Integrated Photovoltaics

The integration of PV technology in buildings, vehicles and roadways and its incorporation into agricultural and water areas as well as in urban areas promises a technical potential of several terawatts of installable capacity. Instead of conflicts of use, there are synergies such as strengthening climate resilience in agriculture and for bodies of water, noise protection on roads and railways and weather protection for vehicles and traffic routes.

We develop technologies that help to tap into this attractive potential. Integrated PV requires individual solutions that meet multifunctional and often aesthetic requirements. We support our customers in the development of special module designs and the selection of suitable materials.

In our accredited calibration laboratory CalLab PV Modules, we determine the precise performance data of the modules under various operating conditions and create the basis for yield simulations. We test the reliability of innovative module designs based on new materials in our accredited TestLab PV Modules and prepare the product certification. In the Outdoor Performance Lab, we examine and evaluate the performance of PV modules and systems in operation.

The integration of photovoltaics is often accompanied by an adaptation and optimization of the entire electrical system. We therefore develop customized, holistic solutions including battery storage and power electronic converters, from system planning to software.


Fields of Work

In the research topic "Integrated Photovoltaics" we focus on the following fields of work:


Technical optimization and quality assurance of agrivoltaic systems for maximum yields of PV energy and crop.

Biodiversity Photovoltaics

Biodiv-PV produces electricity and biodiversity on the same area.

Floating Photovoltaics

Analysis of the interaction between PV and water, technical optimization and quality assurance.

Building-Integrated Photovoltaics

Building physics modeling, development and evaluation of building-integrated PV modules

Urban Photovoltaics

Technical optimization and quality assurance of PV on sealed surfaces in cities and municipalities.

Road-integrated Photovoltaics

Module and system development for PV road roofing and PV noise protection.

Vehicle-integrated Photovoltaics

Technology development for the mechanical and electrical integration of photovoltaics in vehicles.

Studies and Analyses

We prepare potential studies, yield forecasts, techno-economic analyses and life cycle analyses for all integrated PV technologies.

Calculating Land Potential

At Fraunhofer ISE, we investigate the potential for integrated PV at local, regional and national level on the basis of geographical information systems (GIS). We take specific boundary conditions into account by means of multi-criteria decision analyses of current PV technologies. This also includes the current stock of the respective PV technology.

Our services for municipalities, federal states and industry

  • Recording and classification of boundary conditions
  • Spatially resolved solar potentials for various PV technologies
  • Site evaluation based on various criteria (e.g. geographical, legal and technical factors)
  • Localization and classification of suitable areas
  • Scenario-based solar potentials
  • Yield simulations for various module technologies, including bifacial PV

Yield Forecasts

Fraunhofer ISE draws on meaningful radiation and weather data and simulates the structure of the system precisely. Yield-reducing factors such as soiling and shading are precisely determined.

Techno-economic and Life Cycle Analyses

We analyze the costs for specific components, complete systems and ultimately for power generation (€/kWh), depending on materials and manufacturing processes. As part of a sustainability assessment, we can determine CO2 emissions, energy and material efficiency over the entire life cycle.

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Photovoltaic Modules


Module Technology Evaluation Center

Production and Process Technology and Extensive Analysis Options for Module Technology


Photovoltaic Modules

CalLab PV Modules

Our services range from the calibration of individual cells and modules to customer-specific tasks such as the calibration of bifacial modules.


Photovoltaic Modules

TestLab PV Modules

Measurements and tests for the design qualification and type approval of PV modules


Outdoor Performance Lab

Precise Evaluation of PV Modules


Building-integrated Photovoltaics

TestLab Solar Façades

Optical and thermal characterization of façade-integrated PV components

Selected Research Projects



Development of Wall-Integrated PV Elements for Noise Protection



Development of industrially manufacturable BIPV modules with high efficiency, innovative design and great design freedom



Solar Potentials of German Traffic Routes

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