Renewable Energy Data

Selected studies, analyses and data compilations

Recent Facts about Photovoltaics in Germany

Compiled by Dr. Harry Wirth, Fraunhofer ISE | Last updated: April, 3, 2024

Photovoltaics Report

Dr. Simon Philipps, Fraunhofer ISE and Werner Warmuth, PSE Projects GmbH | Last updated: May 17, 2024

Sustainable PV Manufacturing in Europe - An Initiative for a 10GW GreenFab

Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Bett, Fraunhofer ISE | August 2020

Study: Levelized Cost of Electricity - Renewable Energy Technologies

Dr Christoph Kost, Dr Thomas Schlegl, Fraunhofer ISE | Last updated: March 2018

Pathways for Transforming the German Energy System by 2050

What will the Energy Transformation Cost?

Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning / Dr. Andreas Palzer, Fraunhofer ISE | February 2016 / December 2015

Fraunhofer ISE - Energy Charts

The most detailed database for energy and market data on power generation in Germany.

Further studies and analyses

sorted by date


Further studies and analyses 2015 and older