Featured Publications

Researchers at Fraunhofer ISE publish numerous articles in high-quality scientific journals. Here we present our highlight articles.


Selected highlight articles from our divisions Photovoltaics, Power Solutions, Heat and Buildings and Hydrogen Technologies

Bereich Photovoltaik

Wafer-bonded two-terminal III-V//Si triple-junction solar cell with power conversion efficiency of 36.1% at AM1.5g

Bereich Wasserstofftechnologien

Methanol Synthesis from Sustainable Feedstocks– A Quantitative Side Product Analysis

Bereich Strom

Evaluating low-temperature heat sources for large-scale heat pump integration: A method using open-source data and indicators

Bereich Wärme und Gebäude

Analysis of the performance and operation of a photovoltaic-battery heat pump system based on field measurement data