Organizational Structure of Fraunhofer ISE

Organizational Structure of Fraunhofer ISE
© Fraunhofer ISE
Organizational Structure of Fraunhofer ISE.
As of: July 1, 2023.

The organizational structure of Fraunhofer ISE is defined, apart from Directorship, Administration and Communications by the scientific divisions PhotovoltaicsPower SolutionsHeat and Buildings and Hydrogen Technologies and their departments, groups and teams.

Eight market-oriented business areas are used for external representation Photovoltaics: Materials, Cells and Modules​, Photovoltaics:​ Production Technology and TransferSolar Power Plants and Integrated PhotovoltaicsElectrical Energy​ StoragePower Electronics and GridsClimate-Neutral​ Heat and Buildings​, System Integration as well as Hydrogen Technologies.

Fraunhofer ISE is supported by long-standing mentors and experts in the solar energy sector as consultants:

Prof. Dr. Eicke R. Weber (Director 2006-2016)

Prof. Dr. Joachim Luther (Director 1993–2006 )

Prof. Dr. Volker Wittwer (Deputy Director 1997–2009).


Organizational Chart