Grid Planning and Operation

The growing spread of photovoltaics, heat pumps and electromobility is changing the load situation, particularly in the distribution grids, in some cases dramatically. In order to take these developments into account, we are modeling the supply obligation for distribution grids based on all available data in the topic "Grid Planning and Operation". These big data methods provide the basis for optimal and strategic grid expansion planning. With our grid planning tool "InDiGo", we support power grid operators in this challenging task.

Digitalization is the key to an economical, secure and sustainable energy supply. The increasing complexity of the energy system can only be mastered through a high degree of automation. For this reason, the digitalization of the power grid and the grid integration of decentralized systems are the focus of our research activities in our "Digital Grid Lab". With our hardware-in-the-loop grid simulator, we simulate digital twins of grid sections and test the reliable controllability of charging stations for electric vehicles, for example. These tests extend all the way down to the end customer device. With our digital vehicle twin "ev twin", we support operators of charging infrastructure with interoperability tests.


Fields of Work

In the research topic "Grid Planning and Operation" we focus on the following fields of work:

Operational Management of Grids and Systems

Digital Twin Simulation

Modeling of Power Grid Supply Obligations

Optimization of Grid Expansion

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:

Center for Power Electronics and Sustainable Grids

The Power Converters Lab, Digital Grid Lab, Multi-Megawatt Lab and Medium Voltage Lab provide unique opportunities for research and development in the field of power electronics and dynamic grid control.


Digital Grid Lab

Power-hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) simulator for distribution grids in the power range up to 800 kVA for low voltage 

Selected Research Projects



Strategic and Targeted Grid Planning



Quality Comparison of EV charging stations for Solar Charging as well as Bidirectional Charging Stations (V2H)



AI - based planning and operational management of distribution grids and microgrids for the optimal integration of renewable generators and fluctuating loads in the context of the energy transition.


Bernhard Wille-Haußmann

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Bernhard Wille-Haußmann

Grid Operation

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5443

Wolfgang Biener

Contact Press / Media

Wolfgang Biener

Grid Planning

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5893

Current Publications on the Topic "Grid Planning an Operation":

Publication Type
2024 Potenziale von Stellplätzen an Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden zur Bereitstellung privater Ladeinfrastruktur
Kühnbach, Matthias; Plötz, Patrick; Stephan, Annegret; Kähler, Janis; Surmann, Arne; Biener, Wolfgang; John, Robert
2024 Technologies for Climate Neutral Districts: Agent Based Energy Management and Blockchain Based Organization for Energy Communities
Surmann, Arne; Utz, Manuel
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Gemeinschaftliche Gebäudeversorgung - der Schlüssel zur Eigenversorgung im Mehrfamilienhaus?
Oberfeier, Paula; Surmann, Arne; Ernsting, Fabian; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2024 A Climate-Neutral Smart City District Supported by Digital Solutions
Elberzhager, Frank; Hupp, Steffen; Polst, Svenja; Stüpfert, Phil; Surmann, Arne
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 Dezentrales vs. zentrales Lademanagement von Elektroautos im Quartier
Oberfeier, Paula; Surmann, Arne; Hain, Niklas; Rothenhäusler, Anna Christin; Groß, Arne; Köpfer, Benedikt; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2024 Fortschrittsbericht zur Digitalisierung des Energiesystems
Bergsträßer, Jonathan; Berkhout, Volker; Klaiber, Stefan; Klobasa, Marian; Kohrs, Robert; Linnartz, Philipp; Naumann, Steffi; Nicolai, Steffen; Schmidt, Dietrich; Welisch, Marijke; Wende-von Berg, Sebastian; Wickert, Manuel; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
2024 Grid‐forming Converters in Interconnected Power Systems: Requirements, Testing Aspects, and System Impact
Rogalla, Sönke; Ernst, Philipp; Lens, Hendrik; Schaupp, Thomas; Schöll, Christian; Singer, Roland; Ungerland, Jakob
Journal Article
2024 Vor-Ort-Systeme im Fokus
Oberfeier, Paula; Kühnbach, Matthias; Surmann, Arne; Mehling, Hannah; Flemming, Sebastian; Timofeeva, Elena; Drechsler, Björn; Liesenhoff, Fabian; Pelka, Sabine; Selzam, Patrick; Dörre, Elias
2023 PV Battery Power Plants in Europe Status, Trends and Potentials
Vetter, Matthias; Heimsath, Anna; Lorenz, Elke; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
2023 Stochastic Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for a Switched Photovoltaic Battery System
Groß, Arne; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof; Achzet, Benjamin; Diehl, Moritz
Journal Article
2023 Vor-Ort-Systeme als flexibler Baustein im Energiesystem
Flemming, Sebastian; Bender, Tom; Surmann, Arne; Pelka, Sabine; Martin, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias
2023 A Voltage Sensitivity Based Equivalent for Active Distribution Networks Containing Grid Forming Converters
Ungerland, Jakob; Poshiya, Nikhilkumar; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents with Grid Forming Converters in the Context of System Stability Studies
Ungerland, Jakob; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
2023 Großer Wurf oder leeres Versprechen? Attraktivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Gemeinschaftlichen Gebäudeversorgung
Kühnbach, Matthias; Surmann, Arne; Oberfeier, Paula
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of Equivalent Dynamic Active Distribution Network Models with Individual and Aggregated Consideration of Grid Forming Converters
Ungerland, Jakob; Lens, Hendrik
Journal Article
2023 Getting Closer to Reality? Peak-Shaving with Battery Systems in Commerce and Industry
Groß, Arne; Kreilgaard, Lars; Köpfer, Benedikt; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Utilizing Flexibility Potentials in Local Energy Systems
Bender, Tom; Flemming, Sebastian; Surmann, Arne; Pelka, Sabine; Martin, Arne; Klaiber, Stefan; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Stochastic Model Predictive Control for Smart Grid Applications
Groß, Arne
Doctoral Thesis
2023 Wie agieren Quartiere netzverträglich? Flexibilitätspotenziale der Vor-Ort-Versorgung
Flemming, Sebastian; Bender, Tom; Surmann, Arne
Journal Article
2022 Empowering Consumers within Energy Communities to Acquire PV Assets through Self-Consumption
Surmann, Arne; Chantrel, Stefan P.M.; Utz, Manuel; Kohrs, Robert; Strüker, Jens
Journal Article
2022 BAT4CPP - Batteriespeicher an ehemaligen Kraftwerksstandorten
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Biener, Wolfgang; Brandes, Julian; Fluri, Verena; Wittwer, Christof
2022 Energiegemeinschaften in Österreich - lohnend auch für Deutschland?
Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas
2022 Test von netzbildenden Wechselrichtern und rückspeisefähiger Ladeinfrastruktur
Kohrs, Robert; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Rogalla, Sönke; Singer, Roland; Ernst, Philipp; Schumann, Jörn; Scheimann, Bjarne
Journal Article
2022 Operating Point Dependency and Adaptation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents
Ungerland, Jakob; Bhadani, Rachit; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
Conference Paper
2022 Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment, Part I - Methodology
Chaudhry, Shubhra; Surmann, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias; Pierie, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment, Part II - Case Study
Chaudhry, Shubhra; Surmann, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias; Pierie, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Lohnt sich die österreichische Energiegemeinschaft auch für Deutschland? Eine Fallstudie
Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Kühnbach, Matthias; Kohrs, Robert
Journal Article
2021 Testing Automated Operation and Control Algorithms for Distribution Grids Using a Co-Simulation Environment
Schoen, Andrea; Ringelstein, Jan; Hammermeister, Irene; Braun, Martin; Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard; Marchand, Sophie; Ruhe, Stephan; Nicolai, Steffen; Braun, Martin
Conference Paper
2021 Comparison of Short-term Electrical Load Forecasting Methods for Different Building Types
Groß, Arne; Lenders, A.; Schwenker, F.; Braun, D.; Fischer, David
Journal Article
2021 Equivalent Active Distribution Networks Considering Grid Forming Converters
Ungerland, Jacob; Poshiya, N.; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, H.
Conference Paper
2021 Untersuchung verschattungsoptimierter Halbzellenmodule mit einlaminierter Leistungselektronik für das MPP-Tracking auf Substring-Ebene
Armbruster, Cornelius; Kutter, Christoph; Schmid, A.; Tummalieh, Ammar; Rouffaud, Gilles; Basler, Felix; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Famulla, J.; Schüler, Marc Andre; Oyebanji, U.O.
Conference Paper
2021 Netzdienliche und PV-Eigenverbrauchsoptimierte Steuerung von EV-Ladevorgängen im Projekt C/sells
Groß, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Kohrs, Robert
Conference Paper
2021 Electric vehicle modelling for function testing of charging infrastructures using power hardware-in-the-loop simulations
Morab, Abhijit Narayan; Marchand, Sophie; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2021 Participative Renewable Energy Community - How Blockchain-Based Governance Enables a German Interpretation of RED II
Chantrel, S.; Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Thomsen, Jessica
Journal Article
2021 Microgrid Systems: Towards a Technical Performance Assessment Frame
Marchand, Sophie; Monsalve, Cristian; Reimann, Thorsten; Heckmann, Wolfram; Ungerland, Jakob; Lauer, Hagen; Ruhe, Stephan; Krauß, Christoph
Journal Article
2021 Automatisierte Netzplanung im Praxistest
Kähler, Janis; Biener, Wolfgang; Barucki, T.; Rudolph, U.
Conference Paper
2020 Impact of emerging technologies on the electricity load profile of residential areas
Fischer, David; Surmann, Arne; Lindberg, Karen Byskov
Journal Article
2020 Benefits of multi-voltage-level grid control in future distribution grids
Biener, Wolfgang; Erge, Thomas; Kumm, Thomas; Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2020 Grid reduction for energy system analysis
Biener, Wolfgang; Garcia Rosas, Klaus René
Journal Article
2020 Agent-based bidirectional charging algorithms for battery electric vehicles in renewable energy communities
Surmann, Arne; Walia, R.; Kohrs, Robert
Journal Article
2020 EV Charge Management taking into account Grid State and Forecast Uncertainties
Groß, Arne; Mittelsdorf, Marco; Schumann, Jörn
2020 From residential electric load profiles to flexibility profiles
Fischer, David; Surmann, Arne; Biener, Wolfgang; Selinger-Lutz, Oliver
Journal Article
2020 Using Probabilistic Forecasts in Stochastic Optimization
Groß, Arne; Lenders, A.; Zech, Tobias; Wittwer, Christof; Diehl, Moritz
Conference Paper
2020 Stochastic model predictive control of photovoltaic battery systems using a probabilistic forecast model
Groß, Arne; Wittwer, Christof; Diehl, Moritz
Journal Article
2020 Dynamic feed-in tariffs with reduced complexity and their impact on the optimal operation of a combined heat and power plant
Selinger-Lutz, Oliver; Groß, Arne; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Journal Article
2020 Optimal control of distributed energy generation & storages for flexibility provision on the residential level
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Selinger-Lutz, Oliver
Journal Article
2019 Electric Vehicles' Impacts on Residential Electric Local Profiles - A Stochastic Modelling Approach Considering Socio-Economic, Behavioural and Spatial Factors
Fischer, David; Harbrecht, A.; Surmann, Arne; McKenna, Russell
Journal Article
2019 Agenten- und Blockchainbasiertes Energiemanagementsystem für Mieterstromobjekte
Chantrel, S.; Surmann, Arne; Kohrs, Robert; Utz, M.; Albrecht, Steve
Conference Paper
2019 Stochastic Bottom-up Framework for Load and Flexibility for Agent Based Controls of Energy Communities
Surmann, Arne; Chantrel, S.; Fischer, D.; Kohrs, Robert; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2019 Modeling Investment Decisions in Renewable Energy Technologies: An Introduction to Simulating Technology Diffusion
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Steingrube, Annette; Biener, Wolfgang; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 AutGrid - Chancen und Risiken der Netzautarkie in Deutschland. Schlussbericht
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hauser, Wolfgang; Biener, Wolfgang; Längle, Sven; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia, Klaus René; Kost, Christoph
2019 EU-Comparison of the Economic Viability of Prosumer PV Systems
Fluri, Verena; Niedermeier, Klarissa; Steffens, Henning; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Kost, Christoph; Schlegl, Thomas; Shammugam, Shivenes
Conference Paper
2018 Potential and limitation of controlled charging of electric vehicle for PV self-consumption maximisation in private households
Mittelsdorf, Marco; Groß, Arne; Schumann, Jörn; Kohrs, Robert
Conference Paper
2018 Evaluation of load flow and grid expansion in a unit-commitment and expansion optimization model
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Biener, Wolfgang; Shammugam, Shivenes; Längle, Sven
Conference Paper
2018 Probabilistische Betriebsführung für PV-Heimspeichersysteme mit PV-Ertragsprognosen. Zusammenfassung
Groß, Arne; Zech, Tobias; Kohrs, Robert; Wittwer, Christof
2018 Impact of grid reduction on modelling accuracy of line usage rates
Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia Rosas, Klaus René; Linke, Moritz; Eibl, Oliver
Conference Paper
2018 Sensitivity analysis of PV power simulations for different temporal resolutions and spatial aggregation levels
Killinger, Sven; Lassahn, D.; Guthke, P.; Bright, Jamie M.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2018 Multi-period planning of distribution grid reinforcements under uncertainty about future penetration of photovoltaic systems
Dimitrov, I.; Gust, G.; Brandt, T.; Biener, Wolfgang; Neumann, D.
Conference Paper
2017 Coordinated charge management for battery electric vehicles: Operation management of charging infrastructures for battery electric vehicles considering vehicle, infrastructure, and grid constraints
Braam, Felix; Groß, Arne; Mierau, Michael; Kohrs, Robert; Wittwer, Christof
Journal Article
2017 Modelling the effects of variable tariffs on domestic electric load profiles by use of occupant behavior submodels
Fischer, David; Stephen, B.; Flunk, A.; Kreifels, Niklas; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Owens, E.H.
Journal Article
2017 SWOT analysis of an extended reactive power range of PV-inverters serving smart electricity grids
Biener, Wolfgang; Erge, Thomas; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Bülo, T.; Kumm, T.
Conference Paper
2017 Upscaling PV power considering module orientations
Killinger, Sven; Guthke, Philipp; Semmig, A.; Müller, B.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Fichtner, W.
Journal Article
2016 Intelligente Steuerung von Strom zu Gas-Anlagen als Bestandteil im Smart Grid
Brendli, J.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Lutz, O.; Wanke, E.
Journal Article
2016 Uncertainty and error analysis of calculation procedures for PV self-consumption and its significance to investment decisions
Kreifels, Niklas; Killinger, Sven; Fischer, D.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Concept of evaluating chances and risks of grid autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Biener, Wolfgang; Saad Hussein, Noha; Kost, Christoph; Kreifels, Niklas; Hauser, W.
Conference Paper
2016 Droop controlled operation of heat pumps on clustered distribution grids with high PV penetration
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Fischer, D.; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2016 Projection of power generation between differently-oriented PV systems
Killinger, Sven; Braam, Felix; Müller, B.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; McKenna, Russell
Journal Article
2016 Small-disturbance voltage stability of OLTC & decentralized reactive power dropp control
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Berardo, D.; Salman, Ammar; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Evaluation of methods for estimating distribution grid stress due to future installations of photovoltaic units
Biener, Wolfgang; Gust, G.; Killinger, Sven; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Projektion der PV-Leistung zwischen Anlagen unterschiedlicher Modulausrichtung
Killinger, Sven; Braam, Felix; Müller, B.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; McKenna, Russell
2016 Neues Planungswerkzeug für Verteilnetzbetreiber
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Journal Article
2016 A stochastic bottom-up model for space heating and domestic hot water load profiles for German households
Fischer, David; Wolf, T.; Scherer, J.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Journal Article
2016 Forschungsprojekt zur Hochrechnung der Photovoltaikleistung unter Berücksichtigung der Anlagenausrichtung
Killinger, Sven; Guthke, Philipp; Erge, Thomas; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wolpert, J.; Semmig, A.
Journal Article
2016 Possible Actions to Maximize the Flexibility Usage in a Decentral Energy System for the Heating and Electricity Sector
Saad Hussein, Noha; Rinn, L.M.; Krüger, C.; Janßen, T.; Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte
Conference Paper
2016 Decision support for distribution grid planning
Gust, G.; Biener, Wolfgang; Brandt, T.; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Neumann, D.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Probabilistische Modellierung von Verteilnetzen mit verteilten Reglern im Projekt Green Access
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof; Reimer, A.; Rohr, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Fischer, S.; Stötzel, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Pistoor, G.; Kumm, T.; Lüken, T.; Klement, P.; Hanke, B.; Maydell, K. von; Agert, Carsten; Neusel-Lange, N.; Hühnergarth, F.; Braje, T.; Bülo, T.
Conference Paper
2016 Impact of the nominal and real peak power of PV systems on grid reinforcement
Killinger, Sven; Biener, Wolfgang; Gust, G.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Concept of Evaluating Chances and Risks of Grid Autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Saad Hussein, Noha; Hauser, W.; Biener, Wolfgang; Kreifels, Niklas; Kost, Christoph
2015 Smart meter enabled control for variable speed heat pumps to increase PV self-consumption
Fischer, D.; Rautenberg, F.; Wirtz, T.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Madani, Hatef
Conference Paper
2015 Grid impact of charging electric vehicles
Burgt, J. van der; Vera, Santiago Peñate; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Andersen, A.N.; Tambjerg, L.H.
Conference Paper
2015 Test cases for hardware in the loop testing of air to water heat pump systems in a smart grid context
Fischer, D.; Wirtz, T.; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Madani, Hatef
Conference Paper
2015 Impact of HP, CHP, PV and EVs on households' electric load profiles
Fischer, D.; Scherer, J.; Flunk, A.; Kreifels, Niklas; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2015 Model for electric load profiles with high time resolution for German households
Fischer, David; Härtl, A.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Journal Article
2015 Automated distribution grid planning considering Smart Grid and conventional grid reinforcement technologies
Biener, Wolfgang; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Krug, B.; Gust, G.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2015 Vickrey-Clarke-Grove based multi agent energy management system
Rohbogner, Gregor; Maas, M.; Benoit, Pascal; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Nebel, B.
2014 Investigation of thermal storage operation strategies with heat pumps in german multi family houses
Fischer, David; Toral, T.R.; Lindberg, Karen Byskov; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Madani, Hatef
Journal Article
2014 Wärme- und Kälteversorgung in Städten und Regionen mit hohen Anteilen an erneuerbaren Energien in der Stromversorgung
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Brunner, Marc; Gerhardt, N.; Kleinmaier, M.; Mayrhofer, P.; Poehlmann, A.; Rummeni, J.; Roon, S. von; Werner, J.
Conference Paper
2014 Analysis on the exploitation of EV fast charging to prevent extensive grid investments in suburban areas
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Stillahn, Thies; Erge, Thomas; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Journal Article
2014 Verteilnetzplanung mit dezentralen Blindleistungsregeln und rONT
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2014 Incorporating Multiple Uncertainties into Iterative Probabilistic Load Flow
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2014 Balancing fluctuating renewable energy generation using cogeneration and heat pump systems
Mueller, S.; Tuth, R.; Fischer, David; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Journal Article
2013 Netzdienstleistung durch thermisch-elektrisch gekoppelte systeme
Müller, S.; Velvelidis, Vasileios; Fischer, D.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2013 Reactive power control in low voltage distribution grids: Comparison of centralized and decentralized Q(U)-controller designs based on probabilistic power flow analysis
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2013 NEMO - a novel techno-economic tool suite for simulating and optimizing solutions for grid integration of electric vehicles and charging stations
Erge, Thomas; Stillahn, Thies; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2013 Applied approach for reactive power control with medium voltage distributed units
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Biener, Wolfgang; Ganer, P.-S.
Conference Paper
2013 Optimierte Integration der Elektromobilität in das Stromversorgungssystem bei hohen Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien
Pregger, T.; Tena, D.L. de; Schmid, S.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Pollok, T.; Sowa, T.
Journal Article
2012 Modeling a vendor independent IEC 61850 profile for energy management of micro-CHP units
Feuerhahn, Stefan; Hollinger, Raphael; Do, C.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2012 Photovoltaik Eigenstromnutzung - Fluktuation von Strahlung und Last
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Link, Jochen; Sabo, A.; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2012 Betriebsstrategien für PV-Batteriesysteme im Stromnetz
Sabo, A.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2012 Simulating the optimized participation of distributed controllable generators at the spot market for electricity considering prediction errors
Hollinger, Raphael; Hamperl, S.; Erge, Thomas; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
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