TestLab Power Electronics

Measurement of Multi-megawatt Inverters in TestLab Power Electronics

We are experts in testing power converters for photovoltaic and battery applications, combined heat and power plants (CHP) and DC fast charging stationsfor electromobility in the multi-megawatt range. Typical measurement campaigns concern grid connection guidelines, efficiency, temperature-dependent derating as well as customer-specific tests and benchmarks.


Measurement of PV Inverters, Battery Converters and Fast Charging Infrastructure


Measurement of Electrolysers, CHPs and Other Electrical Generators / Consumers


Quick Analysis for PV Power Plants



Our future power grid will experience a significant increase in power electronics. With the research and development activities in our lab, we contribute to ensuring grid stability. In TestLab Power Electronics, we measure PV inverters, battery converters, rectifiers, combined heat and power plants, DC/DC converters, DC fast charging stations as well as power electronics for fuel cells and electrolysers from a few watts up to the multi-megawatt range.

We perform accredited measurements according to various grid connection guidelines, for example FGW TR3, and measure efficiencies according to EN 50530, among others. As part of our research activities, we have derived accredited procedures, for example for determining the efficiency of bidirectional converters or our innovative  differential impedance spectroscopy. In addition, we support our customers in individual issues, for example troubleshooting in the laboratory or in the field, in measurement of temperature-dependent derating of power or in quality-assuring measurements before product launch. 

Nowadays, detailed simulations of power electronic components are indispensable for system development. We offer services and assistance in the field of simulation and modeling of individual generation units such as PV inverters or CHPs, but also, for example, of complete PV power plants.

Highlights of our Equipment

  • Own connection to the 110 kV grid (20 kV / 40 MVA transformer)
  • PV simulator (2000 V / 1.4 MW)
  • Bidirectional battery simulator (1500 V / 1 MW)
  • High dynamic regenerative grid simulator (1 MVA)
  • Bidirectional DC source (12MW) - in planning
  • Grid simulator (10 MVA) - in planning
  • UVRT and OVRT test facility for DUTs up to 10 MVA
  • Anti-islanding test bench (400 kVA)
  • Climatic chamber for large equipment up to 2.5 MVA (-30 °C to +80 °C)

Measurement of PV Inverters, Battery Converters and Fast Charging Infrastructure

Prüfung eines Solarwechselrichters mit 2,5 Megawatt Leistung im TestLab Power Electronics des Fraunhofer ISE.
Prüfung eines Solarwechselrichters mit 2,5 Megawatt Leistung im TestLab Power Electronics des Fraunhofer ISE.

We measure a wide variety of power electronic components in our laboratory, especially inverters for photovoltaic and battery systems. The most frequent measurement campaigns in the field of photovoltaics are carried out on string inverters with up to 350 kVA power and for central inverters with up to approx. 5 MVA power. In the field of battery systems, inverters with outputs ranging from a few kilowatts to the megawatt range are measured. Likewise, DC fast charging stations are being measured more and more frequently; these now also reach power classes of up to 400 kVA (CCS) and will also offer charging power in the megawatt range (MCS) in the future.

Measurement of Electrolysers, CHPs and Other Electrical Generators / Consumers

Prüfung eines Solarwechselrichters mit 2,5 Megawatt Leistung im TestLab Power Electronics des Fraunhofer ISE.
Prüfung eines Solarwechselrichters mit 2,5 Megawatt Leistung im TestLab Power Electronics des Fraunhofer ISE.

Our multi-megawatt class infrastructure also enables us to offer measurements of power electronics for large-scale systems, such as combined heat and power plants, electrolysers, heat pumps and other generators and consumers. In the near future, these devices will also have to meet specific requirements under the grid connection guidelines / grid codes. We are prepared for these foreseeable measurements and are happy to support our customers individually in preparing for these upcoming developments. Measurements can be carried out in our laboratories or outdoors, as well as in the field.

Quick Analysis for PV Power Plants

At Fraunhofer ISE, we have many years of experience with PV power plants - including those whose yields fall short of expectations. The reasons for lower yields are complex and often not easy to identify. They can lie both in the area of the modules and their interconnection and in the area of the inverters. We have transferred our experience from research and from collaboration with industry into an analysis tool that allows us to automatically identify typical problems in a data set.

Troubleshooting in PV Power Plants

Yield losses?
Inverter failures?
System damage? 

The reasons for yield losses and faults in PV parks can be complex, e.g.,

  • PV module and inverter degradation
  • faulty planning or execution
  • faulty devices (e.g., inverters, grid protection, ICT)
  • grid interactions

Fraunhofer ISE detects the causes of these problems und provides suitable solutions. As a start, we offer a lean preliminary analysis that focuses on typical problems, without obligation.

For a preliminary analysis we require the following data:

  • plant information (location, tilt, azimuth, …)
  • measurement data from monitoring (P_AC, U_DC, I_DC, …)

Our digital decision path allows us to check the data for typical problems without much effort. In this analysis typical problems with modules, inverters, system design, etc. are considered. Based on the results of this preliminary analysis, we offer fast advice on how to solve the problem quickly, or, if necessary, we suggest further analysis of the problems by our inhouse experts.

We have developed a lean problem-solving process that allows us to narrow down the technical problem at an early stage and offer you professional advice. Our knowledge covers the entire PV system, including the cell and module technology, power plant design, inverter technology, and grid behavior.

The TestLab Power Electronics is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

Scope of Accreditation

  • FGW TR 3, Rev. 25 *(2018-09)
    Determination of electrical characteristics of power generating units and systems connected to MV, HV and EHV grids
  • FGW TR 4, Rev. 9 * (2019-02)
    Demands on Modelling and Validating Simulation Models of the Electrical Characteristics of Power Generating Units and Systems
  • DIN EN 61400-21 (2009-06)
     Wind turbines - Part 21: Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines
  • DIN EN 61683 (2000-08)
    Photovoltaic systems - Power conditioners - Procedure for measuring efficiency
  • DIN EN 50530 * (2013-12)
    Overall efficiency of grid-connected photovoltaic inverters
  • DIN VDE V 0124-100 * (2020-06)
    Grid integration of generator plants - Low-voltage - Test requirements for generator units to be connected to and operated in parallel with low-voltage distribution network
  • TLPE-HV-001, Rev. 1.0 (2016-03)
    Determination of the conversion efficiency of bidirectional inverters based on DIN EN 50530 (2013-12)
  • TLPE-HV-002, Rev. 1.0 (2016-03)
    Determination of the active and reactive power of bidirectional inverters based on the TR3 (Rev. 24)
  • TLPE-HV-003, Rev. 1.0 (2016-03)
    Determination of the Frequency-Active Power Performance (P(f)) of bidirectional inverters based on the TR3 (Rev. 24)
  • TLPE-HV-004, Rev. 1.0 (2021-05)
    Differential impedance spectroscopy - Determination of the frequency-dependent output impedance and internal harmonic voltage sources of power generation units
  • DIN EN 62116 * (2014-11)
    Utility-interconnected photovoltaic inverters – Test procedure of islanding prevention measures (IEC 62116:2014)

For the test methods marked with *, the testing laboratory is permitted to use the standardized test methods listed here, or those equivalent to them, with different editions, without requiring prior information and approval from DAkkS.
The testing laboratory has an up-to-date list of all test methods in the flexible accreditation scope.

Scope of Measurements

  • Measurement of PV inverters based on various international grid codes (Germany, Italy*, Spain*, China* and other countries*)
  • Conversion and MPPT efficiency
  • On-site field measurements for power plants (e.g. wind, pv parks, etc.) 
  • Measurement of Combined Heat & Power (CHP) and combustion engines on various international feed-in regulations (Germany, Italy*, Spain*, China* and other countries*)
  • Measurement and characterization of battery inverters and other power electronic components
  • Measurement of the output impedance of inverters by means of impedance spectroscopy
  • Testing of Arc Fault Detectors with Arcing Simulator (Ball & Ring Method and Replay Method) according to IEC 63027:2023 Photovoltaic power systems – DC arc detection and interruption (not accredited)
  • Measurement on devices with low voltage and medium voltage connection

*For certification measurements in cooperation with an external accredited certifier.

Special Lab Equipment

Details about the laboratory equipment can be found here.

Simulation Services

  • Generation and validation of inverter models for certification processes (e.g. according to FGW-TG4)
  • Detailed simulation of PV power plants for performance analysis and troubleshooting

Simulation and Analysis Software

  • MATLAB®/Simulink®, PLECS®
  • DigSILENT PowerFactory
  • Evaluation tools for inverter models
  • Software tools for harmonic and LVRT analysis


Steffen Eyhorn

Contact Press / Media

Steffen Eyhorn

TestLab Power Electronics

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5957

Roland Singer

Contact Press / Media

Roland Singer

Converter Based Power Grids

Fraunhofer ISE
Heidenhofstr. 2
79110 Freiburg

Phone +49 761 4588-5948

TestLab Power Electronics News

The TestLab Power Electronics is accredited by the DAkkS, Germany’s national accreditation body, according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 to perform studies on inverters and other components (e.g. battery inverter, CHP, etc.). Performance ranges: DC power: 2.4 MW, AC power: 10 MVA.