Our simulation toolbox “H2ProSim” (Hydrogen Process Simulation) is used for the model-based, techno-economic evaluation of hydrogen plants and Power-to-X products such as liquid hydrogen, LOHC, methanol, and ammonia, up to complete hydrogen supply chains. “H2ProSim” is based on the established Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow program family and enables detailed system modeling, dynamic simulations of various components, and analyses of operational management along any hydrogen supply chain. In addition to the evaluation of specific electrolysis facilities, hydrogen refueling stations, or other components of a hydrogen infrastructure, “H2ProSim” also supports the concept development of such supply chains (e.g. offshore hydrogen production).
Fraunhofer ISE has been developing and optimizing this comprehensive tool for over 10 years. “H2ProSim” has been used in a large number of projects and has proven to be a powerful tool thanks to our close cooperation with industrial customers. Depending on customer requirements, we can flexibly implement individual customization or further develop specific non-linear models, as well as carry out scenario-based simulations. Our “H2ProSim”models are validated through the incorporation of findings from our practice-oriented R&D projects and our own research.
“H2ProSim” is ideally suited for answering specific questions about hydrogen system design and cost prediction. In combination with a genetic optimization algorithm, “H2ProSim” identifies optimal system configurations and multi-objective optimizations of hydrogen systems in which two or more conflicting target parameters are to be optimized.
The simulations of the hydrogen system models created with H2ProSim are usually carried out dynamically and thus enable a more precise analysis of the system dynamics and the partial load behavior of individual components. Depending on the requirements, the models can be executed in great detail: from the characteristic, load-dependent behavior at the level of the electrolysis cell to the regulation of the status of the electrolysis system (operation, standby, etc.), including all balance-of-plant (BoP) components.
The high level of detail in H2ProSim is essential for the comprehensive evaluation of hydrogen plants and the preparation of hydrogen yield reports. In addition to the production volume, the evaluation includes important parameters such as efficiency, full load hours or the amount of electricity generated, but also the energy flows to the individual components and an analysis of possible waste heat utilization.
A special feature is the ability to simulate stack-specific degradation behavior over several years in order to determine its influence on the economic efficiency of the system.
A special feature of H2ProSim is its integrated optimization algorithm for the system models, which can be used to develop concepts for technical and economic plant optimization. For this purpose, a genetic algorithm is used in an iterative optimization process to identify global extremes of a target variable with several influencing parameters by varying selected parameters of the simulation model (e.g., installed wind power, installed electrolysis capacity, storage volume) on the basis of a search heuristic. Typical targets of such optimizations are, for example, the minimization of hydrogen production costs (LCOH – Levelized Cost of Hydrogen) or the maximization of hydrogen production volume. However, other technical or economic targets can also be specified in the optimization. A multi-objective optimization to determine compromises between two target variables (e.g., costs and volume) is also possible.
H2ProSim can be used to evaluate complete hydrogen supply chains for any location. This includes hydrogen production using renewable energies, intermediate storage of the hydrogen, subsequent liquefaction/compression of the hydrogen or its conversion into synthetic energy carriers (e.g., ammonia, methanol, DME) and transportation of the products to the customer. This can be done by ship, rail, trailer, or, in the case of gaseous hydrogen, by pipeline.
The entire process chain is technically modeled in H2ProSim, simulated with time resolution, and finally depicted in economic terms using a cost model. The cost model takes into account the investment and operating costs of the individual system components and uses these to determine the product production costs. Integrated functions make it possible to identify cost drivers and carry out sensitivity analyses. The economic parameters are taken from a database containing manufacturer data and literature values. In addition, our own internal cost models are used.