Digital Infrastructures for Production and Research Data

In the field of “Digital infrastructures for production and research data”, we focus on the development and implementation of hardware and software solutions. Our goal is to capture and meaningfully link production and research data over the entire lifecycle of a battery. To do this, we integrate our process and simulation data into a central data space. 

We develop interfaces for measuring devices, sensors as well as simulation tools, standardize measurement procedures, and automate the documentation of processes. In addition, we design data-supported formation and aging models, digitize methods as well as processes, and use innovative sensor technology, for example along the production line. The information collected, e.g. from formation and operating data, is available to us in extensive databases for further analysis. 

To implement smart manufacturing, we develop solutions for real-time visualization and automated data processing to optimize the monitoring of machines and components in linked production sequences. In addition, our goal is to provide batteries with meaningful R&D data throughout their entire life cycle – from production and operation to 2nd-life qualification. Based on this data, we derive optimized production and operating strategies for our customers.

Digitization of Production Plants

Digitalisierung von Produktionsanalagen
© / SweetBunFactory, Overlay: Kittiphat -
Wir überwachen alle Daten und Parameter und verknüpfen sie über die Produktionsschritte hinweg.

With our production facilities, we cover a large part of the battery value chain, from material synthesis and refinement to cell production. All data and parameters of the production facilities, as well as formation data including environmental parameters, communicate with our central data management system. In a process model, we map the process chain completely, including all input and output parameters, and are thus able to trace later behavioral patterns of the batteries back to individual variables in the production process. Prior individualized preparation and post-processing of all data allows for efficient storage of relevant system and process parameters. 

Our R&D Services Include: 

  • Creation of (standardized) system solutions (protocols, cloud use) for efficient interface management
  • Identification and analysis of complex cause-and-effect relationships
  • Provision and analysis of plant and process parameters
  • Automated creation of customizable test reports
  • Development of operator-friendly interfaces for plant operation and quality control

Energy Management for Production Infrastructures

Energiemanagement für Produktionsinfrastrukturen
© Fraunhofer ISE
Wir überwachen energieintensive Fertigungsschritte und forschen an der Optimierung ihrer Energiebilanz.

In addition to our networked production facilities, the associated infrastructure is also digitally monitored. This includes two drying rooms (at -30 °C and -55 °C dew point, respectively) and a mini-environment (-65 °C dew point). Volume flows, temperatures, humidity and particle emissions can be measured both in the rooms and in the associated air-conditioning and dehumidification units. Comprehensive data collection at the manufacturing infrastructure and its integration into the smart manufacturing concept is the basis for establishing innovative operating strategies that increase energy efficiency, save costs, and optimize product quality. 

Our R&D Services Include: 

  • Identification and analysis of dependencies between atmospheric properties and material and product parameters
  • Energy balancing and energy flow monitoring of dehumidification systems and drying rooms
  • Data monitoring of complex technical building equipment as well as data analysis for cost- and quality-optimized operating strategies 

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we have access to the following infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Center for Electrical Energy Storage

From novel materials and production technologies for battery cells, to battery system design and safety testing, to integration – the “Center for Electrical Energy Storage” offers a unique research infrastructure along the entire value chain of batteries.

Selected Research Projects



Pilot Project for the Fraunhofer Research Data Space



Scanning Acoustic Microscopy-based Battery Analysis



Optical Test Method for Determining the Quality of Battery Cells