integraTE – Initiative for Market Establishment and Dissemination of Thermal-Electrical Energy Supply Systems with PVT Collectors and Heat Pumps in the Building Sector

Duration: 12/2019 - 11/2024
Contracting Authority/ Sponsors:
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Projektträger Jülich (PTJ)
Project Partners:

Network Partner: Institut für Gebäudeenergetik; Thermotechnik und Energiespeicherung (IGTE) Uni-Stuttgart; Institut für Solarenergieforschung Hameln (ISFH) gGmbH

Cooperation Partner: Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH; NIBE Systemtechnik GmbH; PA-ID PROCESS GmbH; SHES GmbH; EVO Deutschland GmbH; Architektur- und TGA-Planungsbüro Carsten Grobe Passivhaus; GeoClimaDesign AG; SolarTech International B.V.; dualSun; Solrico;  Bundesverband Wärmepumpe; Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft; Bundesverband der deutschen Heizungsindustrie; nD-System GmbH; eVERA GmbH; Consolar Solare Energiesysteme GmbH; Enertech GmbH 

Project Focus:
Project Logo
© Fraunhofer ISE
Project Logo.
Exemplary plant configuration
© Fraunhofer ISE
Exemplary plant configuration.

Hybrid photovoltaic-thermal, or PVT, collectors supply electrical and thermal energy simultaneously. This allows the available (roof) area to be used optimally. Combined with a heat pump, these systems can provide space heating and domestic hot water efficiently and with low CO2 emissions.

Up to now, either geothermal energy or outdoor air has almost exclusively been the chosen heat source for heat pumps in the building sector. Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages. Yet especially for energy retrofits in existing buildings, these two "conventional" heat sources often cannot be utilized. Now the use of PVT collectors offers the chance to equip buildings with a heat pump heating system.

The aim of the cooperative project is to increase market penetration of heat pump systems combined with PVT collectors in the building sector.

The essential characteristics for describing and evaluating this technology are defined and then disseminated by means of extensive marketing measures, which are targeted to specific groups. To lay the basis, the concepts available on the market will be classified and several systems will be selected to undergo metrological tests over a period of two years. The performance of the examined systems will be available to the public via an online visualization. The following Link will take you to the website with the visualizations.

PVT collector field
© Fraunhofer ISE
PVT collector field

The marketing measures carried out within the project address both the stakeholders along the entire value chain and the end customers. During this process there will be an intensive cooperation with the relevant organizations. Important marketing elements include the creation and distribution of information material such as brochures, websites, videos and social media campaigns, which are targeted to specific groups.  An entry on the topic of PVT building energy supply systems is being created in the German Wikipedia.

A central component of the marketing measures is the development of practical planning and design tools which shall enable these complex systems to be dimensioned and evaluated in a simplified manner, aiding the acceleration of market penetration. The developed tools are to be validated within the project using the results of the demonstration plants and accompanying simulations of selected buildings.

If we have sparked your interest in participating in the project, please feel free to contact us!

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More Information on this Research Topic

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Solar Thermal Systems and Components

Research Topic

Heat Pumps

Business Area

Cimate Neutral Heat and Buildings