Solar Energy Meteorology

Solar energy is subject to strong temporal and spatial fluctuations, influenced by the weather, the position of the sun and environmental conditions. In the "Solar Energy Meteorology" Research Topic we develop models to describe and predict the fluctuating energy supply.   

PV forecasting systems play an important role in solar power trading, grid management and power plant deployment planning. Another important aspect is the cost-efficient use of energy management options such as storage, balancing energy and controllable loads. With precise solar forecasts, these options can be used optimally to integrate solar energy cost-efficiently into our energy system.   

Our experts integrate various models and input data to reliably predict solar output on temporal and spatial scales ranging from a few minutes and meters to several days and many kilometers. These include measured values of solar irradiation and PV output, data from cloud cameras, satellite-based information and numerical forecasts. We work closely with our industry partners to optimize and further develop forecasts for various applications. 

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Solar Energy Meteorology" we focus on the following fields of work:

Solar Irradiation Forecasting with Satellite Data

Short-term Yield Forecasting of PV Power with Cloud Cameras

PV Power Forecasting for Solar System Integration

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Outdoor Performance Lab

Precise Evaluation of PV Modules

Selected Research Projects



Operational Delivery of Solar Irradiance and Simulated Photovoltaic Power Data to Transnet BW



Detection and Prediction of Fog and Snow for PV Forecasts



Solar Resources and Predictions for Grid and Market Integration of Solar Energy



Improving Research and Innovation to achieve a massive integration of Solar renewables

Press Releases and News on the topic »Solar Energy Meteorology«


Press Release

Project PV-Live: New solar irradiance data set published

Current Publications on the Topic "Solar Energy Meteorology"

Publication Type
2023 Photovoltaic Noise Barriers as Energy Generating Infrastructure: Functional Overview about Five Solutions
Forster, Jacob; Tsutskiridze, Giorgi; Kohlhauer, Reinhard; Huyeng, Jonas; Herr, Cornelius; Basler, Felix; Neuhaus, Dirk Holger; Heinrich, Martin; Rendler, Li Carlos
Conference Paper
2023 Benefits of pairing floating solar photovoltaics with hydropower reservoirs in Europe
Kakoulaki, Georgia; Gonzalez Sanchez , Rocio; Gracia Amillo, Ana Maria; Szabo, Sandor; Felice, Matteo de; Farinosi, Fabio; Felice, Luca de; Bisselink, Berny; Seliger, Roman; Kougias, Ioannis; Jaeger-Waldau, Arnulf
Journal Article
2023 Combination of a Novel All Sky Imager Based Approach for High-resolution Solar Irradiance Nowcasting with Persistence and Satellite Nowcasts for Increased Accuracy
Straub, Nils; Herzberg, Wiebke; Lorenz, Elke; Dittmann, Anna
Conference Paper
2023 Representativeness of Energy Rating acc. to IEC 61853 for Different Locations in Middle and South Europe
Rivera Aguilar, Mariella Josefina; Reise, Christian; Kräling, Ulli
Journal Article
2023 Independent Validation of SolarAnywhere Satellite-based Solar Irradiance Data
Karalus, Steffen
2023 Predictive Control of a Real Residential Heating System with Short-Term Solar Power Forecast
Villegas Mier, Oscar; Dittmann, Anna; Herzberg, Wiebke; Ruf, Holger; Lorenz, Elke; Schmidt, Michael; Gasper, Rainer
Journal Article
2023 Analysing Grid-Level Effects of Photovoltaic Self-Consumption Using a Stochastic Bottom-up Model of Prosumer Systems
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Journal Article
2023 Klimawandel und PV-Erträge - was können wir erwarten?
Reise, Christian
Conference Paper
2022 Nutzung maschinellen Lernens und eines Strahlungsmessnetzes zur flächigen Strahlungsvorhersage aus Wolkenkamerabildern
Straub, Nils
2022 The Influence of Different Degradation Characteristics on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Silicon Photovoltaics: A Threefold Analysis
Herceg, Sina; Kaaya, Ismail; Ascencio-Vásquez, Julián; Fischer, Marie; Weiß, Karl-Anders; Schebek, Liselotte
Journal Article
2022 Nutzung maschinellen Lernens und eines Strahlungsmessnetzes zur flächigen Strahlungsvorhersage aus Wolkenkamerabildern
Straub, Nils; Dittmann, Anna; Holland, Nicolas; Lorenz, Elke
Conference Paper
2022 High Resolution Measurement Network of Global Horizontal and Tilted Solar Irradiance in Southern Germany with a New Quality Control Scheme
Lorenz, Elke; Guthke, Philipp; Dittmann, Anna; Holland, Nicolas; Herzberg, Wiebke; Karalus, Steffen; Müller, Björn; Braun, Christian; Heydenreich, Wolfgang; Saint-Drenan, Yves-Marie
Journal Article
2022 Improved Blending of PV Power Forecasts in Case of Measurements with Limited Reliability
Herzberg, Wiebke; Holland, Nicolas; Zech, Tobias; Bor, Jefferson; Lorenz, Elke
2021 Modelling PV self-consumption at portfolio level
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Conference Paper
2021 Modelling PV Self-consumption at Portfolio Level
Karalus, Steffen; Köpfer, Benedikt; Guthke, Philipp; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke
Conference Paper
2021 Referenzzellen vs. Pyranometer - Abweichungen und Umrechnung von Messwerten
Rivera Aguilar, Mariella Josefina; Reise, Christian
Conference Paper
2021 A new sky imager based global irradiance forecasting model with analyses of cirrus situations
Dittmann, Anna; Holland, Nicolas; Lorenz, Elke
Journal Article
2021 Energy Yield Simulation of 3D Curved VIPV Modules
Neven-du Mont, Sebastian; Alharthi, Hashem; Kutter, Christoph; Neuhaus, Holger; Heinrich, Martin
Conference Paper
2020 Ecological Synergy Effects of Agrivoltaic Systems
Keinath, Tobias; Högy, Petra; Trommsdorff, Maximilian; Went, Joachim
2020 Zukünftige netzintegration von PV-Eigenverbrauch
Karalus, Steffen; Reise, Christian; Zech, Tobias; Holland, Nicolas; Herzberg, Wiebke; AlSayegh, Ghanem; Killinger, Sven; Guthke, Philipp; Lorenz, Elke
2020 PV Eigenverbrauch: Hochaufgelöste Modellierung von PV-Erzeugung und Verbrauch für verbesserte Einspeiseprognosen
Karalus, Steffen; Reise, Christian; Zech, Tobias; Holland, Nicolas; Herzberg, Wiebke; AlSayegh, Ghanem; Killinger, Sven; Lorenz, Elke; Guthke, Philipp
Conference Paper
2020 Minute Resolution Measurement Network for Global Horizontal and Tilted Solar Irradiance for a Transmission System Control Area in Southern Germany
Lorenz, Elke; Holland, Nicolas; Dittmann, Anna; Herzberg, Wiebke; Karalus, Steffen; Heydenreich, W.; Braun, Christian; Guthke, P.; Semmig, A.
Conference Paper
2020 GIS-basierte Potenzialanalyse für Agrophotovoltaik - Eine Fallstudie für die Region Bodensee-Oberschwaben
Hauger, Salome; Schindele, Stephan; Winkelhausen, Harald; Gimbel, Edgar; Wolf, Maritta; Jung, Martina; Beuerle, Rainer
2020 Verification of deterministic solar forecasts
Yang, D.; Alessandrini, S.; Antonanzas, J.; Antonanzas-Torres, F.; Badescu, V.; Beyer, H.G.; Blaga, R.; Boland, J.; Bright, Jamie M.; Coimbra, C.F.M.; David, M.; Frimane, A.; Gueymard, C.A.; Hong, T.; Kay, M.J.; Killinger, Sven; Kleissl, J.; Lauret, P.; Lorenz, Elke; van der Meer, D.; Paulescu, M.; Perez, R.; Perpiñán-Lamigueiro, O.; Peters, I.M.; Reikard, G.; Renné, D.; Saint-Drenan, Yves-Marie; Shuai, Y.; Urraca, R.; Verbois, H.; Vignola, F.; Voyant, C.; Zhang, J.
Journal Article
2020 Systemmodellierung und Simulation zur Optimierung der PV-Speisung von Wärmepumpen durch Kurzfristprognosen mit Wolkenkameras
Dittmann, Anna; Villegas Mier, Oscar; Ruf, Holger; Kober, Patrick; Lorenz, Elke; Schmidt, Michael
Conference Paper
2019 40 Jahre nach dem "Atlas über die Sonnenstrahlung in Europa". Umfang und Qualität Heutiger Einstrahlungsdatensätze
Reise, Christian; Lorenz, Elke; Müller, B.
Conference Paper
2019 Optimierung der PV-Speisung von Wärmepumpen durch Kurzfristprognosen mit Wolkenkameras
Dittmann, Anna; Kober, P.; Lorenz, Elke; Villegas Mier, O.; Ruf, H.; Schad, P.; Schmidt, M.
Conference Paper
2019 PV-Live. Auswertung satellitenbasierter und gemessener Solarstrahlungsdaten für PV-Hochrechnungen
Lorenz, Elke; Heydenreich, W.; Braun, Christian; Holland, Nicolas; Xu-Sigurdsson, Bin; Zech, Tobias; Dittmann, Anna; Karalus, Steffen; Guthke, P.
Conference Paper
2019 Energy yield analysis of textured perovskite silicon tandem solar cells and modules
Tucher, Nico; Höhn, Oliver; Narasimha Murthy, Jayanth; Martínez Sánchez, Juan Francisco; Steiner, Marc; Armbruster, Alfons; Lorenz, Elke; Bläsi, Benedikt; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph
Journal Article
2017 Angle dependence of solar cells and modules: The role of cell texturization
Geisemeyer, Ino; Tucher, Nico; Müller, B.; Steinkemper, Heiko; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Schubert, Martin C.; Warta, Wilhelm
Journal Article
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