Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants

"Our research is focused on the development of high-quality and cost-effective photovoltaic (PV) solar power plants, constructed on all suitable surfaces."

With this vision in mind, we are dedicated to the advancement of methods and technologies for PV power plants and their applications. We position ourselves as a reliable partner for technical and scientific customers seeking efficient and dependable solutions in the field of photovoltaics.

Our approach is holistic, encompassing a comprehensive quality assessment throughout the entire Fraunhofer ISE quality cycle, spanning from development to planning and operation. We provide support to our customers at every project phase, leveraging our extensive expertise to transform their goals into reality. By employing innovative and digital technologies, we strive to enhance the efficiency of PV systems and facilitate the development of high-performance components.

Collaborating with our project partners, we actively contribute to shaping a sustainable future. We are engaged in the development of methods for ecological and economic assessment, as well as the investigation of ecological impact. Additionally, we focus on the development of climate-resilient, biodiverse and integrated PV systems.

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants" we focus on the following fields of work:

PV Potential Analyses and Feasibility Studies

Solar potential on suitable areas

Data Driven Quality Assurance

Failure assessment and root cause analysis for PV Power Plants

PV System Simulations

Digital twin, yield reports and glare reports

Outdoor Performance Analysis of Modules and Components

Benchmarking and performance evaluation in the test field

Sustainability Assessment

Life cycle assessment, ecological assessment and climate resilience

Analysis of PV Battery Power Plants

Feasibility, yield and performance forecasting

R&D Services

Our research and development (R&D) services cater to industrial and public clients.
They encompass the following:

  • Spatially resolved solar potentials and site assessments evaluations
  • Feasibility studies - PV solutions for industries, municipalities and other users
  • Techno-economic evaluation - also for new module technologies, bifacial modules and trackers
  • Yield forecast, energy yield assessments and glare assessments
  • Evaluation and benchmarking of modules and components in the Outdoor Performance Lab
  • Consulting and training for quality assurance using the Fraunhofer ISE quality circle
  • Trouble shooting and damage assessment for PV power plants
  • Life cycle analysis and ecological monitoring

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Outdoor Performance Lab

Precise Evaluation of PV Modules


Photovoltaic Modules

CalLab PV Modules

Our services range from the calibration of individual cells and modules to customer-specific tasks such as the calibration of bifacial modules.


Photovoltaic Modules

TestLab PV Modules

Measurements and tests for the design qualification and type approval of PV modules.

Selected Research Projects



Digital Twins and Deep Learning and Their Implementation in PV Tracker Algorithms



Cost-optimised operational management of PV systems over their economic lifetime


IEA PVPS Task 13

Performance, Operation and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems


Anna Heimsath

Contact Press / Media

Anna Heimsath

Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants, Sustainability Assessment, Analysis of PV Battery Power Plants

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5944

Christian Schill

Contact Press / Media

Christian Schill

Outdoor Performance Analysis, Digital Operational Management

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5378

Karolina Baltins

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Karolina Baltins

Solar Potential and Feasibility, PV System Simulations

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5575

Current Publications on the Topic "Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants"

Publication Type
2023 Ökobilanzielle Bewertung des Repowerings von PV-Systemen unter Einbeziehung des Degradationsverhaltens
Fischer, Marie; Herceg, Sina; Weiß, Karl-Anders
Conference Paper
2023 Photovoltaic Noise Barriers as Energy Generating Infrastructure: Functional Overview about Five Solutions
Forster, Jacob; Tsutskiridze, Giorgi; Kohlhauer, Reinhard; Huyeng, Jonas; Herr, Cornelius; Basler, Felix; Neuhaus, Dirk Holger; Heinrich, Martin; Rendler, Li Carlos
Conference Paper
2023 Analysing Grid-Level Effects of Photovoltaic Self-Consumption Using a Stochastic Bottom-up Model of Prosumer Systems
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Journal Article
2023 Transformation of Germany’s energy system in the context of the EU Green Deal targets
Henning, Hans-Martin
2023 Benefits of pairing floating solar photovoltaics with hydropower reservoirs in Europe
Kakoulaki, Georgia; Gonzalez Sanchez , Rocio; Gracia Amillo, Ana Maria; Szabo, Sandor; Felice, Matteo de; Farinosi, Fabio; Felice, Luca de; Bisselink, Berny; Seliger, Roman; Kougias, Ioannis; Jaeger-Waldau, Arnulf
Journal Article
2023 Halbleiter als Schlüsselkomponente für zuverlässige PV-Wechselrichter - Felddatenanalyse zu Ausfällen und Stressoren
Kulenkampff, Felix; Franz, Sebastian; Hercegfi, Patrick; Menold, Lukas
2023 Field Data Based Analysis of Microclimates and Humidity in PV Inverters
Kulenkampff, Felix; Franz, Sebastian; Hercegfi, Patrick; Menold, Lukas
Conference Paper
2023 State-of-play and emerging challenges in photovoltaic energy yield simulations: A multi-case multi-model benchmarking study
Tsanakas, Ioanis (John) A.; Lokhat, Ismaël; Jay, Arnaud; Gregoire, Clément; Schnierer, Branislav; Rusnak, Jozef; Dvonc, Lukas; Barthelot, Joséphine; Monet, Chloé; Garcia, Kevin; Lombardero, Iván; Leloux, Jonathan; Sarr, Babacar; Armbruster, Alfons; Bor, Jefferson
Journal Article
2023 Eckpunkte der Entwicklung des Energiesystems und eine mögliche Rolle der Kernfusion
Henning, Hans-Martin
2023 PV-Produktion in Europa - Aktueller Status
Bett, Andreas W.; Rentsch, Jochen; Preu, Ralf
Conference Paper
2023 Bewertung von PV Anlagen für Wind- und Schneelasten mit FEM Simulationen
Romer, Pascal; Pethani, Kishan Bharatbhai; Beinert, Andreas
Conference Paper
2023 Development of the Future Energy System and a Possible Role of Nuclear Fusion
Henning, Hans-Martin
2023 Energiesicherheit und klimaneutrale Energiesysteme
Henning, Hans-Martin
2023 Klimawandel und PV-Erträge - was können wir erwarten?
Reise, Christian
Conference Paper
2023 Thermomechanische Bewertung von BIPV-Modulen mittels FEM Simulation
Beinert, Andreas; Mahfoudi, Achour; Ensslen, Frank; Erban, Christof
Conference Paper
2022 A new figure of merit for solar charging systems: case study for monolithically integrated photosupercapacitors composed of a large-area organic solar cell and a carbon double-layer capacitor
Delgado Andrés, Rodrigo; Berestok, Taisiia; Shchyrba, Kateryna; Fischer, Anna; Würfel, Uli
Journal Article
2022 Development and Evaluation of an Automatic Failure Detection System for O&M of PV Portfolios
Sarquis Filho, Eduardo Abdon; Kollosch, Bernd; Müller, Björn; Holland, Nicolas; Kiefer, Klaus; Costa Branco, Paulo J.; Reise, Christian
Conference Paper
2022 Optimierte Betriebsführung von PV-Kraftwerken
Reise, Christian; Kiefer, Klaus; Holland, Nicolas; Melgar, David; Kollosch, Bernd; Rauschen, Igor; Müller, Björn; Sarquis Filho, Eduardo; Reetz, Christian; Kazacos, Duarte
2022 Fire Safety in PV and Battery Systems
Kulenkampff, Felix; Schmidt, Heribert
2022 Applying unsupervised machine learning for the detection of shading on a portfolio of commercial roof-top power plants in Germany
Holland, Nicolas; Kiefer, Klaus; Reise, Christian; Filho, E.A. Sarquis; Kollosch, Bernd; Müller, Björn
Conference Paper
2022 Entwicklung einer Produktnorm für Steckersolargeräte
Laukamp, Hermann; Haselhuhn, Ralf; Radacki, Dominika; Savvidis, Athina; Vietzke, Markus; Müller, Wolfgang; Schwartz, Tobias; Seltmann, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Practical recommendations for the design of automatic fault detection algorithms based on experiments with field monitoring data
Sarquis Filho, Eduardo Abdon; Müller, Björn; Holland, Nicolas; Reise, Christian; Kiefer, Klaus; Kollosch, Bernd; Costa Branco, Paulo J.
Journal Article
2021 Modelling PV Self-consumption at Portfolio Level
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Conference Paper
2021 Modelling PV self-consumption at portfolio level
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Conference Paper
2021 Degradation Mechanisms and Partial Shading of Glass-backsheet and Double-Glass Photovoltaic Modules in Three Climate Zones Determined by Remote Monitoring of Time-series Current-voltage and Power Datastreams
Liu, J.; Wang, M.; Curran, A.J.; Schnabel, Erdmut; Köhl, Michael; Braid, J.L.; French, Roger H.
Journal Article
2021 International collaboration framework for the calculation of performance loss rates: Data quality, benchmarks, and trends (towards a uniform methodology)
Lindig, Sascha; Moser, David; Curran, A.J.; Rath, K.; Khalilnejad, A.; French, Roger H.; Herz, M.; Müller, B.; Makrides, G.; Georghiou, G.; Livera, A.; Richter, M.; Ascencio-Vásquez, Julián; Iseghem, M. van; Meftah, M.; Jordan, D.; Deline, C.; Sark, W. van; Stein, J.S.; Theristis, M.; Meyers, B.; Baumgartner, F.; Luo, W.
Journal Article
2021 The Photovoltaics Renaissance - New Opportunities for a Key Enabler of the Clean Energy Transition
Bett, Andreas W.
2021 Solarstrom als Pfeiler des Energiewandels
Bett, Andreas W.
2020 Zukünftige netzintegration von PV-Eigenverbrauch
Karalus, Steffen; Reise, Christian; Zech, Tobias; Holland, Nicolas; Herzberg, Wiebke; AlSayegh, Ghanem; Killinger, Sven; Guthke, Philipp; Lorenz, Elke
2020 Ecological Synergy Effects of Agrivoltaic Systems
Keinath, Tobias; Högy, Petra; Trommsdorff, Maximilian; Went, Joachim
2020 Verification of deterministic solar forecasts
Yang, D.; Alessandrini, S.; Antonanzas, J.; Antonanzas-Torres, F.; Badescu, V.; Beyer, H.G.; Blaga, R.; Boland, J.; Bright, Jamie M.; Coimbra, C.F.M.; David, M.; Frimane, A.; Gueymard, C.A.; Hong, T.; Kay, M.J.; Killinger, Sven; Kleissl, J.; Lauret, P.; Lorenz, Elke; van der Meer, D.; Paulescu, M.; Perez, R.; Perpiñán-Lamigueiro, O.; Peters, I.M.; Reikard, G.; Renné, D.; Saint-Drenan, Yves-Marie; Shuai, Y.; Urraca, R.; Verbois, H.; Vignola, F.; Voyant, C.; Zhang, J.
Journal Article
2020 Integrierte Photovoltaik - Aktive Flächen für die Energiewende
Wirth, Harry; Vehse, M.; Rau, B.; Peibst, R.; Colsmann, A.; Stephan, A.; Lechner, P.
Conference Paper
2020 PV Eigenverbrauch: Hochaufgelöste Modellierung von PV-Erzeugung und Verbrauch für verbesserte Einspeiseprognosen
Karalus, Steffen; Reise, Christian; Zech, Tobias; Holland, Nicolas; Herzberg, Wiebke; AlSayegh, Ghanem; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke; Guthke, Philipp
Conference Paper
2020 GIS-basierte Potenzialanalyse für Agrophotovoltaik - Eine Fallstudie für die Region Bodensee-Oberschwaben
Hauger, Salome; Schindele, Stephan; Winkelhausen, Harald; Gimbel, Edgar; Wolf, Maritta; Jung, Martina; Beuerle, Rainer
2020 Systemmodellierung und Simulation zur Optimierung der PV-Speisung von Wärmepumpen durch Kurzfristprognosen mit Wolkenkameras
Dittmann, Anna; Villegas Mier, Oscar; Ruf, Holger; Kober, Patrick; Lorenz, Elke; Schmidt, Michael
Conference Paper
2019 Data-Driven I-V Feature Extraction for Photovoltaic Modules
Ma, X.; Huang, W.H.; Schnabel, Erdmut; Köhl, Michael; Brynjarsdottir, J.; Braid, J.L.; French, Roger H.
Journal Article
2019 Degradation bei PV Kraftwerken. Theorie und Praxis
Kiefer, Klaus; Farnung, Boris; Müller, B.; Reinartz, K.; Rauschen, I.
Conference Paper
2019 Long-Term Trends of In-Plane-Irradiance, Performance and Energy Yield for PV Systems
Müller, B.; Kiefer, Klaus
2019 40 Jahre nach dem "Atlas über die Sonnenstrahlung in Europa". Umfang und Qualität Heutiger Einstrahlungsdatensätze
Reise, Christian; Lorenz, Elke; Müller, B.
Conference Paper
2019 Degradation in PV Power Plants: Theory and Practice
Kiefer, Klaus; Farnung, Boris; Müller, B.; Reinartz, K.; Rauschen, I.; Klünter, C.
Conference Paper
2019 First Results from a High Precision Indoor & Outdoor PV Module Monitoring Campaign
Reise, Christian; Kräling, Ulli; Schnabel, Erdmut; Kiefer, Klaus; Bohnert, U.
Conference Paper
2019 Practical Comparison between View Factor Method and Ray-Tracing Method for Bifacial PV System Yield Prediciton
Kang, J.; Jang, J.; Reise, Christian; Lee, K.
Conference Paper
2019 A Comparison of Two Models for the Separation of Direct and Diffuse Irradiance in Plane of Array
Guzman Razo, Dorian Esteban; Killinger, Sven; Müller, Björn; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2019 Strom und Kartoffeln von der gleichen Fläche ernten
Farnung, Boris
Journal Article
2018 From Bifaciality to Yield: Different Bifacial Cell Technologies May Differ Even More in Annual Outdoor Performance
Reise, Christian; Baarah, G.; Schnabel, Erdmut; Kräling, Ulli; Müller, B.; Chang, S.; Choe, Y.; Cho, H.
Conference Paper
2018 Approach for a Holistic Optimization from Wafer to PV System
Mittag, Max; Reise, Christian; Wöhrle, Nico; Eberle, Rebekka; Schubert, Martin C.; Heinrich, Martin
Conference Paper
2018 Predicting Yields of Bifacial PV Power Plants - What Accuracy is Possible?
Chiodetti, M.; Kang, J.; Reise, Christian; Lindsay, A.
Conference Paper
2018 Architektonisch anspruchsvolle, fassadenintegrierte Photovoltaik am ZÜBLIN-Gebäude Z3
Fath, K.; Eisenlohr, Johannes; Wilson, Helen Rose; Kuhn, Tilmann
2017 IFC-based electricity simulation of a complex BIPV façade
Eisenlohr, Johannes; Wilson, Helen Rose; Kuhn, Tilmann
2017 Detailed modelling of building-integrated photovoltaics - from component and environmental data to the system output
Eisenlohr, Johannes; Wilson, Helen Rose; Kuhn, Tilmann
Conference Paper
2017 Measurement and GIS-based spatial modelling of copper corrosion in different environments in Europe
Slamova, Karolina; Köhl, Michael
Journal Article
2016 Insights into metastability of photovoltaic materials at the mesoscale through massive I-V analytics
Peshek, T.J.; Fada, J.S.; Hu, Y.; Xu, Y.; Elsaeiti, M.A.; Schnabel, Erdmut; Köhl, Michael; French, Roger H.
Journal Article
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