Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Evaluation of Batteries

Our holistic life cycle analysis quantifies and evaluates the environmental impact of batteries and their materials. We considerthe entire value chain of batteries: From raw material extraction, through production and use, to end-of-life (recycling and/or disposal) and transportation. Our central research topic is the comparison of different battery technologies, such as lithium-ion and sodium-ion technology, in terms of their environmental impact, with a focus on the production of (active) materials, assembly of battery cells and their recycling.

Our techno-economic analysis of batteries, in contrast to a life cycle analysis, considers the economic aspects across the entire value chain. Other criteria such as electrochemical performance, market demand and scaling are also included in the analysis. We evaluate the economic viability and technical feasibility of batteries and their production across all battery technologies.

A variety of active and inactive materials are used in different battery technologies. The active materials (for anode and cathode) are decisive in terms of the overall cost of a battery. The global availability of raw materials and the intended application also play an important role in the selection of materials.

Our R&D-Services on the Topic "Life Cycle Analysis and Techno-Economic Evaluation of Batteries" include:

  • Life cycle analysis of various battery technologies and their materials focusing on production, use phase and recycling
  • Derivation of environmental impacts and evaluation of sustainability aspects
  • Techno-economic analysis of batteries, including raw material and manufacturing costs, performance (energy and power density, lifetime, self-discharge), market demand, scaling and end-of-life (recycling, disposal) with Total Cost of Ownership software
  • Detailed cost comparison between different battery active materials in terms of raw material selection, active material synthesis and further processing
  • Analysis of the global supply chain for battery materials and their availability for different battery technologies

More Information on this Research Topic


Center for Electrical Energy Storage

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Electrical Energy​ Storage