
A Guideline for Germany

Opportunities for Agriculture and the Energy Transition

Fraunhofer ISE | February 2024

Agrivoltaics offers great opportunities for agriculture and climate protection. In their foreword, the two Federal Ministers Anja Karliczek and Julia Klöckner support the promising concept of combining agricultural production and renewable electricity generation on the same land.

The guideline provides information on the possibilities and advantages of agrivoltaics, offers an overview of its potential and the current state of technology, and presents practical advice for agriculture businesses, municipalities and companies.

Aside from more efficient land use, agrivoltaics can help reduce water consumption in agriculture, generate stable additional sources of income for farms, and make many farms more resilient against harvest losses. The early involvement of local citizens is a key criterion for success in the concrete implementation of agrivoltaics.

With energy production costs between 7 and 12 euro cents per kWh, agrivoltaics  is already competitive with other renewable energy sources. In addition, the guideline highlights successful application examples, and points out obstacles and challenges to the use of agrivoltaics in Germany. It also outlines various options for embedding agrivoltaics in the regulatory framework.

Further Information on this Topic



Technical optimization and quality assurance of agrivoltaic systems for maximum yields of PV energy and crop.