Duration: | 02/2021 - 01/2024 |
Contracting Authority/ Sponsors: |
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) Fkz: 03EE1088B |
Project Partners: | AZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbH |
Project Focus: | |
Duration: | 02/2021 - 01/2024 |
Contracting Authority/ Sponsors: |
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi) Fkz: 03EE1088B |
Project Partners: | AZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbH |
Project Focus: | |
In the project „QuintuMod”, a reliable, cost-efficient and high efficient CPV module will be developed and optimized. Already today, in concentrator photovoltaics (CPV) the highest efficiencies for the conversion of solar energy to electrical power are achieved. Furthermore, the technology has advantages regarding transport, recycling and sustainability. In the project, a novel multi-junction solar cell with 5 pn-junctions will be introduced in the CPV module from AZUR SAPCE and optimized for highest module efficiency. The target is to achieve a module efficiency of 34% at CSTC (concentrator standard test conditions) and at least 32% at CSOC (concentrator standard operating conditions). By evaluating the electrical performance at different locations, a simulation procedure will be developed. With this method, well-founded energy yield calculations will be possible. This is important data for an economical evaluation of CPV power plants that are especially beneficial to be installed in locations with high direct radiation.
In the project, Fraunhofer ISE is responsible for the electrical characterization of the five-junction solar cells indoors and the modules in outdoor measurements. So far, the measurement equipment was extended to enable EQE and IV measurements at temperatures up to 90 °C. Besides, the cell-lens test setup was further developed so that the solar cell temperature can be increased to the temperature expected under operation conditions. Within the project, different technology generations will be evaluated and an understanding regarding the behavior of the module performance established. Furthermore, Fraunhofer ISE supports the project partner AZUR SPACE in the assessment of the module design by accelerated aging tests and optical and thermal simulations of the primary optics.
An important focus in the project is the evaluation of the energy yield for the CPV modules at different locations and therefore different ambient conditions. At Fraunhofer ISE, methods to calculate the energy yield are investigated scientifically. To predict the electricity production of 5J modules from AZUR SPACE Solar Power GmbH, the ISE in-house software tool YieldOpt is used (see picture). YieldOpt has the possibility to exchange specific module components (like the solar cell technology) and investigate the influence on the energy yield.