News #01

Call for Papers: International Conference in Electrolysis ICE 2025

The 5th International Conference on Electrolysis ICE 2025 will be held in Freiburg, Germany, from August 25 to 29, 2025. This event provides a key platform for technical experts in industry, academic researchers and PhD students, for example, to share breakthroughs in water electrolysis, particularly in its role as a technology for green hydrogen production. The organizing committee has already launched the Call for Papers, which remains open until end of January 2025.

“We are delighted to host the conference at a time when the global shift towards sustainable energy systems is accelerating, wind and solar installation rates are growing and system integration across sectors, for example by means of hydrogen production and storage, is becoming increasingly important. Electrolysis remains central to this vision, as it allows sustainable hydrogen production and enables the decarbonization of all sectors, forming the basis of a hydrogen-based economy”, says Dr. Tom Smolinka, chairman of the conference.

As in past years, the ICE 2025 offers a great opportunity to present and discuss all topics related to advances in water electrolysis research, innovation and industrial application. The committee aims to uphold a strong technical focus on water electrolysis, from the fundamentals and new materials through innovative cell and stack concepts, up to the challenges facing system integration, degradation mechanisms and durability. The conference addresses all low and high-temperature processes based on water or steam electrolysis as well as more advanced technologies, like co-electrolysis with carbon dioxide.

All abstracts are considered for either an oral or poster presentation. To better evaluate and pre-sort the abstracts, we kindly request all submitters to assign their abstracts to one of the following technologies as well as to one of the research topics listed below.


Addressed technologies:

-           Alkaline water electrolysis

-            Proton exchange membrane water electrolysis

-            Anion exchange membrane water electrolysis

-            High-temperature steam electrolysis

-            Proton conducting ceramic electrolysis

-            Membrane less or decoupled water electrolysis

-            Other alternative electrolysis approaches (for hydrogen production)

Research topics covered are the following:

-           Fundamentals

-            Modeling of components, cells, and systems

-            Electrocatalysis/Electrocatalysts

-            Ionomers/Separators/Membranes/Diaphragms

-            Electrolyte electrode assemblies as membrane electrode assemblies

-            Porous transport layers (anode and cathode)

-            Bipolar plates, interconnectors, and protective coatings

-            Cell and stack design

-            Manufacturing of components, stacks, and systems

-            BOP and electrolysis system

-            Durability, lifetime, and accelerated stress tests

All abstracts will be subject to a detailed reviewing process, in which the following criteria are particularly taken into account: relevance to the conference topics, originality and interest to the participants, scientific quality of the methodology and results, and formalities and clarity of the abstract. 

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