The integration of PV technology in buildings, vehicles and roadways and its incorporation into agricultural and water areas as well as in urban areas promises a technical potential of several terawatts of installable capacity. Instead of conflicts of use, there are synergies such as strengthening climate resilience in agriculture and for bodies of water, noise protection on roads and railways and weather protection for vehicles and traffic routes.
We develop technologies that help to tap into this attractive potential. Integrated PV requires individual solutions that meet multifunctional and often aesthetic requirements. We support our customers in the development of special module designs and the selection of suitable materials.
In our accredited calibration laboratory CalLab PV Modules, we determine the precise performance data of the modules under various operating conditions and create the basis for yield simulations. We test the reliability of innovative module designs based on new materials in our accredited TestLab PV Modules and prepare the product certification. In the Outdoor Performance Lab, we examine and evaluate the performance of PV modules and systems in operation.
The integration of photovoltaics is often accompanied by an adaptation and optimization of the entire electrical system. We therefore develop customized, holistic solutions including battery storage and power electronic converters, from system planning to software.