Techno-Economic and Market Analyses for Energy Technologies

Within the reseach topic "Energy System Analysis", Fraunhofer ISE examines the use of energy technologies for different applications, such as the generation of power or heat, grid feed-in or on-site consumption, and also evaluates them from technical and economic perspectives for specific locations.

The benefits to clients from these studies of technical and economical factors are manifold: Evaluations of various energy technologies can serve as a basis for technology assessments, long-term corporate strategies and future investment decisions. Observing the interplay between different technologies within a power plant in an integrated way can underpin decisions concerning the development and construction of a plant, or the technological composition of regional and national energy systems.

Factors including the profile and level of energy yield, system flexibility and the creation of local jobs are called into play in technical comparisons. In contrast, economic assessments focus attention on criteria such as purchase investments, operating costs and electricity generation costs.

In the regularly published study “Levelized Cost of Electricity - Renewable Energy Technologies”, the Energy System Analysis business area not only appraises the electricity generation costs for renewable power generation technologies, but also for fossil fuel power plants, thus enabling cross-technology comparisons. This study both outlines the costs involved in various power generation technologies at the present time, and also forecasts how they will develop in future.



R&D Services

Our R&D services on the topic Techno-Economic Assessment of Energy Technologies comprise

  • Technical and economic assessment (of solar technologies, wind turbines, energy storage and other types of power generation)
  • Technology assessment of the future energy system
  • Technology trends and cost developments
  • Evaluation of environmental impacts
  • Analysis of the competitiveness and markets of technologies and applications
  • Analysis of renewable energy potential
  • Consideration of macroeconomic effects

Research Projects on this Topic


Technologies for Geothermal Power Plants to Enhance Competitiveness Through Smart and Flexible Operation

Analysis of a Technology Mix in a Renewable Energy Park in MENA

Technology Mix Optimization for a Solar and Wind Park in Kuwait

Solar Thermal Power Plants for the Power Systems in the MENA Region

Power Plant Analysis and Integration into the Power Markets as part of MENA CSP


Business Models for Electricity Storage Systems

Levelized Cost of Electricity – Renewable Energy Technologies