Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells and Modules

The aim of our work on Silicon-based Tandem Solar Cells and Modules is to achieve higher efficiency levels for solar cells and an even greater reduction in the cost of solar electricity . This technology is one of the fastest developing solar technologies and makes it possible to overcome the 29.4 %Auger limit of single junction silicon solar cells. With the expected higher efficiencies of tandem solar cells, a higher energy yield per surface area can be achieved. This creates potential savings in solar cell and module materials - an important aspect with regard to the sustainability of photovoltaics. 

We cover the entire value chain from technology development and analysis of cells and modules through to the integration of modules in a wide range of applications. We evaluate the latest technologies and processes for cell and module manufacturers as well as for system and material manufacturers. In addition, our expertise in the areas of simulation, cell-, material- and module- analysis as well as cost and life cycle analysis enables us to offer our customers a comprehensive range of options for evaluating and transferring the tandem technology to an industrial environment.

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells and Modules" we focus on the following fields of work:

Development of Customized Silicon Solar Cells

Development of Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Calibration and Reliability Tests for Tandem Modules

Calibration of Tandem Solar Cells

Module Technologies for Tandem Solar Cells

Analysis and Simulation of Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells

Development of III-V Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Development of Customized Silicon Solar Cells

Schematische Darstellung der verschiedenen Architekturen, die für die Anwendung als Bottomzelle in Perowskit-Si-Tandemzellen entwickelt werden.
© Fraunhofer ISE
Schematische Darstellung der verschiedenen Architekturen, die für die Anwendung als Bottomzelle in Perowskit-Si-Tandemzellen entwickelt werden.

We develop various types of silicon bottom solar cells for use in silicon-based tandem solar cells. The silicon heterojunction (SHJ) technology is our baseline for our perovskite-silicon tandem development. We use both active bottom solar cells and so-called ohmic substrates, which offer advantages for easier characterization. 

In addition to the SHJ baseline, our main focus is on the development of TOPCon-based bottom solar cells. Here, we concentrate on both the Silicon solar cell topics (surface passivation, metallization) and the interfaces between silicon and the various top cells.

In our laboratories, we can realize different wafer and sample sizes to support both laboratory developments and full-area industrial scaling activities. 

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Manufacturing and development of SHJ bottom solar cells
  • Development of TOPCon-based bottom solar cells
  • Development of customized contact layers 
    • TCO-based recombination layers
    • Poly-Si tunnel diodes
  • Development and production of small-scale laboratory cells (active cell area e.g. 10x10 mm² or alternative formats) 
  • Development and production of full-format bottom cells (up to M12)


Development of Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

REM image of a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell on textured silicon. The perovskite absorber was prepared by the vacuum-based evaporation of the inorganic components followed by wet chemical infiltration of the organic components.
© Fraunhofer ISE
Cross-section of a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell. Optimized deposition methods enable the perovskite cell to be conformal deposited on textured silicon solar cells for highly efficient tandem solar cells.

We develop, optimize, and scale materials, processes, and perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells as a complete product. We already focus on the scalability of our tandem solar cells at the laboratory scale. For a research process that is aligned with industrial standards, we work with the Pero-Si-SCALE technology platform (Pero-Si-SCALE – technology platform for scaling perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells and modules – Fraunhofer ISE), which enables the testing of processes and materials on industrial M12 wafers. We have an extensive laboratory infrastructure for all our research activities.

With regard to the perovskite sub-cell, our research focuses on the hybrid deposition route. We also have extensive expertise and the appropriate laboratory infrastructure for the full evaporation process and for wet-chemical processes. We have demonstrated efficiencies of over 31% on silicon cells with the micrometer-sized texture commonly used in industry.

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Evaluation and comparison of new contact layers, passivation layers, absorber materials and deposition methods
  • Integration of new layers and materials in tandem cells
  • Support in the design of equipment for the production of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells

Calibration and Reliability Tests of Tandem Modules

Der LED-basierte Sonnensimulator im CalLab PV Modules ist ein Meilenstein hin zu einem standardisierten Kalibrierverfahren für Pero-Si-Tandemmodule.
© Fraunhofer ISE / Foto: Bernd Schumacher
The LED-based solar simulator in CalLab PV Modules is a milestone on the road to a standardized calibration procedure for Pero Si tandem modules.

Investigation and Optimization of Tandem Modules

Our research focuses on analyzing the long-term stability and performance of tandem modules of various designs as well as their materials and individual components. In this function, we act as an essential link between module development, production and application in the field. 

Degradation Modeling and Prediction 

By using advanced degradation modeling, we are able to precisely describe and predict the wear and aging processes of new types of tandem modules.  

Support with Module Development 

Thanks to our extensive technical equipment and many years of expertise, we offer our customers comprehensive support in the development of modules. This also includes the reliable identification of suitable components. We develop innovative quality assurance procedures and carry out comprehensive product tests to ensure the usability and reliability of innovative tandem modules. 

Precise Performance Determination 

As an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory, we are able to determine the performance of tandem modules precisely and reliably in accordance with international standards. 

Our R&D Services Include:

  • STC measurements to determine the I/U characteristic of tandem modules 
  • Reliability assessment of tandem modules and damage analysis 
  • Analysis of long-term stability and performance 

Calibration of Tandem Solar Cells

Perovskit-Si-Tandem Measurement
© Fraunhofer ISE / Photo: Aleksander Filipovic
Perovskit-Si-Tandem Measurement.

Based on decades of experience in calibrating solar cells and modules, we can precisely  determine the performance data of tandem solar cells. To do this, the cells with different sizes up to the industrial scale are illuminated with spectrally adapted and very homogeneous radiation fields. Tandem solar cells with up to 6 pn junctions can be measured and calibrated at Fraunhofer ISE under almost any spectral conditions. In addition to solar cells for terrestrial flat-plate module applications, we also measure those for concentrator applications and solar cells for space. Supported by cell simulation and characterization, new measurement procedures have been specifically improved and adapted to the needs of novel solar cells in recent years.

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Calibration of III-V based multi-junction solar cells
  • Calibration of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
  • Calibration of perovskite-perovskite tandem cells
  • Performance determination of novel tandem solar cells made of a wide range of materials

Module Technologies for Tandem Solar Cells

Schindelstringer im Module-TEC.
© Fraunhofer ISE / Foto: Dirk Mahler
Shingle stringer in the Module-TEC.

The interconnection of temperature-sensitive and thermomechanically demanding layers, as found in some tandem solar cells, poses particular challenges..

We are researching the optimization of standard processes and evaluating suitable materials to ensure reliable connection and module integration. To this end, we are developing low-temperature-based solutions for interconnecting the cells and adapted lamination processes. For moisture-sensitive tandem solar cells, we are adapting the bill of materials (BOM) and developing and optimizing edge sealing concepts. Our research focuses on low costs, mechanical stability and electrical performance.

Due to the diverse requirements of tandem solar cells, we pay particular attention to a comprehensive characterization of the contact points, but also to the solar cells themselves. Various methods are available to investigate the interaction of the connection processes with the sensitive microstructure of the layers and the subsequent processes during module integration (lamination), thus improving the long-term stability of the modules.

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Evaluation of materials and processes
  • Production of prototypes and small series as well as development of cost-effective and reliable material and process combinations (BOM development)
  • Consultancy and analysis of the compatibility of materials and processes
  • Detailed characterization of materials using thermal, chemical, microscopic and mechanical methods

Analysis and Simulation of Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells

Roadmap zum praktischen Wirkungsgradlimit einer Perowskit-Silizium-Tandemsolarzelle basierend auf unserer optoelektronischen Simulation und experimentellen Ergebnissen.
© Fraunhofer ISE
Roadmap to the practical efficiency limit of a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell based on our optoelectronic simulation and experimental results.

Detailed knowledge of the physical processes in tandem solar cells is essential for developing such cells. We are therefore developing measurement methods and simulation models to analyze individual layers and interfaces in tandem solar cells. Based on our many years of expertise in technology and measurement technology, we have detailed knowledge of solar cell structures and their physics, measurement concepts and simulation methods, as well as extensive data collections on solar cell parameters. In addition, we use powerful machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches for data analysis.

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Development of measurement devices and analysis methods to improve materials and solar cells from the laboratory to production
  • Development of state-of-the-art simulation methods for analyzing tandem solar cells
  • Material and cell analysis from laboratory cells to industrial cells
  • Automated data analysis and image processing / artificial intelligence to develop a digital twin

Development of III-V Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Elektronenmikroskop-Aufnahme einer III-V/Silizium  Mehrfachsolarzelle. Die Röntgenspektroskopie zeigt die Elemente der Oberzelle (Gallium, Indium, Arsen, Phosphor) und der Unterzelle (Silizium).
© Fraunhofer ISE
X-ray spectroscopy shows the elements of the top cell (gallium, indium, arsenic, phosphorus) and the bottom cell (silicon).

III-V semiconductors cover a wide spectral range of the solar spectrum and are therefore ideally suited to efficiently convert the visible and near-infrared range of the solar spectrum into electricity. In combination with silicon, highly efficient tandem solar cells can be realized with two or three sub-cells. We develop III-V on silicon solar cells by direct epitaxy and via wafer bonding or gluing.

In the direct epitaxy, GaP is first grown on silicon and then the lattice constant in the ternary material GaAsP is varied so that absorbers with a band gap between 1.4 eV (GaAs) and 1.9 eV (GaInP) can be produced.

In the wafer-bonded structures, we first grow the III-V semiconductor layers on gallium arsenide and then transfer them to a partially processed silicon sub-cell. The production requires cost-effective processes for the growth of the III-V layers, for the transfer of the layers, which are only a few micrometers thick, the bonding or gluing technology and for the recycling of the expensive GaAs substrates.

Our R&D Services Include:

  • Epitaxy of III-V semiconductors directly on silicon with diameters of up to 300 mm (example: GaP nucleation on silicon, GaPN, GaAsP, GaAs, GaInP)
  • Characterization of defects in III-V semiconductor layers (e.g. antiphase domains, stacking faults, misfit dislocations) Characterization of III-V solar cells and modules
  • Processing and process development for III-V components on silicon Process technology and device fabrication

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Center for High Efficiency Solar Cells

Technologies for highest PV efficiency values



Photovoltaic Technology Evaluation Center

Production and Measurement Technology for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells



Module Technology Evaluation Center

Production and Process Technology and Extensive Analysis Options for Module Technology


Accredited Lab

CalLab PV Cells

Calibration / measurement of solar cells of various PV technologies


Accredited Lab

CalLab PV Modules

Calibration of photovoltaic modules


Accredited Lab

TestLab PV Modules

Measurements and tests for the design qualification and type approval of PV modules

Selected Research Projects



Linear Evaporation Processes for Large-Area Industrially Scalable Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells



Technology Platform for Scaling Up Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells and Modules



Perovskite silicon tandem solar cells: Development of scalable process technologies

Current Publications on the Topic "Silicon-Based Tandem Solar Cells and Modules"

Publication Type
2024 Spectrometric Characterization for Triple-Junction Solar Cells
Aulich, Johanna; Chojniak, David; Bett, Alexander J.; Steiner, Marc; Schindler, Florian; Siefer, Gerald; Schubert, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Resource-efficient generation of large-area micro and nanostructures
Bläsi, Benedikt; Müller, Martina; Rossmeier, Harald
Journal Article
2023 Insights into perovskite film formation using the hybrid evaporation/spin-coating route: An in situ XRD study
Er-Raji, Oussama; Rustam, Lina; Kore, Bhushan; Glunz, Stefan; Schulze, Patricia
Journal Article
2023 Maximizing Current Density in Monolithic Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Heydarian, Minasadat; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Bett, Alexander J.; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Chojniak, David; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Tutsch, Leonard; Bivour, Martin; Siefer, Gerald; Schubert, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan; Schulze, Patricia
Journal Article
2023 Mask and plate: a scalable front metallization with low-cost potential for III-V-based tandem solar cells enabling 31.6 % conversion efficiency
Schube, Jörg; Höhn, Oliver; Schygulla, Patrick; Müller, Ralph; Jahn, Mike; Mikolasch, Gabriele; Steiner, Marc; Predan, Felix; Bartsch, Jonas; Dimroth, Frank; Clement, Florian; Keding, Roman
Journal Article
2023 Translation of Outdoor Tandem PV Module I-V Measurements to a STC Power Rating
Steiner, Marc; Siefer, Gerald
Journal Article
2023 Upscaling of Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Hermle, Martin; Goraya, Baljeet Singh; Nold, Sebastian; Schulze, Patricia
Journal Article
2023 Understanding Contact Nonuniformities at Interfaces in Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Using Luminescence Imaging, Lock-In Thermography, and 2D/3D Simulations
Fischer, Oliver; Fell, Andreas; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Efinger, Raphael; Schindler, Florian; Glunz, Stefan; Schubert, Martin
Journal Article
2023 Spectrometric Characterization of Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Bett, Alexander J.; Chojniak, David; Schachtner, Michael; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Schulze, Patricia; Fischer, Oliver; Schindler, Florian; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Siefer, Gerald; Schubert, Martin
Journal Article
2023 Structuring of perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells for reduced reflectance and thermalization losses
Callies, Adrian; Hanser, Mario; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Bläsi, Benedikt; Höhn, Oliver
Journal Article
2023 Spectrometric Determination of Current Matching in Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Bett, Alexander J.; Chojniak, David; Schachtner, Michael; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Heydarian, Minasadat; King, Hunter; Sittinger, Volker; Schindler, Florian; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Siefer, Gerald; Bett, Andreas W.; Schubert, Martin
Conference Paper
2023 Tuning Crystallization for Highly Efficient Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Mahmoud, Mohamed Abdelaziz Abdelnaby; Er-Raji, Oussama; Schulze, Patricia; Borchert, Anna Juliane; Bett, Andreas W.
2023 Monolithic Two-Terminal Perovskite/Perovskite/Silicon Triple-Junction Solar Cells with Open Circuit Voltage > 2.8 V
Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Heydarian, Minasadat; Bett, Alexander J.; Bivour, Martin; Schindler, Florian; Hermle, Martin; Schubert, Martin; Schulze, Patricia; Borchert, Anna Juliane; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 PV at Multi-Terawatt Scale: Waiting is not an Option
Philipps, Simon
2023 LED Solar Simulators - A Spectral Adjustment Procedure for Tandem Solar Cells
Chojniak, David; Bett, Alexander J.; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Schachtner, Michael; Siefer, Gerald
Conference Paper
2023 Roller Nanoimprinted Honeycomb Texture as an Efficient Antireflective Coating for Perovskite Solar Cells
Krajewski, Maciej; Callies, Adrian; Heydarian, Minasadat; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Hanser, Mario; Schulze, Patricia; Bläsi, Benedikt; Höhn, Oliver
Journal Article
2023 Photovoltaics on Earth vs. Space
Lackner, David; Philipps, Simon; Bett, Andreas W.
2022 Monolithic 2-Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Heydarian, Minasadat; Er-Raji, Oussama; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Efinger, Raphael; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Fischer, Oliver; Bett, Alexander J.; Tutsch, Leonard; Pingel, Sebastian; Schubert, Martin; Hatt, Thibaud; Erath, Denis; Bivour, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Glunz, Stefan; Hermle, Martin
2022 Light trapping gratings for solar cells: An analytical period optimization approach
Bläsi, Benedikt; Hanser, Mario; Jäger, Klaus; Höhn, Oliver
Journal Article
2022 The annual-hydrogen-yield-climatic-response ratio: evaluating the real-life performance of integrated solar water splitting devices
Köhlbach, Moritz; Höhn, Oliver; Rehfeld, Kira; Finkbeiner, Manuel; Barry, James; May, Matthias M.
Journal Article
2022 Nanopatterning of Perovskite Thin Films for Enhanced and Directional Light Emission
Muscarella, Loreta A.; Cordaro, Andrea; Krause, Georg; Pal, Debapriya; Grimaldi, Gianluca; Antony, Leo Sahaya Daphne; Langhorst, David; Callies, Adrian; Bläsi, Benedikt; Höhn, Oliver; Koenderink, A. Femius; Polman, Albert
Journal Article
2022 Impact of lateral effects on large scale perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell performance
Reichmuth, Kasimir
2022 Combining drift-diffusion and equivalent-circuit models for efficient 3D tandem solar cell simulations
Fell, Andreas; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Schubert, Martin; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2022 Impact of Lateral Effects on EQE Measurements of Large Scale Tandem Solar Cells
Reichmuth, Kasimir; Fell, Andreas; Siefer, Gerald; Schachtner, Michael; Chojniak, David; Fischer, Oliver; Mühleis, Matthias; Rauer, Michael; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Schubert, Martin C.
Conference Paper
2022 Spray pyrolysis of ZnO:In: Characterization of Growth Mechanism and Interface Analysis on p-type GaAs and n-type Si Semiconductor Materials
Heitmann, Ulrike; Westraadt, Johan; O'Connell, Jacques; Jakob, Leonie; Dimroth, Frank; Bartsch, Jonas; Janz, Stefan; Neethling, Jan
Journal Article
2022 Complex refractive indices of Spiro-TTB and C60 for optical analysis of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
Sittinger, Volker; Schulze, Patricia; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Pflug, Andreas; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
Journal Article
2022 Tuning Perovskite Crystallization in the Hybrid Route
Mahmoud, Mohamed Abdelaziz Abdelnaby; Schulze, Patricia; Bett, Andreas W.; Er-Raji, Oussama
2022 Stable, cost-effective, sustainable and recyclable perovskite photovoltaics using carbon-based electrodes
Bogachuk, Dmitry; Wagner, Lukas; Windt, Peter Van Der; Martineau, David; Zouhair, Salma; Hinsch, Andreas
2022 TCO and Grid Electrodes for Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Basic Considerations and Upscaling Aspects
Messmer, Christoph; Tutsch, Leonard; Pingel, Sebastian; Schön, Jonas; Fell, Andreas; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Goraya, Baljeet Singh; Clement, Florian; Lorenz, Andreas; Nold, Sebastian; Bivour, Martin; Hermle, Martin
Conference Paper
2022 Calibration of metastable tandem solar cells
Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Chojniak, David; Rauer, Michael; Schachtner, Michael; Siefer, Gerald
2022 Hyperuniform Disordered Structures for Light Trapping in Silicon Based Tandem Solar Cells
Höhn, Oliver; Hauser, Hubert; Mühlbach, Kai; Bläsi, Benedikt
Conference Paper
2022 Upscaling of Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Schulze, Patricia; Er-Raji, Oussama; Efinger, Raphael; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Mc Mullin, Kaitlyn; Fischer, Oliver; Bett, Alexander J.; Erath, Denis; Pingel, Sebastian; Heitmann, Ulrike; Kiaee, Zohreh; Kohlstädt, Markus; Kore, Bhushan; Nagel, Henning; Schubert, Martin; Bivour, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Borchert, Anna Juliane; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan
Conference Paper
2022 Two-terminal III-V//Si triple-junction solar cell with power conversion efficiency of 35.9 % at AM1.5g
Schygulla, Patrick; Müller, Ralph; Lackner, David; Höhn, Oliver; Hauser, Hubert; Bläsi, Benedikt; Predan, Felix; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Light Trapping Gratings for Solar Cells: An Analytical Approach to Find the Best Periods
Bläsi, Benedikt; Hanser, Mario; Jäger, Klaus; Höhn, Oliver
2022 PV Research in 2022: State of the Art and New Directions
Glunz, Stefan
2022 Monolithic 2-Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Bivour, Martin; Heydarian, Minasadat; Er-Raji, Oussama; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Efinger, Raphael; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Bett, Alexander J.; Fischer, Oliver; Tutsch, Leonard; Erath, Denis; Pingel, Sebastian; Hatt, Thibaud; Schubert, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan
2022 Monolithic 2-Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; McMullin, Kaitlyn; Heydarian, Minasadat; Er-Raji, Oussama; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Efinger, Raphael; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Bett, Alexander J.; Fischer, Oliver; Tutsch, Leonard; Erath, Denis; Pingel, Sebastian; Hatt, Thibaud; Schubert, Martin; Bivour, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan
2022 How to make perovskite photovoltaic devices stable under reverse bias
Bogachuk, Dmitry; Wagner, Lukas; Martineau, David; Zouhair, Salma; Hinsch, Andreas
2022 A novel recycling method for encapsulated perovskite mesoscopic photovoltaic devices with minimal performance loss
Bogachuk, Dmitry; Windt, Peter van der; Martineau, David; Narbey, Stephanie; Verma, Anand; Zouhair, Salma; Hinsch, Andreas; Kohlstädt, Markus; Wagner, Lukas
2022 Plated Copper Electrodes for Two-Terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Hatt, Thibaud; Schulze, Patricia; Er-Raji, Oussama; Richter, Armin; Efinger, Raphael; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Heydarian, Minasadat; Tutsch, Leonard; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Glatthaar, Markus; Glunz, Stefan; Bartsch, Jonas
Journal Article
2022 Photonic Thin Film Annealing Processes for Solar Cells
Münzer, Anna
2022 Spectrometric Determination of Current Matching in Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Bett, Alexander J.; Chojniak, David; Schachtner, Michael; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Schindler, Florian; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; King, Hunter; Sittinger, Volker; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Siefer, Gerald; Bett, Andreas W.; Schubert, Martin
2022 Plated Copper Electrodes for Two-Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells
Hatt, Thibaud; Schulze, Patricia; Er-Raji, Oussama; Richter, Armin; Schultz-Wittmann, Oliver; Efinger, Raphael; Tutsch, Leonard; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Kluska, Sven; Glatthaar, Markus; Bartsch, Jonas; Glunz, Stefan
2022 Efficient Charge Carrier Extraction in Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Investigated by Numerical Simulation
Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Schön, Jonas; Würfel, Uli; Schulze, Patricia; Schubert, Martin; Bivour, Martin; Glunz, Stefan; Hermle, Martin
Conference Paper
2021 High-Efficiency Monolithic Photosupercapacitors: Smart Integration of a Perovskite Solar Cell with a Mesoporous Carbon Double-Layer Capacitor
Berestok, Taisiia; Diestel, Christian; Ortlieb, Niklas; Büttner, Jan; Matthews, Joel; Schulze, Patricia S. C.; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Glunz, Stefan W.; Fischer, Anna
Journal Article
2021 Challenges in the Fabrication of a Glued III-V on Si Tandem Solar Cell Using a ZnO-Based TCA
Heitmann, Ulrike; Bartsch, Jonas; Kluska, Sven; Huschmand Nia, Nima; Wulf, Jana; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank; Janz, Stefan
Conference Paper
2021 Monolithic 2-terminal perovskite silicon tandem solar cells
Schulze, Patricia; Kabakli, Özde Seyma; Bett, Alexander J.; Bivour, Martin; Efinger, Raphael; Fett, Bastian; Hähnel, Angelika; Hagendorf, Christian; Herbig, Bettina; Heydarian, Maryamsadat; Heydarian, Minasadat; King, Hunter; Lange, Stefan; Luderer, Christoph; Meßmer, Christoph Alexander; Naumann, Volker; Penn, Michaela; Romero Sierra, Camila A.; Schubert, Martin; Sittinger, Volker; Tutsch, Leonard; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan W.; Bett, Andreas W.; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
Conference Paper
2021 Energy Yield and Performance Ratio of III-V on Silicon Dual Junction Solar Cells in Different Climate Zones
Höhn, Oliver; Hanser, Mario; Steiner, Marc; Lorenz, Elke; Bläsi, Benedikt; Glunz, Stefan; Dimroth, Frank
Conference Paper
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