H2Carsharing – Testing of FCEV in car sharing

Duration: 07/2022 - 02/2023
Project Partner: Stadtmobil Südbaden AG
Projekt Focus:      


© Fraunhofer ISE
From left to right: Simon Vieser (Project Engineer Fraunhofer ISE), Monika Otto (Executive Board Stadtmobil), Dominik Haisch (Fleet Management Stadtmobil), Tom Smolinka (Department Head "Chemical Energy Storage" Fraunhofer ISE) in front of the fuel cell vehicle.
Betankung des Fahrzeugs an einer H2-Tankstelle
© Fraunhofer ISE
Refueling of the vehicle at an H2 filling station (Gundelfinger Str.) in Freiburg.

The project »H2Carsharing« is a cooperation project between Fraunhofer ISE and Stadtmobil Südbaden AG. The aim of the project is to increase the acceptance of hydrogen mobility in the region. From August 2022 to February 2023, Stadtmobil AG will include a fuel cell vehicle from Fraunhofer ISE in its fleet. Subsequently, it will be determined how customers cope with the vehicle technology, e.g. the electric drive, the range and the hydrogen refueling process, and how the offer was accepted overall.

Booking via Stadtmobil

Stadtmobil provides support with its many years of experience in car sharing and makes its booking platform available. It is planned to place the vehicle at various locations in the Freiburg urban area during the project period. From this, insights are to be gained into how fuel cell technology is accepted by the various population groups.

Refueling with H2Mobility

The vehicle contains a fuel card that customers can use to refuel the vehicle themselves at all H2Mobility filling stations. Initially, only one filling station will be available in Freiburg. Starting in the fall of 2022, carsharing customers will also be able to use the refueling station at Fraunhofer ISE, which will allow the vehicle to be stationed at additional parking spaces.

Medium- and long-distance suitability

Stadtmobil Südbaden, together with my-e-car GmbH, has already been operating a large fleet of electric vehicles (Renault ZOE) throughout South Baden for several years. The addition of the hydrogen-powered Toyota Mirai model to the fleet could be of particular importance for emission-free medium to long-distance trips. Testing these new technologies in car sharing also makes an important contribution with regard to broader
                                                                            acceptance among the population.

More Information on this Topic:

Research Topic

Electrolysis and Power-to-Gas

Business Area

Hydrogen Technologies and Electrical Energy Storage