaluation of regional electricity systems with high shares of renewable energy and flexibility technologies
Thomsen, Jessica
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Enhancing operation of decentralized energy systems by a regional economic optimization Model DISTRICT
Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2017 Betreibermodelle für Stromspeicher - Ökonomisch-ökologische Analyse und Vergleich von Speichern in autonomen, dezentralen Netzen und für regionale und überregionale Versorgungsaufgaben
Jülch, Verena; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Junne, Tobias; Unterreiner, Lea; Arnold, Markus; Reith, Sören; Eltrop, Ludger; Wassermann, Sandra; Niederberger, Marlen
2017 An optimized energy system planning and operation on distribution grid level - The Decentralized Market Agent as a novel approach
Thomsen, Jessica; Saad Hussein, Noha; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Schlegl, Thomas
Journal Article
2017 Ausbauoptimierung dezentraler Energiesysteme zur Untersuchung von Flexibilitätspotenzialen beim Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien
Thomsen, Jessica; Wanapinit, Natapon
Conference Paper
2016 Vermarktung von Flexibilitäten im Verteilnetz - Analyse der Akteure und Rollen für zukünftige Geschäftsmodelle im Verteilnetz
Thomsen, Jessica; Schulz, A.; Hartmann, Niklas
Conference Paper
2015 Towards a cloud-based platform architecture for a decentralized market agent
Kopp, O.; Falkenthal, M.; Hartmann, Niklas; Leymann, F.; Schwarz, H.; Thomsen, Jessica
Conference Paper
2015 Decentralised Market Agent - Accessing Central Markets with Demand Side Management Technologies
Thomsen, Jessica; Roulland, A.; Hartmann, Niklas; Kellermann, M.; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Economic viability of smart grid technologies in households
Thomsen, Jessica; Roulland, A.; Hartmann, Niklas
Conference Paper
2015 Darstellung des Konzeptes - DMA Decentralised Market Agent - zur Bewältigung zukünftiger Herausforderungen in Verteilnetzen
Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Klumpp, F.; Erge, Thomas; Falkenthal, M.; Kopp, O.; Leymann, F.; Stando, S.; Turek, N.; Schlenzig, C.; Schwarz, H.
Conference Paper
2015 A holistic comparative analysis of different storage systems using levelized cost of storage and life cycle indicators
Jülch, Verena; Telsnig, T.; Schulz, M.; Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Eltrop, L.; Schlegl, Thomas
Journal Article
2015 Levelized Cost of Storage Method Applied to Compressed Air Energy Storage
Jülch, Verena; Jürgensen, J.; Hartmann, Niklas; Thomsen, Jessica; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Technology Modelling of a PV-Hybrid Renewable Energy Power Plant - Case Study on Industrial Companies in Germany
Kost, Christoph; Eikenberg, L.; Thomsen, Jessica; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Levelized Cost of Electricity: PV and CPV in Comparison to Other Technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, J., N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon P.; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schmidt, J.; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Levelized cost of electricity - renewable energy technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schlegl, Thomas
2013 Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Schlegl, Thomas
2012 Studie Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien
Kost, Christoph; Schlegl, Thomas; Thomsen, Jessica; Nold, Sebastian; Mayer, Johannes N.
2012 Developing Local Value Creation in an Emerging CSP Market: The Case of Morocco
Thomsen, Jessica; Kost, Christoph; Saad, N.; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
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