Flexibility Management of Energy Systems

The decentralization of the energy system as an important element of the energy transition requires new local energy and organizational structures. We provide answers for their design.

By using intelligent, data-based utilization concepts for flexibility, consumers become flexible energy industry assets. This makes them a solution option for integrating renewable energies into the grid and system. At the same time, decentralized business models and thus economic added value for the players involved are emerging.

In an environment made more complex by the high volatility of renewable energies, sector coupling and a dynamic regulatory framework, we are developing AI-based load forecasts and, on this basis, agile and predictive operational management algorithms that can be used to evaluate a wide range of energy industry use cases from the perspective of stakeholders and systems on the one hand and implement them in reality on the other. 

With regard to the effects of energy industry trends on the energy system, we address the consulting needs of our customers, e.g. grid operators and municipal utilities. For technology providers, e.g. manufacturers of electricity storage systems, we provide tools based on scientific methods to further develop their products and business models.

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Flexibility Management of Energy Systems" we focus on the following fields of work:

Synthetic Profiles for Supply and Demand

Predictive Operational Management: AI-based Load Forecasting

Data-Supported Operational Management of Thermal-Electric Energy Systems

Energy Management: Forecast-Based Optimization and Model Predictive Control

Integration of Decentralized Energy Systems in the Energy Market

Aggregation and Pooling of Decentralized Energy Systems

R&D Infrastructure

This infrastructure is available to us at Fraunhofer ISE for our research and development activities:


Digital Grid Lab

  • Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) system
  • 8 power amplifiers (100 kVA each)
  • Real grid control center
  • Test stand for smart grid control systems and communications technology
  • Extensive tool suite for IP-based communication protocols
  • Benchmark test environment for the characterization of energy management systems

Selected Research Projects



Data-driven design and operational management of decentralized electrical storage systems in manufacturing SMEs



Software Solutions for Monitoring and Control Systems



Synthetic load profiles for residential and commercial

Recent Publications on the Topic "Flexibility Management of Energy Systems"

Publication Type
2024 Potenziale von Stellplätzen an Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden zur Bereitstellung privater Ladeinfrastruktur
Kühnbach, Matthias; Plötz, Patrick; Stephan, Annegret; Kähler, Janis; Surmann, Arne; Biener, Wolfgang; John, Robert
2024 To charge or not to charge? Using Prospect Theory to model the tradeoffs of electric vehicle users
Pelka, Sabine; Bosch, Antonia; Chappin, Emile J.L.; Liesenhoff, Fabian; Kühnbach, Matthias; Vries, Laurens J. de
Journal Article
2024 Assessing the conditions for economic viability of dynamic electricity retail tariffs for households
Stute, Judith; Pelka, Sabine; Kühnbach, Matthias; Klobasa, Marian
Journal Article
2023 Vor-Ort-Systeme als flexibler Baustein im Energiesystem
Flemming, Sebastian; Bender, Tom; Surmann, Arne; Pelka, Sabine; Martin, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias
2023 Utilizing Flexibility Potentials in Local Energy Systems
Bender, Tom; Flemming, Sebastian; Surmann, Arne; Pelka, Sabine; Martin, Arne; Klaiber, Stefan; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Study on Energy Storage
Hoogland, Onne; Fluri, Verena; Kost, Christoph; Klobasa, Marian; Kühnbach, Matthias; Khanra, Manish; Antretter, Michelle; Koornneef, Joris; Weijde, Harry van der; Satish, Aravind; Battistutta, Elisa; Veum, Karina; Gorenstein Dedecca, João; Doorman, Anniek; Nuffel, Luc van; Cerny, Ondrej; Breitschopf, Barbara; Herbst, Andrea
2023 Dynamic pricing and the flexible consumer - Investigating grid and financial implications: A case study for Germany
Stute, Judith; Kühnbach, Matthias
Journal Article
2023 Großer Wurf oder leeres Versprechen? Attraktivität und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Gemeinschaftlichen Gebäudeversorgung
Kühnbach, Matthias; Surmann, Arne; Oberfeier, Paula
Journal Article
2023 Getting Closer to Reality? Peak-Shaving with Battery Systems in Commerce and Industry
Groß, Arne; Kreilgaard, Lars; Köpfer, Benedikt; Kühnbach, Matthias
Conference Paper
2022 Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment, Part I - Methodology
Chaudhry, Shubhra; Surmann, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias; Pierie, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Lohnt sich die österreichische Energiegemeinschaft auch für Deutschland? Eine Fallstudie
Surmann, Arne; Erge, Thomas; Kühnbach, Matthias; Kohrs, Robert
Journal Article
2022 Renewable Energy Communities as Modes of Collective Prosumership: A Multi-Disciplinary Assessment, Part II - Case Study
Chaudhry, Shubhra; Surmann, Arne; Kühnbach, Matthias; Pierie, Frank
Journal Article
2021 C/sells - das Energiesystem der Zukunft im Solarbogen Süddeutschlands
Reuter, Albrecht; Langniß, Ole; Haller, Birgit; Spengler, Nicolas; Bär, Christian; Bekk, Anke; Dreher, Alexander; Dütschke, Elisabeth; Gölz, Sebastian; Habbishaw, Katharina; et al.; Hoppe, Jens; Klausmann, Florian; Kohrs, Robert; Kühnbach, Matthias; Wesche, Julius; Liebehentze, Sven; Klobasa, Marian; Müller, Tobias; Nestle, David; Pelka, Sabine; Schütt, Jonathan; Stute, Judith; Lutz, Alexander; Wiemer, Martin; Wittwer, Christof; Marten, Frank
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