Matrix-Shingle Technology

matrix shingle module shaded areas
© Fraunhofer ISE
Left: In the matrix shingle module, the current flows around shaded areas, right: in the conventional module, the current flow is interrupted by shaded areas.
Vollformat Schindel-Matrix-Modul.
© Fraunhofer ISE: Foto: Christian Hanner
Full format shingle matrix module.
Farbige Gestaltungsspielräume der Schindel-Matrix-Technologie für Gebäudeintegrierte Photovoltaik hier in rot mit der MorphoColor® Technologie.
© Fraunhofer ISE / Foto: Christian Hanner
Colorful design scope of the shingle matrix technology for building-integrated photovoltaics here in red with MorphoColor® technology.

Advantages of the Matrix Shingle Technology

With the matrix interconnection, the area can be optimally utilized by staggering the shingle solar cells laterally; in addition, a very homogeneous appearance results. The cells are electrically connected in series and simultaneously in parallel. This network of interconnections ensures that in the event of shading, the current flows around the shaded areas. With conventional cell interconnection the entire string is affected.

  • 2 - 6 %(relativ) higher module efficiency than conventional half-cell modules (maximum area utilization, low resistance losses)
  • Homogeneous appearance
  • 100 % lead-free cell interconnection
  • Excellent module reliability
  • Flexibly adaptable to building and facade geometry
  • Up to 110 % more power in partial shading than conventional half-cell modules
  • Manufacturing costs comparable to ordinary soldered joints

Our R&D-Activities Include:

With their high efficiency, matrix shingle modules offer maximum yield on a limited amount of space. If modules are integrated into the envelope of vehicles or buildings, not only efficiency but also a high power yield in the case of partial shading, a visually appealing appearance and easy scalability of the module size are required. Fraunhofer ISE has developed the matrix shingle technology especially for such applications. 

A conductive, lead-free adhesive joins the solar cells gently, reliably and with high conductivity. The matrix shingle interconnection of silicon solar cells offers a homogeneous overall appearance due to the completely covered module surface, which can be optimally integrated into vehicles or buildings in a creative way. In matrix technology, cell strips are connected to each other in a staggered shingle technique, in the pattern of masonry.

Individual Coloring

The modules can be produced in different colors with high color saturation using the MorphoColor® coating developed at Fraunhofer ISE. The transmission of solar radiation and thus the efficiency of the colored modules is over 90 % of the value of comparable modules. The solar cells underneath are virtually invisible. This opens up a wide range of design options for architects and vehicle manufacturers.

Production in the Novel Industrial Shingle Matrix Stringer

At Fraunhofer ISE's Module-TEC, we have a fully automated matrix shingle stinger from M10 Industries AG for automated and industry-oriented production. The stinger was developed in the publicly funded joint project “Shirkan” and can produce solar cell matrices in flexible shapes. The machine concept of M10 allows the interconnection of 12,000 shingle solar cells per hour. All common solar cell formats and technologies can be processed. We can optimize and precisely adjust the amount of adhesive applied, the size of the shingle overlap and the duration and temperature of the adhesive curing. The solar cells are connected in series and simultaneously in parallel to create a cell matrix of any size, which reacts particularly robustly to partial shading during operation. We produce prototypes as well as small series according to your design ideas and are happy to support you in the development of new module concepts.




Our R&D-Activities include the following topics:


Product Development

We offer a comprehensive range of services tailored to bring your ideas to life.

  • Development of custom cell and module designs
  • Development of the bill of materials
  • Selection of the electrically conductive adhesives
  • Sourcing of materials

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Prototyping and Pilot Line

Whether you provide the materials or we source them for you, our goal is to deliver a prototype that meets your exact specifications. Let’s bring your vision to the prototype stage and beyond.

  • Manufacturing of prototypes with customer provided materials
  • Manufacturing of prototypes with materials provided by Fraunhofer ISE

You can utilize our production capacities in the Fraunhofer ISE Module-TEC to manufacture your prototypes

  • Industrial stringer and laminator machines
  • High degree product flexibility
  • From single prototypes to small series production 

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Test and Certification

In our test- and calibration labs for PV-modules, accredited according to DIN EN ISO/17025, we offer long term stability testing according to IEC 61215 and IEC 61730. We can support the certification of your product or carry out specific tests according to your requirements.

TestLab PV Modules

Custom Configured Shingle Strings or Matrices

You aim to do the first steps in shingle or matrix technology? You want to build your own prototype modules? We look forward to support you with shingle strings or matrices

  • Configuration of shingle strings or matrices with a high degree of flexibility in geometrical and electrical properties
  • Ready for integration into products on customer side
  • Select between different cell technologies (TopCon, HJT, PERC)
  • Shipment worldwide 

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Support on Cell Technology Upgrade

We support you to upgrade your running production from PERC technology to the next efficiency level

  • Adjust PERC interconnction and lamination processes for HJT, TopCon or Tandem
  • Develop and adjust the bill of materials for HJT or TopCon
  • Long term stability testing all the way to Certification

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You want to learn more about the matrix-shingle technology?

We support you and your colleagues with customized workshops online or at Fraunhofer ISE Module-TEC in Freiburg

  • Exclusive insights into the shingle matrix technology
  • Online or on site workshop
  • Unique experiences inspiration by  visiting our production facilities

request individual workshop



The development of a scientific understanding of the bonded joint is a core task of our work. That is why we have established a wide range of characterization options for you:

  • Analysis of positioning accuracy and joint precision
  • Microstructure of the joint with cross-section preparation and SEM analysis
  • Electrical and mechanical properties of the joint
  • Tensile shear strength of the bond
  • Degree of curing of the adhesive (calorimetry)
  • Non-destructive joint analysis with X-ray

Photovoltaic Modules


We are continuously developing matrix shingle technology as part of various research projects. Take advantage of our expertise from virtual product development to the construction of prototypes.

More Information on this Research Topic


Shirkan 2.0

Matrix Shingle PV Module – Matrix Shingle Technology for the Future of Photovoltaics


Press Release


Staggered and Arrayed: M10 Industries AG and Fraunhofer ISE Develop Matrix Shingle Technology to Industrial Maturity

Research Project


Sustainable Photovoltaics Integration in Buildings and Infrastructure for Multiple Applications


High-Efiiciency Matrix Shingle Modules