Climate-Neutral Cities, Urban Districts and On-Site Systems

In the cities, districts and on-site systems Research Topic, we support municipal players in the development and implementation of sustainable energy systems using innovative technologies and system solutions. We design sustainable energy systems as part of comprehensive strategies, develop target scenarios and transformation master plans, develop and support implementation projects and measure implementation progress. We are a strong and competent partner in the transformation of municipal energy systems. 

Cities and municipalities as well as energy supply companies are important innovators in the development of a sustainable way of life. At the same time, they face many challenges today, such as air pollution, traffic jams and a shortage of parking spaces, an often outdated infrastructure, extreme weather events due to climate change or heat islands due to high levels of sealing. 

Holistic solutions are therefore needed to tackle these problems. Energy systems must be planned across sectors, potentials must be efficiently identified and utilized, and citizens and other stakeholders must be involved in the transformation of the energy system. Concepts such as energy communities and energy management systems help to generate and distribute energy efficiently and locally so that neighborhoods and cities can be integrated into the overarching energy system in a way that benefits the system. In all these areas, we are active in research projects, but also support those involved in cities and municipalities as well as companies directly in the planning, implementation and operation of future energy systems.

Fields of Work

In the research topic "Climate-Neutral Cities, Urban Districts and On-Site Systems" we focus on the following fields of work:

Cross-Sectoral Energy System Modeling and Planning for Communities

Potential Analyses of Renewables and GIS Analyses, Obligatory PV

Transformation Management and Stakeholder Involvement

Positive Energy Districts PEDs

Energy Communities for Urban Districs and Properties

Agent-Based Energy Management in Urban Districts

Energy System Models at Fraunhofer ISE


Providing a Sound Basis for Decision Makers

With our complementary model family, we are prepared to meet the demand and wishes of our customers. The model family ranges from energy system models...

Selected Research Projects


EnEff:Stadt: PED-urban

Development of methods and tools for balancing, planning and operation of climate-neutral urban districts as "Positive Energy Districts – PEDs"

Recent Publications on the Topic "Climate-Neutral Cities, Urban Districts and On-Site Systems"

Publication Type
2024 Recommendations for a positive energy district framework - Application and evaluation of different energetic assessment methodologies
Gondeck, Marie; Triebel, Marc-André; Steingrube, Annette; Albert-Seifried, Vicky Bo Ki; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Journal Article
2024 Modelling balancing service provision in 5th gen district heating systems
Fröhlich, Erik; Öncel, Kerem; Steingrube, Annette
2022 Willingness to invest in PV homestorage systems - a representative study of German homeowners
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Fluri, Verena; Steingrube, Annette
2022 Wie kann der Ausbau von Photovoltaik und Windenergie beschleunigt werden?
Bett, Andreas W.; Erlach, Berit; Gölz, Sebastian; Gutnik, Magdalena; Müller, Florian Y.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Rens, Simona
2021 Key Features of Climate-Neutral Energy Systems for Municipalities in Different Climate Zones
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Steingrube, Annette; Triebel, M.-A.; Albert-Seifried, Vicky Bo Ki
Conference Paper
2021 E-Mobilität im Carsharing und in Fuhrparks
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Sprengeler, Matti; Nguyen, P.; Popova, R.; Landfester, G.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Fach- und Rechtsgutachten zur Photovoltaikpflicht in Baden-Württemberg
Longo, Fabio; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
2021 A method of optimizing and spatially distributing heating systems by coupling an urban energy simulation platform and an energy system model
Steingrube, Annette; Bao, K.; Wieland, Stefan; Lalama, A.; Kabiro, P.; Coors, V.; Schröter, B.
Journal Article
2021 The role of norms and collective efficacy for the importance of techno-economic vehicle attributes in Germany
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Steingrube, Annette; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2020 City Lab Kochi, India
Mohr, Marius; Schwegler, Markus; Maciulyte, Ernesta; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Winkler, Matthias; Giglmeier, Sabine; Mok, Sophie; Stojiljkovic, Marjan; Brittas, Anna; Jayawant, Amruta; Schlecht, Valentin
2020 Economic Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Integration in Microgrids
Popova, R.; Nguyen, H.Q.; Sprengeler, Matti; Feizi, T.; Rojas la Rotta, M.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2020 Impact of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Expansion on Microgrid Economics: A Case Study
Sprengeler, Matti; Freudenmacher, T.; Popova, R.; Nguyen, H.Q.; Rojas la Rotta, M.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2019 Integrated Expansion Strategies for Public Charging Infrastructure in Cities
Sprengeler, Matti; Nguyen, P.; Matulla, K.; Ackermann, J.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2019 Expertenempfehlung zum Masterplan Solarcity Berlin. Masterplanstudie und Maßnahmenkatalog
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Gölz, Sebastian; Bär, Christian; Wieland, Stefan; Xu-Sigurdsson, Bin; Freudenmacher, Till; Taani, Rania
2019 Modeling Investment Decisions in Renewable Energy Technologies: An Introduction to Simulating Technology Diffusion
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Steingrube, Annette; Biener, Wolfgang; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 Optimization of District Heating Systems. European Energy Exchange Price-Driven Control Strategy for Optimal Operation of Heating Plants
Dahrash, A.; Steingrube, Annette; Ochs, F.; Elci, Mehmet
Conference Paper
2018 Energy Master Plan for Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia). Final Report
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Triebel, Marc-André; Eggers, Jan-Bleicke; Jantsch, Martin; Taani, Rania; Behrens, Jochen
2017 A Power-Based Model of a Heating Station for District Heating (DH) System Applications
Dahash, Abdulrahman; Steingrube, Annette; Elci, Mehmet
Conference Paper
2016 Selecting CO2 sources for CO2 utilization by Environmental-Merit-Order curves
Assen, Niklas von der; Müller, L.J.; Steingrube, Annette; Voll, P.; Bardow, A.
Journal Article
2016 Untersuchung und simulationstechnische Optimierung von Wärmeversorgungskonzepten für Wohngebäude, deren Gesamtwärmebedarf zu 50 % bis 100 % mit Solarwärme gedeckt wird und Vergleich mit anderen CO2-reduzierten Wärmeversorgungskonzepten. Schlussbericht zum Verbundvorhaben
Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Müller, Matthias; Bühl, Jürgen; Dasch, Georg; Kerschl, Christian
2016 Wärmewende im Quartier
Schmidt, Dietrich; Erhorn-Kluttig, Heike; Venjakob, Johannes; Wern, Bernhard; Binder, Jann; Sperber, Evelyn; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Zimmermann, Britta; Lenz, Volker
Conference Paper
2016 Introduction to renewable heating and cooling
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2016 Die Rolle der Wärme im Energiesystem: Systemaspekte
Fischedick, Manfred; Schüwer, Dietmar; Leprich, Uwe; Gerhardt, Norman; Schumacher, Patrick; Henning, Hans-Martin; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Schmidt, Maike
Conference Paper
2015 Solar-Active-Houses - dynamic system simulations to analyze building concepts with high fractions of solar thermal energy
Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, S.; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Dasch, Georg
Journal Article
2015 A spatial resolution in four levels for a techno-economic municipal energy system model
Eggers, Jan-Bleicke; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Herkel, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2014 Hybrid PV-thermal collector development: Concepts, experiences, results and research needs
Fortuin, Stefan; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Nitz, Peter; Platzer, Werner J.
Conference Paper
2014 Mass flow, pressure drop, and leakage dependent modeling and characterization of solar air collectors
Welz, Christian; Maurer, Christoph; Lauro, Paolo Di; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Hermann, Michael
Conference Paper
2014 Solar-active-houses - analysis of the building concept based on detailed measurements
Kramer, Wolfgang; Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Bühl, Jürgen; Dasch, Georg
Conference Paper
2014 Entscheidungskriterium für Luftkollektoren zur BAFA-Förderung
Welz, Christian; Kramer, Korbinian; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2014 Nachhaltige kommunale Energiesysteme planen und umsetzen auf Basis zeitlich hochaufgelöster Energieszenarien
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Eggers, Jan-Bleicke
Conference Paper
2013 Ausarbeitung von Testverfahren und Modellgleichungen für un-abgedeckte Luftkollektoren
Thoma, Christoph; Eisenmann, A.; Kramer, Korbinian; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2013 Time and spatial resolved simulation as key instrument to develop sustainable urban energy systems based on renewable energies
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Eggers, Jan-Bleicke
Conference Paper
2013 KomMod as a tool to support municipalities on their way to becoming smart energy cities
Eggers, Jan-Bleicke; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2013 European Perspectives in Research and Developement on Solar Thermal Collectors and Systems
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2013 Thermohydraulische Simulation von Luftkollektoren und Luftkollektorsystemen
Welz, Christian; Knecht, M.; Lauro, Paolo Di; Maurer, Christoph; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Hermann, Michael
Conference Paper
2012 Perspektiven für das Zusammenspiel von Energieeffizienz und Erneuerbaren sowie ihre Einbindung in das Energiesystem
Bett, Andrea; Burger, Bruno; Ebert, Günther; Philipps, Simon; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Rohrig, Kurt; Strauß, Philipp; Krautkremer, Bernd; Gils, Christian; Hauser, Gerd; Brabec, Christoph J.; Ebert, Hans-Peter; Hauer, Andreas
Conference Paper
2012 Ergebnisse des IEE-Projekts SO-PRO: Auslegung von Solaranlagen für vier ausgewählte industrielle Prozesse
Hess, Stefan; Oliva, Axel; Helmke, A.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Platzer, Werner J.
Conference Paper
2012 Physikalische Modellierung und Simulation sowie detaillierte Vermessung von Luftkollektoren
Welz, Christian; Lauro, Paolo Di; Thoma, Christoph; Richter, J.; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Maurer, Christoph
Conference Paper
2011 Solar Process Heat - System Design for Selected Low-Temperature Applications in the Industry
Hess, Stefan; Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Hanby, V.
Conference Paper
2011 Solar process heat-system design for selected low-temperature applications in the industry
Hess, Stefan; Oliva, Axel; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Hanby, V.
Conference Paper
2011 SolarAktivhaus: Untersuchte Gebäude mit einem solarthermischen Deckungsanteil von mehr als 50% und Monitoringkonzept
Oliva, Axel; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kobelt, Sven; Bestenlehner, Dominik; Drück, Harald; Bühl, Jürgen; Rubeck, P.
Conference Paper
2011 Perspektiven für das Zusammenspiel von Energieeffizienz und Erneuerbaren sowie ihre Einbindung in das Energiesystem
Philipps, S.; Bett, A.; Burger, B.; Ebert, G.; Stryi-Hipp, G.; Rohrig, K.; Strauß, P.; Krautkremer, B.; Gils, H.C.; Hauser, G.; Brabec, C.J.; Ebert, H.-P.; Hauer, A.
Conference Paper
2011 Experimental and numerical assessment of PV-T collector for combined production of electricity and domestic hot water in the frame of the project "PVTCOL"
Dupeyrat, Patrick; Kwiatkowski, G.; Menezo, C.; Rommel, M.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2011 Optimierung und Validierung des Luftkollektorteststandes im Rahmen des Projektes Luko-E
Thoma, Christoph; Richter, J.; Mehnert, Stefan; Kramer, Korbinian; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2011 Solar active houses: Buildings with a solar thermal fraction of at least 50% as the building standard of the future
Bestenlehner, Dominik; Kobelt, Sven; Drück, Harald; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Oliva, Axel; Bühl, Jürgen; Rubeck, P.
Conference Paper
2011 Optimization of Solar Thermal Combi-Systems for Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Oliva, Axel; Fortuin, Stefan
Conference Paper
2011 Pilotanlage mit RefleC-Kollektoren: Anlagenkonzept und Monitoring-Ergebnisse
Hess, Stefan; Klemke, M.; Oliva, Axel; Lauro, Paolo Di; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kramp, G.; Bodungen, O. von; Eisenmann, W.
Conference Paper
2011 Towards a unified standard for solar air heating collectors
Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kramer, Korbinian; Richter, J.; Thoma, Christoph; Fortuin, Stefan; Mehnert, Stefan; Welz, Christian
Conference Paper
2010 Solarenergienutzung in Gebäuden
Henning, Hans-Martin; Wittwer, Volker; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Fluid Flow Investigations of Bionic Absorbers Made from Aluminium and Steel
Hermann, Michael; Lunz, K.; Keyl, H.-M.; Koch, Lotta; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 Neuer Leistungsteststand zur Charakterisierung innovativer Kollektoren und optischer Komponenten
Fahr, Sven; Schäfer, A.; Mehnert, Stefan; Kramer, Korbinian; Hess, Stefan; Thoma, Christoph; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Luginsland, Frank
Conference Paper
2010 Temperature Measurement in Air Ducts - an Optimized Method for Solar Air Heaters
Thoma, Christoph; Martinez, Cerezo J.D.; Kramer, Korbinian; Richter, J.; Mehnert, Stefan; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 QAiST - Quality Assurance in Solar Thermal Heating and Cooling Technology
Kramer, Korbinian; Mehnert, Stefan; Striewe, W.; Thoma, Christoph; Richter, J.; Jung, A.; Fahr, Sven; Schäfer, A.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 Thermische Nutzung der Solarenergie - Eine Übersicht
Henning, Hans-Martin; Wittwer, Volker; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Entwicklung eines hocheffizienten photovoltaisch-thermischen Hybridkollektors
Dupeyrat, Patrick; Hofmann, P.; Rommel, M.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 Measurements and Benchmark of PV-T Collectors according to EN12975 and Development of a Standardized Measurement Procedure
Hofmann, P.; Dupeyrat, Patrick; Kramer, Korbinian; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 Alternative PV-module structure with increased optical performances for PV-thermal applications
Dupeyrat, Patrick; Menezo, C.; Wirth, Harry; Hädrich, Ingrid; Rommel, M.; Kwiatkowski, G.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Conference Paper
2010 Flachkollektor mit externen Reflektoren (RefleC): Entwicklungsverfahren
Hess, Stefan; Oliva, Axel; Lauro, Paolo Di; Klemke, M.; Hermann, Michael; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard; Kallwellis, Volker; Kramp, G.; Eisenmann, W.; Hanby, V.
Conference Paper
2009 Flexible Energiepolitik und Energieforschung sichern die regenerative Energieversorgung der Zukunft
Weber, Eicke R.; Stryi-Hipp, Gerhard
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
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