III-V Solar Cells, Modules and Concentrator Photovoltaics

In the business area "III-V Solar Cells, Modules and Concentrating Photovoltaics", we are working on the most efficient PV technology and looking for economically attractive solutions. The III-V solar cells we develop are known for their high performance and long-term stability and we continue to set new benchmarks with international record values.

One focus of our research is to reduce the manufacturing costs through new production processes. In addition to requirements from space and concentrator photovoltaics (CPV), we also address solutions for mass markets, such as vehicle-integrated photovoltaics (VIPV) for electromobility.

With the help of our excellent laboratory infrastructure, we work both on the development and optimization of next-generation solar cells and on adapting these devices to the specific requirements of our customers. We cover a wide range of topics, such as ultra-thin flexible cells and modules, engineered substrates with different lattice constants, innovative processes for cost-effective cell production, nanostructured mirrors, and advanced measurement technology. In concentrating photovoltaics, we cover all aspects of solar cells, optics, module technology and systems, up to, for example, the production of solar hydrogen. Finally, we use our expertise in the development of photonic and power electronic components for other applications, such as optical power transmission or thermophotovoltaics (TPV).


Fields of Work

In the topic "III-V Solar Cells, Modules and Concentrating Photovoltaics" we deal with the following fields of work:

III-V Material Develop- ment and Epitaxy

Process Technology and Device Fabrication

Modeling and Design of III-V Solar Cells and Devices

Development of III-V Silicon Tandem Solar Cells

Characterization of III-V Solar Cells and Modules

Packaging Technolo- gies and Reliability Testing for III-V Solar Cells and Modules

Concentrating PV Modules

R&D Infrastructure

This infrastructure is available to us at Fraunhofer ISE for our research and development activities:


Center for High Efficiency Solar Cells

We test and optimize advanced PV technologies in more than 1000 m² of state-of-the-art clean room and laboratory space. Innovative processes and technologies are researched in this center for future use in industry, including wet-chemical processes, photo and laser lithography, nanoimprint laboratory, vapor deposition of metals and dielectrics.


CalLab PV Cells

The accredited calibration laboratory CalLab PV Cells at Fraunhofer ISE offers high-precision, reproducible calibrations and measurements of all types of solar cells according to international standards, for example, spectral responsivity/quantum efficiency, reflectance, current-voltage measurements, especially under variable spectra and intensities, various broadband and laser light sources as well as filters are available.


Concentrator Technology Evaluation Center Con-TEC

Con-TEC has a wide range of assembly and connection technologies available for the development and assembly of customized modules and packages. We test components and production processes with a focus on reliability and material analysis. We develop prototypes and produce small series to evaluate new components, designs and processes.

Selected Reserach-Projects


50 Prozent

Monolithic III-V Multi-Junction Solar Cells with More than 50 % Efficiency under Concentrated Irradiation



Development of a Highly Concentrating CPV Module Based on Modern Micro-Production Technology



Development of Demonstrators for Direct Solar Water Splitting



Hybrid Photovoltaics for Efficiency Record using Integrated Optical Technology



Development of a Low-cost and High Efficient Solar Module Using a Solar Cell with 5-pn Junctions



Solar Hydrogen Generation Using a HyCon System



Demonstration of the Potential of Monolithic Tandem Solar Cells Made of III-V Semiconductors and Silicon

Current Publications on the Topic "III-V Solar Cells, Modules and Concentrator Photovoltaics"

Publication Type
2025 Wafer-bonded two-terminal III-V//Si triple-junction solar cell with power conversion efficiency of 36.1% at AM1.5g
Schygulla, Patrick; Müller, Ralph; Höhn, Oliver; Schachtner, Michael; Chojniak, David; Cordaro, Andrea; Tabernig, Stefan; Bläsi, Benedikt; Polman, Albert; Siefer, Gerald; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2024 A Precise Method for the Spectral Adjustment of LED and Multi-Light Source Solar Simulators
Chojniak, David; Schachtner, Michael; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Bett, Alexander J.; Rauer, Michael; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Schmid, Alexandra; Siefer, Gerald; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Spectrometric Characterization for Triple-Junction Solar Cells
Aulich, Johanna; Chojniak, David; Bett, Alexander J.; Steiner, Marc; Schindler, Florian; Siefer, Gerald; Schubert, Martin; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2024 Measuring the Device-Level EQE of Multi-Junction Photonic Power Converters
Schachtner, Michael; Beattie, Meghan N.; Reichmuth, Kasimir; Wekkeli, Alexander; Siefer, Gerald; Helmers, Henning
Journal Article
2024 A prospective ecological risk assessment of high-efficiency III–V/silicon tandem solar cells
Blanco, Carlos Felipe; Quik, Joris T.K.; Hof, M; Fuortes, Agnese; Behrens, Paul; Cucurachi, Stefano; Peijnenburg, Willie; Dimroth, Frank; Vijver, Martina
Journal Article
2024 Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon) Solar Cells
Kafle, Bishal; Richter, Armin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 InP- and GaAs-Based Photonic Power Converters Under O-Band Laser Illumination: Performance Analysis and Comparison
Beattie, Meghan; Helmers, Henning; Forcade, Gavin; Valdivia, Christopher; Höhn, Oliver; Hinzer, Karin
Journal Article
2023 Resource-efficient generation of large-area micro and nanostructures
Bläsi, Benedikt; Müller, Martina; Rossmeier, Harald
Journal Article
2023 Photonen zur Energieübertragung
Helmers, Henning
Journal Article
2023 Low-Cost Outdoor Spectral Irradiances Determination and its Application on Concentrator Photovoltaic Module Power Rating and Energy Yield Calculation
Steiner, Marc; Martinez Sanchez, Juan Francisco; Mathur, Paresh; Sarkar, Subrata; Siefer, Gerald
Journal Article
2023 The effect of passivation to etching duration ratio on bipolar electrochemical etching of porous layer stacks in germanium
Schreiber, Waldemar; Liu, Tingzhu; Janz, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Photovoltaics at Multi-Terawatt Scale: Waiting is not an Option
Haegel, Nancy M.; Verlinden, Pierre; Victoria, Marta; Altermatt, Pietro; Atwater, Harry; Barnes, Teresa; Breyer, Christian; Case, Chris; Wolf, Stefaan de; Deline, Chris; Dharmrin, Marwan; Dimmler, Bernhard; Gloeckler, Markus; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hallam, Bret; Haussener, Sophia; Holder, Burkhard; Jaeger, Ulrich; Jaeger-Waldau, Arnulf; Kaizuka, Izumi; Kikusator, Hiroshi; Kroposki, Benjamin; Kurtz, Sarah; Matsubara, Koji; Nowak, Stefan; Ogimoto, Kazuhiko; Peter, Christian; Peters, I. Marius; Philipps, Simon; Powalla, Michael; Rau, Uwe; Reindl, Thomas; Roumpani, Maria; Sakurai, Keiichiro; Schorn, Christian; Schlatmann, Rutger; Schossig, Peter; Schlatmann, Rutger; Sinton, Ron; Slaoui, Abdelilah; Smith, Brittany L.; Schneidewind, Peter; Stanbery, Billy; Topic, Marko; Tumas, William; Vasi, Juzer; Vetter, Matthias; Weber, Eicke; Weeber, Arthur; Weidlich, Anke; Weiss, Dirk; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2023 III-V Material Growth on Electrochemically Porosified Ge Substrates
Winter da Costa, Edgard; Schreiber, Waldemar; Schygulla, Patrick; Lustoza de Souza, Patricia; Janz, Stefan; Lackner, David; Ohlmann, Jens
Journal Article
2023 Proton radiation hardness of GaInAsP alloys for space solar cell applications
Pellegrino, Carmine; Schön, Jonas; Lang, Robin; Dimroth, Frank; Zimmermann, Claus G.; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2023 Mask and plate: a scalable front metallization with low-cost potential for III-V-based tandem solar cells enabling 31.6 % conversion efficiency
Schube, Jörg; Höhn, Oliver; Schygulla, Patrick; Müller, Ralph; Jahn, Mike; Mikolasch, Gabriele; Steiner, Marc; Predan, Felix; Bartsch, Jonas; Dimroth, Frank; Clement, Florian; Keding, Roman
Journal Article
2023 Translation of Outdoor Tandem PV Module I-V Measurements to a STC Power Rating
Steiner, Marc; Siefer, Gerald
Journal Article
2023 Photovoltaics: Towards 50 percent efficiency
Höhn, Oliver
Journal Article
2023 Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 61)
Green, Martin A.; Dunlop, Ewan D.; Siefer, Gerald; Yoshita, Masahiro; Kopidakis, Nikos; Bothe, Karsten; Hao, Xiaojing
Journal Article
2023 Effective radiative recombination coefficient of p-AlGaAs for varying aluminium concentrations
Schygulla, Patrick; Lang, Robin; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2023 Nano-patterned back-reflector with engineered near-/far-field light scattering for enhanced light trapping in silicon-based multi-junction solar cells
Cordaro, Andrea; Müller, Ralph; Tabernig, Stefan; Tucher, Nico; Schygulla, Patrick; Höhn, Oliver; Bläsi, Benedikt; Polman, Albert
Journal Article
2023 Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 62)
Green, Martin A.; Dunlop, Ewan D.; Yoshita, Masahiro; Kopidakis, Nikos; Bothe, Karsten; Siefer, Gerald; Hao, Xiaojing
Journal Article
2022 Light trapping gratings for solar cells: An analytical period optimization approach
Bläsi, Benedikt; Hanser, Mario; Jäger, Klaus; Höhn, Oliver
Journal Article
2022 The annual-hydrogen-yield-climatic-response ratio: evaluating the real-life performance of integrated solar water splitting devices
Köhlbach, Moritz; Höhn, Oliver; Rehfeld, Kira; Finkbeiner, Manuel; Barry, James; May, Matthias M.
Journal Article
2022 Solar cell efficiency tables (Version 60)
Green, Martin A.; Dunlop, Ewan; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Yoshita, Masahiro; Kopidakis, Nikos; Bothe, Karsten; Hinken, David; Rauer, Michael; Hao, Xiaojing
Journal Article
2022 Improving the Accuracy of Energy Yield Calculations of Tandem Solar Cell-based CPV-Modules
Steiner, Marc; Mathur, P.; Sarkar, S.; Siefer, Gerald
Journal Article
2022 Revealing fundamentals of charge extraction in photovoltaic devices through potentiostatic photoluminescence imaging
Wagner, Lukas; Schygulla, Patrick; Herterich, Jan Philipp; Elshamy, Mohamed; Bogachuk, Dmitry; Zouhair, Salma; Mastroianni, Simone; Würfel, Uli; Liu, Yuhang; Zakeeruddin, Shaik M.; Grätzel, Michael; Hinsch, Andreas; Glunz, Stefan
Journal Article
2022 Integration of Si Heterojunction Solar Cells with III-V Solar Cells by the Pd Nanoparticle Array-Mediated "Smart Stack" Approach
Mizuno, Hidenori; Makita, Kikuo; Sai, Hitoshi; Mochizuki, Toshimitsu; Matsui, Takuya; Takato, Hidetaka; Müller, Ralph; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank; Sugaya, Takeyoshi
Journal Article
2022 Spray pyrolysis of ZnO:In: Characterization of Growth Mechanism and Interface Analysis on p-type GaAs and n-type Si Semiconductor Materials
Heitmann, Ulrike; Westraadt, Johan; O'Connell, Jacques; Jakob, Leonie; Dimroth, Frank; Bartsch, Jonas; Janz, Stefan; Neethling, Jan
Journal Article
2022 Overview and loss analysis of III-V single-junction and multi-junction solar cells
Yamaguchi, Masafumi; Dimroth, Frank; Ekins-Daukes, Nicholas J.; Kojima, Nobuaki; Ohshita, Yoshio
Journal Article
2022 Improvements in Ultra-Light and Flexible Epitaxial Lift-Off GaInP/GaAs/GaInAs Solar Cells for Space Applications
Schön, Jonas; Bissels, G.M.M.W.; Mulder, P.; Leest, R.H. van; Gruginskie, N.; Vlieg, E.; Chojniak, David; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2022 GaAs//CuIn1-yGaySe2 Three-Junction Solar Cells with 28.06% Efficiency Fabricated Using a Bonding Technique Involving Pd Nanoparticles and an Adhesive
Makita, Kikuo; Kamikawa, Yukiko; Mizuno, Hidenori; Oshima, Ryuji; Shoji, Yasushi; Ishizuka, Shogo; Müller, Ralf; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank; Sugaya, Takeyoshi; Beutel, Paul; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin
Journal Article
2022 Two-terminal III-V//Si triple-junction solar cell with power conversion efficiency of 35.9 % at AM1.5g
Schygulla, Patrick; Müller, Ralph; Lackner, David; Höhn, Oliver; Hauser, Hubert; Bläsi, Benedikt; Predan, Felix; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2022 Ultra-lightweight and flexible inverted metamorphic four junction solar cells for space applications
Klitzke, Malte; Schön, Jonas; Leest, Rosalinda H. van; Bissels, Gunther M.M.W.; Vlieg, Elias; Schachtner, Michael; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2022 Analysis for Efficiency Potential of II-VI Compound, Chalcopyrite, and Kesterite-Based Tandem Solar Cells
Yamaguchi, Masafumi; Tampo, H.; Shibata, H.; Schygulla, Patrick; Dimroth, Frank; Kojima, N.; Oshita, Y.
Journal Article
2021 III-V//CuxIn1-yGaySe2 Multijunction Solar Cells with 27.2% Efficiency Fabricated using Modified Smart Stack Technology with Pd Nanoparticle Array and Adhesive Material
Makita, K.; Kamikawa, Y.; Mizuno, H.; Oshima, R.; Shoji, Y.; Ishizuka, S.; Müller, Ralph; Beutel, Paul; Lackner, David; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Dimroth, Frank; Sugaya, T.
Journal Article
2021 Power rating procedure of hybrid concentrator/flat-plate photovoltaic bifacial modules
Martínez Sánchez, Juan Francisco; Steiner, Marc; Wiesenfarth, Maike; Siefer, Gerald; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2021 Middle Cell Development for Wafer-Bonded III-V//Si Tandem Solar Cells
Schygulla, Patrick; Heinz, Friedemann D.; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2021 68.9% Efficient GaAs-Based Photonic Power Conversion Enabled by Photon Recycling and Optical Resonance. Cover Picture
Helmers, Henning; Lopez, E.; Höhn, Oliver; Lackner, David; Schön, Jonas; Schauerte, Meike; Schachtner, Michael; Dimroth, Frank; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2021 Experimental Coupling Process Efficiency and Benefits of Back Surface Reflectors in Photovoltaic Multi-junction Photonic Power Converters
Lopez, E.; Höhn, Oliver; Schauerte, Meike; Lackner, David; Schachtner, Michael; Reichmuth, Kasimir S.; Helmers, Henning
Journal Article
2021 Optimizing Metal Grating Back Reflectors for III-V-on-Silicon Multijunction Solar Cells
Tillmann, P.; Bläsi, Benedikt; Burger, S.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Höhn, Oliver; Becker, C.; Jäger, K.
Journal Article
2021 Passivated, Highly Reflecting, Laser Contacted Ge Rear Side for III-V Multi-Junction Solar Cells
Weiss, Charlotte; Schön, Jonas; Höhn, Oliver; Fuhrmann, B.; Dimroth, Frank; Janz, Stefan
Journal Article
2021 Epitaxial GaInP/GaAs/Si Triple-Junction Solar Cell with 25.9% AM1.5g Efficiency Enabled by Transparent Metamorphic AlxGa1-xAsyP1-y Step-Graded Buffer Structures
Feifel, Markus; Lackner, David; Schön, Jonas; Ohlmann, Jens; Benick, Jan; Siefer, Gerald; Predan, Felix; Hermle, Martin; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2021 68.9% Efficient GaAs-Based Photonic Power Conversion Enabled by Photon Recycling and Optical Resonance
Helmers, Henning; Lopez, E.; Höhn, Oliver; Lackner, David; Schön, Jonas; Schauerte, Meike; Schachtner, Michael; Dimroth, Frank; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2021 Integrated series/parallel connection for photovoltaic laser power converters with optimized current matching
Wagner, Lukas; Reichmuth, Kasimir S.; Philipps, Simon P.; Oliva, Eduard; Bett, Andreas W.; Helmers, Henning
Journal Article
2021 Technological Learning for Resource Efficient Terawatt Scale Photovoltaics
Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Wagner, Lukas; Pietzcker, R.; Friedrich, Lorenz
Journal Article
2020 Simultaneous Wireless Data and Power Transfer for a 1-Gb/s GaAs VCSEL and Photovoltaic Link
Fakidis, J.; Helmers, Henning; Haas, H.
Journal Article
2020 III-V//Si multijunction solar cells with 30% efficiency using smart stack technology with Pd nanoparticle array
Makita, K.; Mizuno, H.; Tayagaki, T.; Aihara, T.; Oshima, R.; Shoji, Y.; Sai, H.; Takato, H.; Müller, Ralph; Beutel, Paul; Lackner, David; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Dimroth, Frank; Sugaya, T.
Journal Article
2020 Determination of the Complex Refractive Index of Compound Semiconductor Alloys for Optical Device Modelling
Schygulla, Patrick; Fuß-Kailuweit, Peter; Höhn, Oliver; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2020 Electron and proton irradiation effect on the minority carrier lifetime in SiC passivated p-doped Ge wafers for space photovoltaics
Weiss, Charlotte; Park, Seonyong; Lefèvre, Jérémie; Boizot, Bruno; Mohr, Christian; Cavani, Olivier; Picard, Sandrine; Kurstjens, Rufi; Niewelt, Tim; Janz, Stefan
Journal Article
2020 Development and analysis of wafer-bonded four-junction solar cells based on antimonides with 42% efficiency under concentration
Predan, Felix; Höhn, Oliver; Lackner, David; Franke, A.; Helmers, Henning; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2020 Carrier recombination dynamics in Ga0.51In0.49P double-heterostructures up to 500K
Walker, A.; Shaked, A.; Dagan, R.; Kribus, A.; Rosenwaks, Y.; Ohlmann, Jens; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2020 Radiation hardness and post irradiation regeneration behavior of GaInAsP solar cells
Lang, Robin; Schön, Jonas; Lefèvre, Jérémie; Boizot, Bruno; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2020 Development and Outdoor Characterization of a Hybrid Bifacial HCPV Module
Martínez Sánchez, Juan Francisco; Steiner, Marc; Wiesenfarth, Maike; Fellmeth, Tobias; Dörsam, Tobias; Wiese, Martin; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2020 Measurement Uncertainties in I-V Calibration of Multi-Junction Solar Cells for Different Solar Simulators and Reference Devices
Reichmuth, Kasimir S.; Siefer, Gerald; Schachtner, Michael; Mühleis, Matthias; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Glunz, Stefan W.
Journal Article
2020 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 56)
Green, Martin A.; Dunlop, Ewan D.; Hohl-Ebinger, Jochen; Yoshita, M.; Kopidakis, N.; Hao, X.
Journal Article
2020 Environmental Impacts of III-V/Silicon Photovoltaics: Life Cycle Assessment and Guidance for Sustainable Manufacturing
Blanco, C.F.; Cucurachi, S.; Dimroth, Frank; Guinée, J.B.; Peijnenburg, W.J.; Vijver, M.G.
Journal Article
2020 Two-Terminal direct Wafer bonded GaInP/AlGaAs//Si Triple-Junction Solar Cell with AM1.5g Efficiency of 34.1 %
Lackner, David; Höhn, Oliver; Müller, Ralph; Beutel, Paul; Schygulla, Patrick; Hauser, Hubert; Predan, Felix; Siefer, Gerald; Schachtner, Michael; Schön, Jonas; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2020 6-W Optical Power Link with Integrated Optical Data Transmission
Helmers, Henning; Armbruster, Cornelius; Ravenstein, Moritz von; Derix, David; Schöner, Christian
Journal Article
2020 MOVPE Growth of GaAs with Growth Rates up to 280 µm/h
Lang, Robin; Habib, F.; Dauelsberg, M.; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2020 Electron Channeling Contrast Imaging Investigation of Stacking Fault Pyramids in GaP on Si Nucleation Layers
Feifel, Markus; Ohlmann, Jens; France, R.; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Single- and Dual-variant Atomic Ordering in GaAsP Compositionally Graded Buffers on GaP and Si Substrates
France, R.M.; Feifel, Markus; Belz, Jürgen; Beyer, A.; Volz, Kerstin; Ohlmann, Jens; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Development of Germanium-Based Wafer-Bonded Four-Junction Solar Cells
Höhn, Oliver; Niemeyer, Markus; Weiss, Charlotte; Lackner, David; Predan, Felix; Franke, Alexander; Beutel, Paul; Schachtner, Michael; Müller, Ralph; Siefer, Gerald; Janz, Stefan; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Direct Growth of GaInP/GaAs/Si Triple-Junction Solar Cell with 22.3% AM1.5g efficiency
Feifel, Markus; Lackner, David; Ohlmann, Jens; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Measurement of the Non-radiative Minority Recombination Lifetime and the Effective Radiative Recombination Coefficient in GaAs
Niemeyer, Markus; Kleinschmidt, Peter; Walker, Alexandre W.; Mundt, Laura E.; Timm, C.; Lang, Robin; Hannappel, Thomas; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2019 Terawatt-Scale Photovoltaics: Transform Global Energy
Bett, Andreas W.; Haegel, N.M.; Atwater, Harry A.; Barnes, T.; Breyer, C.; Burrell, A.; Chiang, Y.-M.; Wolf, Stefaan de; Dimmler, B.; Feldmann, D.; Glunz, Stefan W.; Goldschmidt, Jan Christoph; Hochschild, D.; Inzunza, R.; Kaizuka, I.; Kroposki, B.; Kurtz, S.; Margolis, R.; Leu, S.; Matsubara, K.; Metz, A.; Metzger, W.K.; et al.
Journal Article
2019 Comprehensive Electrical Loss Analysis of Monolithic Interconnected Multi-Segment Laser Power Converters
Kimovec, R.; Helmers, Henning; Bett, Andreas W.; Topic, Marko
Journal Article
2019 Thermal Analysis of Passively Cooled Hybrid CPV Module Using Si Cell as Heat Distributor
Martínez Sánchez, Juan Francisco; Steiner, Marc; Wiesenfarth, Maike; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Development of Back Side Technology for Light Trapping and Photon Recycling in GaAs Solar Cells
Micha, D.; Höhn, Oliver; Oliva, Eduard; Klinger, Vera; Bett, Andreas W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2019 Assessing the operating temperature of multi-junction solar cells with novel rear side layer stack and local electrical contacts
Alonso-Álvarez, D.; Weiss, Charlotte; Fernández, Jara; Janz, Stefan; Ekins-Daukes, Nicholas J.
Journal Article
2018 III-V-on-silicon solar cells reaching 33% photoconversion efficiency in two-terminal configuration
Cariou, Romain; Benick, Jan; Feldmann, Frank; Höhn, Oliver; Hauser, Hubert; Beutel, Paul; Razek, Nasser; Wimplinger, Markus; Bläsi, Benedikt; Lackner, David; Hermle, Martin; Siefer, Gerald; Glunz, Stefan W.; Bett, Andreas W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2018 Rapid vapor-phase direct doping for high-efficiency solar cells
Kühnhold-Pospischil, Saskia; Steinhauser, Bernd; Richter, Armin; Gust, Elke; Janz, Stefan
Journal Article
2018 High-speed quantum efficiency determination of multijunction solar cells
Mißbach, Thomas; Dengler, S.A.; Siefer, Gerald; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2018 Transient Analysis of Luminescent Coupling Effects in Multi-junction Solar Cells
Tayagaki, T.; Reichmuth, Kasimir S.; Helmers, Henning; Siefer, Gerald
Journal Article
2018 Direct growth of III-V/silicon triple-junction solar cells with 19.7% efficiency
Feifel, Markus; Ohlmann, Jens; Benick, Jan; Hermle, Martin; Belz, Jürgen; Beyer, Andreas; Volz, Kerstin; Hannappel, Thomas; Bett, Andreas W.; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2018 Towards nanowire tandem junction solar cells on silicon
Borgström, Magnus T.; Magnusson, M.H.; Dimroth, Frank; Siefer, Gerald; Höhn, Oliver; Riel, H.; Schmid, H.; Wirths, S.; Björk, M.; Aberg, I.; Peijnenburg, W.; Vijver, M.; Tchernycheva, M.; Piazza, V.; Samuelson, L.
Journal Article
2018 Challenges in the Design of Concentrator Photovoltaic (CPV) Modules to Achieve Highest Efficiencies
Wiesenfarth, Maike; Antón, Ignacio; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2018 Hall characterization of epitaxial GaSb and AlGaAsSb layers using p-n junctions on GaSb substrates
Predan, Felix; Ohlmann, Jens; Mrabet, S.; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2018 Extracting nonradiative parameters in III-V semiconductors using double-heterostructures on active p-n junctions
Walker, Alexandre W.; Schön, Jonas; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2018 Combining photon recycling and concentrated illumination in a GaAs heterojunction solar cell
Schilling, C.; Höhn, Oliver; Micha, D.N.; Heckelmann, S.; Klinger, Vera; Oliva, Eduard; Glunz, Stefan W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2018 Component cell-based restriction of spectral conditions and the impact on CPV module power rating
Steiner, Marc; Muller, Matt; Siefer, Gerald; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2018 0.5-Gb/s OFDM-Based Laser Data and Power Transfer Using a GaAs Photovoltaic Cell
Fakidis, J.; Videv, S.; Helmers, Henning; Haas, H.
Journal Article
2018 Power loss mechanisms in small area monolithic-interconnected photovoltaic modules
Kimovec, R.; Helmers, Henning; Bett, Andreas W.; Topic, Marko
Journal Article
2018 On the influence of the photo-induced leakage current in monolithically interconnected modules
Kimovec, R.; Helmers, Henning; Bett, Andreas W.; Topic, Marko
Journal Article
2018 Optimization of GaAs solar cell performance and growth efficiency at MOVPE growth rates of 100 mm/h
Lang, Robin; Schön, Jonas; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2017 An end of service life assessment of PMMA lenses from veteran concentrator photovoltaic systems
Miller, D.C.; Khonkar, H.I.; Herrero, R.; Antón, Ignacio; Johnson, D.K.; Hornung, Thorsten; Schmid-Schirling, T.; Vinzant, T.B.; Deutch, S.; To, B.; Sala, Gabriel; Kurtz, S.R.
Journal Article
2017 Effects of thermal annealing on structural and electrical properties of surface-activated n-GaSb/n-GaInP direct wafer bonds
Predan, Felix; Kovacs, A.; Ohlmann, Jens; Lackner, David; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.; Dimroth, Frank; Jäger, W.
Journal Article
2017 Concentrating photovoltaic systems
Steiner, Marc; Gerstmaier, T.; Bett, Andreas W.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 On the alignment tolerance of photovoltaic laser power converters
Wagner, Lukas; Bett, Andreas W.; Helmers, Henning
Journal Article
2017 Monolithic two-terminal III-V//Si triple-junction solar cells with 30.2% efficiency under 1-Sun AM1.5g
Cariou, Romain; Benick, Jan; Beutel, Paul; Razek, N.; Flötgen, C.; Hermle, Martin; Lackner, David; Glunz, Stefan W.; Bett, Andreas W.; Wimplinger, M.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2017 On the temperature dependence of dual-junction laser power converters
Reichmuth, Kasimir S.; Helmers, Henning; Philipps, Simon P.; Schachtner, Michael; Siefer, Gerald; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2017 20% efficient solar cells fabricated from epitaxially grown and freestanding n-type wafers
Milenkovic, Nena; Drießen, Marion; Steinhauser, Bernd; Benick, Jan; Lindekugel, Stefan; Hermle, Martin; Janz, Stefan; Reber, Stefan
Journal Article
2017 GaInP/AlGaAs metal-wrap-through tandem concentrator solar cells
Oliva, Eduard; Salvetat, T.; Jany, C.; Thibon, R.; Helmers, Henning; Steiner, Marc; Schachtner, Michael; Beutel, Paul; Klinger, Vera; Moulet, J.-S.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2017 Optical analysis of a III-V-nanowire-array-on-Si dual junction solar cell
Chen, Yang; Höhn, Oliver; Tucher, Nico; Pistol, Mats-Erik; Anttu, Nicklas
Journal Article
2017 High-temperature electric contacts for AlGaInP/GaInP photon-enhanced thermionic emisson cathodes
Girolami, M.; Bellucci, A.; Calvani, P.; Dimroth, Frank; Trucchi, D.
Journal Article
2017 Radiation hardness of AlGaAs n-i-p solar cells with higher bandgap intrinsic region
Walker, A.; Heckelmann, S.; Tibbits, Thomas; Lackner, David; Bett, Andreas W.; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2017 Minority carrier diffusion length, lifetime and mobility in p-type GaAs and GaInAs
Niemeyer, Markus; Ohlmann, Jens; Walker, Alexandre W.; Kleinschmidt, Peter; Lang, Robin; Hannappel, Thomas; Dimroth, Frank; Lackner, David
Journal Article
2017 Mesa Separation of GaInP Solar Cells by Picosecond Laser Ablation
Weber, Julian; Klinger, Vera; Brand, Andreas A.; Gutscher, Simon; Wekkeli, Alexander; Mondon, Andrew; Oliva, Eduard; Dimroth, Frank
Journal Article
2017 On the benchmarking of multi-junction photoelectrochemical fuel generating devices
May, M.M.; Lackner, David; Ohlmann, Jens; Dimroth, Frank; Krol, R. van de; Hannappel, Thomas; Schwarzburg, K.
Journal Article
2017 Material quality frontiers of MOVPE grown AIGaAs for minority carrier devices
Heckelmann, S.; Lackner, David; Dimroth, Frank; Bett, Andreas W.
Journal Article
2017 Subcell characterization in multijunction solar cells using pulsed light
Rutzinger, Martin; Salzberger, Manuel; Nesswetter, Helmut; Lackner, David; Bett, Andreas W.; Lugli, Paolo; Zimmermann, Claus G.
Journal Article
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