Dr. Charlotte Senkpiel

Project Manager, Energy System Analysis, Division Power Solutions

Research focus

  • Energy system modelling 
  • Social-science in energy system modelling 
  • Modelling technology diffusion 
  • Power System optimization 
  • Policy analysis and recommendation 

Curriculum vitae

2023 Dissertation at University of Freiburg (Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources; Title: "Coupling social science and individual aspects with energy system models – Theoretical considerations, diffusion of electromobility and effects of regional self-sufficiency targets on the electricity system")
Since 2023 Deputy Secretary General and Project Lead at Expert Council on Climate Change (ERK)  
2019 Member of the scientific staff of the German Council of Experts on Climate Change (ERK)
2018-2020 PhD candidate Fraunhofer ISE "Approaches for coupling social-scientific and psychological variables and methods with energy system analysis"
2012-2018 Researcher at Fraunhofer ISE
2012 Master Energy and Environmental Management University Flensburg 
2011 Bachelor Energy and Environmental Management FH Flensburg


Major projects

AutGrid Opportunities and Risks of Grid Autarky in Germany
Sozio-E2S Influence of Socio-Cultural Factors on Transformation Paths of Germany’s Energy System
IND-E Dekarbonisierungs- und Elektrifizierungspotentiale in der deutschen Industrie – Fraunhofer ISE
BBSR I Ways to achieve a climate-neutral building stock by 2050
BBSR II Action plans for a climate-neutral building stock by 2045
MANIFOLD Model development and model coupling for actor behavior in innovation and diffusion networks


Publication Type
2024 The Role of Biomass and Synthetic Energy Carriers in the Buildings Sector - From a Sectoral to a Cross-sectoral Perspective
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Thelen, Connor; Nolte, Hannah; Kost, Christoph; Steinbach, Jan; Deurer, Jana
Conference Paper
2024 Maßnahmenkonzepte für einen klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand bis 2045
Deurer, Jana; Steinbach, Jan; Bei der Wieden, Malte; Braungardt, Sibylle; Bürger, Veit; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Thelen, Connor; Nolte, Hannah; Kost, Christoph
2024 Pathways to a GHG-neutral German industry: Assessing the role of direct and indirect electrification and demand reduction
Kaiser, Markus; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Jürgens, Patrick; Kost, Christoph
Conference Paper
2023 Energy policy scenarios for the German transformation pathways of the energy system by 2030 and 2045. A model analysis with the energy system model REMod
Kost, Christoph; Kaiser, Markus; Brandes, Julian; Jürgens, Patrick; Senkpiel, Charlotte
2023 Corrigendum to “Open-source simulation of the long-term diffusion of alternative passenger cars on the basis of investment decisions of private persons” [Transp. Res. Part D: Transp. Environ. 93 (2021) 102713] (Transportation Research Part D (2021) 93, (S1361920921000195), (10.1016/j.trd.2021.102713))
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Baumann, Daniel
2023 Ressourcen für die Energiewende - Status quo der Energiesystemmodellierung
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Gervais, Estelle; Zapp, Petra
2023 How reduction of energy demand can help to reach or reinforce German mitigation targets
Jürgens, Patrick; Brandes, Julian; Kaiser, Markus; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Kost, Christoph
2023 Energy sovereignty in the German transformation pathways of the energy system by 2030 and 2045
Kost, Christoph; Kaiser, Markus; Brandes, Julian; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Jürgens, Patrick
2022 Wärmepumpen sind oft günstiger als Gaskessel
Meyer, Robert; Senkpiel, Charlotte
Journal Article
2022 Die Attraktivität von Nachtzügen als Alternative zum Fliegen - Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung der deutschen Bevölkerung
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Gölz, Sebastian
2022 Willingness to invest in PV homestorage systems - a representative study of German homeowners
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Fluri, Verena; Steingrube, Annette
2021 Heizungstechnologien im Gebäude: Ein Beitrag zur Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit und Klimawirksamkeit
Meyer, Robert; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Heilig, Judith; Berneiser, Jessica; Fluri, Verena; Gorbach, Gregor; Herkel, Sebastian; Kost, Christoph
2021 Wege zur Erreichung eines klimaneutralen Gebäudebestandes 2050
Steinbach, Jan; Deurer, Jana; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Brandes, Julian; Heilig, Judith; Berneiser, Jessica; Kost, Christoph
2021 Open-source simulation of the long-term diffusion of alternative passenger cars on the basis of investment decisions of private persons
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Baumann, D.
Journal Article
2021 Simulating the Adoption of Electric Vehicles Under Consideration of Person-Related Variables
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica
Conference Paper
2021 The role of norms and collective efficacy for the importance of techno-economic vehicle attributes in Germany
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Steingrube, Annette; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2021 Modeling of Persistence, Non-acceptance and Sufficiency in Long-term Energy Scenarios for Germany
Kost, Christoph; Brandes, Julian; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Sterchele, Philip; Wrede, Daniel; Henning, Hans-Martin
Journal Article
2020 Systemic Evaluation of Effects of Regional Self-Supply Targets on the German Electricity System Using Consistent Scenarios and System Optimization
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hauser, Wolfgang
Journal Article
2020 Sozio-E2S: Open Source Energiesystemmodellierung - Einfluss von soziokulturellen Faktoren auf Transformationspfade des deutschen Energiesystems. Schlussbericht
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Wassermann, Sandra; Lopez, Eliana
2020 Integrating methods and empirical findings from social and behavioural sciences into energy system models - motivation and possible approaches
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Dobbins, Audrey; Kockel, Christina; Steinbach, Jan; Fahl, Ulrich; Wille, Farina; Globisch, Joachim; Wassermann, Sandra; Droste-Franke, Bert; Hauser, Wolfgang; Hofer, Claudia; Nolting, Lars; Bernath, Christiane
Journal Article
2020 Wege zu einem Klimaneutralen Energiesystem. Die deutsche Energiewende im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Verhaltensweisen - Update für ein Co2-Reduktionziel von 65% in 2030 und 100% in 2050
Brandes, Julian; Haun, Markus; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Kost, Christoph; Bett, Andreas; Henning, Hans-Martin
2019 Die Investitionsbereitschaft in PV-Batteriesysteme - welche Faktoren fördern und welche hemmen die Investition?
Berneiser, Jessica; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Fluri, Verena; Gölz, Sebastian
Conference Paper
2019 Modeling Investment Decisions in Renewable Energy Technologies: An Introduction to Simulating Technology Diffusion
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Steingrube, Annette; Biener, Wolfgang; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2019 AutGrid - Chancen und Risiken der Netzautarkie in Deutschland. Schlussbericht
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hauser, Wolfgang; Biener, Wolfgang; Längle, Sven; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia, Klaus René; Kost, Christoph
2018 Impact of grid reduction on modelling accuracy of line usage rates
Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia Rosas, Klaus René; Linke, Moritz; Eibl, Oliver
Conference Paper
2018 Evaluation of load flow and grid expansion in a unit-commitment and expansion optimization model
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Biener, Wolfgang; Shammugam, Shivenes; Längle, Sven
Conference Paper
2018 Meta study on future cross-sectoral decarbonization target systems in comparison to current status of technologies
Jülch, Verena; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Kost, Christoph; Hartmann, Niklas; Schlegl, Thomas
2017 An optimized energy system planning and operation on distribution grid level - The Decentralized Market Agent as a novel approach
Thomsen, Jessica; Saad Hussein, Noha; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Schlegl, Thomas
Journal Article
2016 Concept of evaluating chances and risks of grid autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Biener, Wolfgang; Saad Hussein, Noha; Kost, Christoph; Kreifels, Niklas; Hauser, W.
Conference Paper
2016 Effects of Retrofitting on the Operation and Deployment of Technologies within a Decentralized System
Saad Hussein, Noha; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hollander, M. den
Conference Paper
2016 Towards an energy system in Europe based on renewables - model based analysis of Greece and Germany by coupling a European wide demand and supply model (PRIMES) with a regional and temporal high resolution bottom-up investment and unit-commitment model (RESlion)
Kost, Christoph; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Schlegl, Thomas; Zampara, Marilena; Capros, Pantelis
2016 Concept of Evaluating Chances and Risks of Grid Autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Saad Hussein, Noha; Hauser, W.; Biener, Wolfgang; Kreifels, Niklas; Kost, Christoph
2016 Possible Actions to Maximize the Flexibility Usage in a Decentral Energy System for the Heating and Electricity Sector
Saad Hussein, Noha; Rinn, L.M.; Krüger, C.; Janßen, T.; Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte
Conference Paper
2015 Renewable energy expansion and interaction in Europe: High resolution of RES potentials in energy system modeling
Kost, Christoph; Junne, T.; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Schlegl, Thomas; Zampara, M.; Capros, P.
Conference Paper
2015 Estimating energy system costs of sectoral RES and EE targets in the context of energy and climate targets for 2030
Held, Anne; Ragwitz, Mario; Eichhammer, Wolfgang; Sensfuß, Frank; Pudlik, Martin; Pfluger, Benjamin; Resch, Gustav; Olmos, Luis; Ramos, Andrés; Rivier, Michel; Kost, Christoph; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Peter, Frank; Veum, Karina; Slobbe, Johann; Joode, Jeroen de
2015 Model based analysis of the EU power system based on RES - a case study for Greece and Germany
Capros, P.; Zampara, M.; Tasios, N.; Papadopoulos, D.; Kost, Christoph; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Der Weg zu einer Erneubaren Stromversorgung in Deutschland - ein Investorenbasierter Ansatz
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Taumann, M.; Schlegl, Thomas
Journal Article
2014 Levelized Cost of Electricity: PV and CPV in Comparison to Other Technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, J., N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon P.; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schmidt, J.; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Levelized cost of electricity - renewable energy technologies
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Saad, Noha; Schlegl, Thomas
2013 Stromgestehungskosten Erneuerbare Energien
Kost, Christoph; Mayer, Johannes N.; Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Philipps, Simon; Nold, Sebastian; Lude, Simon; Schlegl, Thomas
2013 Long Term Development of the German Electricity Generation System Including Storage - a Bottom up Investment Decision Approach with a High Spatial Resolution
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hartmann, Niklas; Taumann, M.; Schlegl, Thomas
Conference Paper
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