Monitoring of Buildings and Systems

Data Acquisition, Processing and Analysis

Our monitoring enables comprehensive energy balancing and evaluation. This concerns both the operating behavior of individual energy technology systems - such as heat pumps, combined heat and power plants and solar collectors - as well as entire buildings. In particular, we specialize in conducting field studies with a large number of test objects and a high level of detail.

We support HVAC system and component manufacturers, building automation providers and energy service providers in developing the scope of topics to be investigated. We define research objectives and develop suitable monitoring concepts. In addition, we accompany the installation of the sensors in the systems and evaluate the measurement data collected using scientific methods.

With the visualization and interpretation of the results, our monitoring covers the entire value chain of the energy evaluation process of the objects under investigation.

Our constantly growing experience is based on the analysis of over 350 heat pump heating systems in single-family homes and over 50 energy analyses of multi-family homes and non-residential buildings (industrial, office and commercial)

Creation of Measurement and Monitoring Concepts

Messkonzept Wärmepumpenheizungsanlage.
© Fraunhofer ISE
Measurement Concept for Heat Pump Heating System.

We create measurement and monitoring concepts to comprehensively record and analyze systems and buildings. We select suitable sensors and plan their positioning and installation in the systems. We install the data acquisition and data transfer to our servers.

Selection and Supervision of Test Objects

Monitoringobjekte in einem Feldtest.
© Fraunhofer ISE
Monitoring objects in a field test.

The evaluation of buildings and energy technology systems such as heat pumps, ventilation systems and solar collectors is carried out on the basis of measurement data from real test objects as part of field tests. We supervise the selection and maintenance of the monitoring systems in the test objects for the entire duration of the project.

Data Evaluation and Visualization

Visualisierung der Ergebnisse.
© Mondas GmbH
Visualization of the Results.

We carry out an in-depth and comprehensive assessment of the energy and functional performance of systems and buildings based on the measurement data collected. We use prefabricated data filters and error detection procedures that enable automated and reliable data processing and evaluation. In addition, the results are presented graphically in a web-based format.

Selected Research Projects


HP-QA in Existing Buildings

Development of optimized supply concepts and sustainable quality assurance measures for heat pumps in existing single-family homes


WPsmart im Bestand: Pump Field Trial

Focus Existing Buildings and Smart Control


Heat Pump Monitoring

Heat Pump Field Trial in New Single Familiy Houses (II)


Heat Pump Efficiency

Heat Pump Field Trial in New Single Family Houses (I)



Initiative for Market Establishment and Dissemination of Thermal-Electrical Energy Supply Systems with PVT Collectors and Heat Pumps in the Building Sector