Solar Thermal: Systems and Components

In the topic "Solar Thermal: Systems and Components", we examine low-temperature solar thermal systems and components with heat transfer media such as water or air as well as heat pipe concepts. The systems support both the provision of domestic hot water and space heating, whereby efficient integration into the overall heating system is particularly important.  

Intelligent control algorithms play just as important a role here as components whose hydraulic properties are optimized for the relevant system integration. Furthermore, optics for directing and concentrating radiation and the modification of optical material properties through surface technology are being worked on. Combined photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) collectors allow us to generate electricity and heat simultaneously on one and the same surface. We are working on façade and roof-integrated solutions that offer sensible architectural options for integrating solar thermal energy into the building envelope and using it in a multifunctional way. We are also working on new manufacturing processes, materials and the final installation processes for solar thermal energy. New cost-cutting approaches, both methodically and in terms of design optimization, enable solar thermal energy to become even more economically attractive.  

We characterize components in accredited test laboratories as a basis for certification and create the foundations for standardization. Functional and service life testing as well as monitoring campaigns in the field are also important components of our quality assurance activities.  

We have in-depth expertise in materials science, component design, characterization and testing methods, theoretical modelling and simulation, system control and system development. Extensive experience in a wide range of applications rounds off our profile.

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Solar Thermal: Systems and Components" we focus on the following fields of work:

Construction and Manufacture of Solar Collectors

Functional and Lifetime Testing, Standarization, Certification

Solar Thermal Heat Supply and Operational Management

Cost and Performance Optimizations

Construction and Manufacture of PVT Collectors and Systems

R&D Infrastructure

At Fraunhofer ISE, we benefit from this infrastructure for our research and development activities:


Solar Thermal Technology

TestLab Solar Thermal Systems

We test solar collectors, components and complete systems. In addition, we provide support to our clients in developing their products.

Selected Research Projects



Initiative for Market Establishment and Dissemination of Thermal-Electrical Energy Supply Systems with PVT Collectors and Heat Pumps in the Building Sector



Modular Power Transfer Station



Concepts for Architecturally Adapted Collectors for Existing and New Buildings


Efficient Heating

Systematic Investigation and Evaluation of the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of Solar-Based Renewable Heating Systems in Comparison with Alternative Systems

Current Publications on the Topic "Solar Thermal: Systems and Components"

Publication Type
2023 Photovoltaic-Thermal Technology - PVT Collectors, Systems and Applications
Kramer, Korbinian; Mehnert, Stefan; Munz, Gunther; Helmling, Sebastian; Lämmle, Manuel
Journal Article
2023 Solare Kühlung und Trocknung von Fischen in Kenia
Fischer, Matthias; Esper, Albert; Pfanner, Norbert; Morgenstern, Alexander
Journal Article
2023 Producing the goods
Morgenstern, Alexander; Pfanner, Norbert
Journal Article
2023 Comparison of PVT - heat pump systems with reference systems for the energy supply of a single-family house
Chhugani, Bharat; Pärisch, Peter; Helmling, Sebastian; Giovannetti, Federico
Journal Article
2023 Ökobilanzierung: mehr als der CO2-Fussabdruck
Fischer, Marie
Journal Article
2022 Winkelabhängige Eigenschaften von MorphoColorTM-Solarkollektoren: Farbstabilität, IAM, Ertrag
Mehnert, Stefan; Kroyer, Thomas; Wessels, Andreas; Höhn, Oliver; Bläsi, Benedikt; Bueno Unzeta, Bruno; Wilson, Helen Rose; Kuhn, Tilmann
2022 Wärmepumpen sind oft günstiger als Gaskessel
Meyer, Robert; Senkpiel, Charlotte
Journal Article
2022 TABSOLAR III - Wirtschaftliche Fertigungs- und Systemkonzepte für die nachhaltige Wärmeversorgung von Gebäuden mit durchströmbaren Bauelementen aus Ultrahochleistungsbeton
Hermann, Michael; Lauro, Paolo Di; Seifarth, Hannes; Sablotny, Tino; Zajutro, Maren; Mogalle, Ralf; Pille, Klaus; Neumann, Moritz
Conference Paper
2022 Performance of Heat Pump Systems with PVT Collectors with optimized Finned Heat Exchangers integrated as single Heat Source
Lämmle, Manuel; Munz, Gunther
Conference Paper
2022 Softwareunabhängig-verlustfreie Projektdatenumgebung und föderal-selbstbeschreibende parametrische Modellierung multifunktionaler Bauprodukte auf Basis des Semantic Web mit Fokus auf die Gebäudehülle. Schlussbericht
Maurer, Christoph; Rist, Tim; Kuhn, Tilmann; Shi, Meiling; Huyeng, Tim-Jonathan; Hoffmann, André; Thiele, Christian-Dominik; Rüppel, Uwe; Sprenger, Wendelin
2022 TABSOLARⓇ - a novel approach of thermo-active (solar) building systems based on ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
Hermann, Michael; Hildebrandt, Christina; Mattmüller, Jan; Felic, Artur; Sablotny, Tino; Tesari, Iwiza; Bethge, Klaus; Böke, Jens
Journal Article
2022 EnWiSol_II - Solarthermie in der städtischen Energieversorgung - Gesamtvorhaben -. Abschlussbericht
Oliva, Axel; Herkel, Sebastian; Frison, Lilli; Scharf, Katrin; Kaupenjohann, Lukas; Ripka, Alexander
2022 Passgenaue Softwarelösungen für Handwerksbetriebe
Meyer, Robert
Journal Article
2022 Die Energiewende im Gebäudesektor - aktuelle Entwicklungen aus der Forschung
Henning, Hans-Martin
2022 Betriebsanalyse von 5 PVT-Wärmepumpensystemen auf Basis von Feldmessdaten über 12 Monate im Rahmen des Projektes integraTE
Helmling, Sebastian; Geimer, Konstantin; Langner, Robert
Conference Paper
2022 Simulationen und Messungen im Kontext von TABSOLAR®-Systemen
Mattmüller, Jan; Sporrer, Heike
2022 Building Product Ontology: Core Ontology for Linked Building Product Data
Wagner, A.; Sprenger, Wendelin; Maurer, Christoph; Kuhn, Tilmann E.; Rüppel, U.
Journal Article
2022 Design concepts and performance characterization of heat pipe wick structures by LPBF additive manufacturing
Kappe, Konstantin; Bihler, Michael; Morawietz, Katharina; Hügenell, Philipp; Pfaff, Aron; Hoschke, Klaus
Journal Article
2022 Der Gebäudesektor im Kontext der Energie- und Klimapolitik
Henning, Hans-Martin
2021 Heizungstechnologien im Gebäude: Ein Beitrag zur Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Klimawirksamkeit
Meyer, Robert; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Heilig, Judith; Berneiser, Jessica; Fluri, Verena; Gorbach, Gregor; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph
2021 Mikro- und makroklimatische Belastungen und Auswirkungen auf solarthermische Kollektoren im Laufe von 7 Jahren Freibewitterung in verschiedenen Klimaten
Weiß, Karl-Anders; Heck, Markus
Conference Paper
2021 Optimierte Regelung von thermisch getriebenen Kühlsystemen - Simulation und Praxistest
Nienborg, Björn; Singler, J.; Gührlich, D.; Dalibard, Antoine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Basic concepts of PVT collector technologies, applications and markets
Lämmle, Manuel; Herrando, María; Ryan, Glen
2020 Development of a Simple Setup for Temperature Dependent Mass Spectrometric Measurements for the Investigation of Outgassing Effects in Polymeric Materials for Solar Application
Piekarczyk, Andreas; Heitmann, Ulrike; Weiß, Karl-Anders; Köhl, Michael; Bald, Ilko
Journal Article
2020 Solarthermiekosten senken
Kramer, Wolfgang; Keuper, A.
Journal Article
2020 Measurement Results of a District Heating System with Decentralized Incorporated Solar Thermal Energy for an Energy, Cost Effective and Electricity Grid Favorable Intermitting Operation
Oliva, Axel; Kim, Y.; Lämmle, Manuel; Herkel, Sebastian; Ripka, A.; Gebele, C.
Conference Paper
2019 Effizientere solarthermische Heizungsanlagen durch Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)
Kramer, Wolfgang
Conference Paper
2019 Messtechnische Analysen aus der Inbetriebnahme der dezentral eingebunden Solarthermieanlagen im Demonstrationsvorhaben Freiburg-Gutleutmatten
Oliva, Axel
Conference Paper
2019 EnWiSol. Solarthermie in der städtischen Energieversorgung - Energiewirtschaftliche Analyse und Demonstrationsvorhaben "Freiburg-Gutleutmatten". Gesamtvorhaben
Oliva, Axel; Herkel, Sebastian; Elci, Mehmet; Helmling, Sebastian; Wapler, Jeannette; Ripka, Alexander
2019 Performance modeling of PVT collectors: Implementation, validation and parameter identification approach using TRNSYS
Jonas, D.; Lämmle, Manuel; Theis, D.; Schneider, S.; Frey, G.
Journal Article
2019 TEWISol - Technisch-wirtschaftliche Optimierung von solarthermischen Kombianlagen. Gesamtvorhabe. Abschlussbericht
Oliva, Axel; Schneeweis, Julia; Kramer, Wolfgang; Tönnes, Christian; Dölle, Christian; Schuh, Günther
2019 Künstliche Intelligenz regelt Heizungsanlagen effizienter
Kramer, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2019 Heizen mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Kramer, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2018 International definitions of "BIPV"
Berger, Karl; Cueli, Ana Belén; Boddaert, Simon; Buono, Matteo del; Delisle, Véronique; Fedorova, Anna; Frontini, Francesco; Hendrick, Patrick; Inoue, Seiji; Ishii, Hisashi; Kapsis, Costa; Kim, Jun-Tae; Kovacs, Peter; Chivelet, Nuria Martín; Maturi, Laura; Machado, Maider; Schneider, Astrid; Wilson, Helen Rose
2016 Untersuchung und simulationstechnische Optimierung von Wärmeversorgungskonzepten für Wohngebäude, deren Gesamtwärmebedarf zu 50 % bis 100 % mit Solarwärme gedeckt wird und Vergleich mit anderen CO2-reduzierten Wärmeversorgungskonzepten. Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben
Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Müller, Matthias; Bühl, Jürgen; Dasch, Georg; Kerschl, Christian
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