Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Biener

Researcher, Energy Management and Networks, Division Power Solutions

Research focus

  • Economical distribution grid operation control
  • Probabilistic load-flow
  • Optimal grid planning and reinforcement
  • Distribution grid state estimation
  • Transmission grid analysis

Key qualifications

Wolfgang Biener is working since 2012 at Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems. His current research topics are operation control of electrical grids and optimal grid planning. Operation control is divided into two main fields communication based optimal control and robust decentralized control without communication. Grid planning is done applying optimization algorithms on the use case.

Curriculum vitae

Since 2013
Researcher and project manager at Fraunhofer ISE
2011-2013 Electrical Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2011 Internship at BKW-FMB, asset management grids
2010-2011 Electrical Engineering, Grenoble Institute of Technology
2008-2010 Electrical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe
2006-2008 Electrical Engineering, University of Erlangen
2005-2006 Social Service in Milan

Major projects

various industry projects


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Publication list from the Fraunhofer-Publica database:

Publication Type
2024 Potenziale von Stellplätzen an Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden zur Bereitstellung privater Ladeinfrastruktur
Kühnbach, Matthias; Plötz, Patrick; Stephan, Annegret; Kähler, Janis; Surmann, Arne; Biener, Wolfgang; John, Robert
2023 A Voltage Sensitivity Based Equivalent for Active Distribution Networks Containing Grid Forming Converters
Ungerland, Jakob; Poshiya, Nikhilkumar; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
Journal Article
2023 Evaluation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents with Grid Forming Converters in the Context of System Stability Studies
Ungerland, Jakob; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
2022 BAT4CPP - Batteriespeicher an ehemaligen Kraftwerksstandorten
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Biener, Wolfgang; Brandes, Julian; Fluri, Verena; Wittwer, Christof
2022 Operating Point Dependency and Adaptation of Dynamic Active Distribution Network Equivalents
Ungerland, Jakob; Bhadani, Rachit; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, Hendrik
Conference Paper
2021 Equivalent Active Distribution Networks Considering Grid Forming Converters
Ungerland, Jacob; Poshiya, N.; Biener, Wolfgang; Lens, H.
Conference Paper
2021 Automatisierte Netzplanung im Praxistest
Kähler, Janis; Biener, Wolfgang; Barucki, T.; Rudolph, U.
Conference Paper
2020 Benefits of multi-voltage-level grid control in future distribution grids
Biener, Wolfgang; Erge, Thomas; Kumm, Thomas; Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2020 From residential electric load profiles to flexibility profiles
Fischer, David; Surmann, Arne; Biener, Wolfgang; Selinger-Lutz, Oliver
Journal Article
2020 Grid reduction for energy system analysis
Biener, Wolfgang; Garcia Rosas, Klaus René
Journal Article
2019 AutGrid - Chancen und Risiken der Netzautarkie in Deutschland. Schlussbericht
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Hauser, Wolfgang; Biener, Wolfgang; Längle, Sven; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia, Klaus René; Kost, Christoph
2019 Modeling Investment Decisions in Renewable Energy Technologies: An Introduction to Simulating Technology Diffusion
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Berneiser, Jessica; Steingrube, Annette; Biener, Wolfgang; Gölz, Sebastian
Journal Article
2018 Impact of grid reduction on modelling accuracy of line usage rates
Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Garcia Rosas, Klaus René; Linke, Moritz; Eibl, Oliver
Conference Paper
2018 Evaluation of load flow and grid expansion in a unit-commitment and expansion optimization model
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Biener, Wolfgang; Shammugam, Shivenes; Längle, Sven
Conference Paper
2018 Multi-period planning of distribution grid reinforcements under uncertainty about future penetration of photovoltaic systems
Dimitrov, I.; Gust, G.; Brandt, T.; Biener, Wolfgang; Neumann, D.
Conference Paper
2017 SWOT analysis of an extended reactive power range of PV-inverters serving smart electricity grids
Biener, Wolfgang; Erge, Thomas; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Bülo, T.; Kumm, T.
Conference Paper
2016 Evaluation of methods for estimating distribution grid stress due to future installations of photovoltaic units
Biener, Wolfgang; Gust, G.; Killinger, Sven; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Concept of evaluating chances and risks of grid autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Biener, Wolfgang; Saad Hussein, Noha; Kost, Christoph; Kreifels, Niklas; Hauser, W.
Conference Paper
2016 Droop controlled operation of heat pumps on clustered distribution grids with high PV penetration
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Fischer, D.; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof
Conference Paper
2016 Decision support for distribution grid planning
Gust, G.; Biener, Wolfgang; Brandt, T.; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Neumann, D.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Impact of the nominal and real peak power of PV systems on grid reinforcement
Killinger, Sven; Biener, Wolfgang; Gust, G.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2016 Possible Actions to Maximize the Flexibility Usage in a Decentral Energy System for the Heating and Electricity Sector
Saad Hussein, Noha; Rinn, L.M.; Krüger, C.; Janßen, T.; Biener, Wolfgang; Senkpiel, Charlotte
Conference Paper
2016 Concept of Evaluating Chances and Risks of Grid Autarky
Senkpiel, Charlotte; Shammugam, Shivenes; Saad Hussein, Noha; Hauser, W.; Biener, Wolfgang; Kreifels, Niklas; Kost, Christoph
2016 Probabilistische Modellierung von Verteilnetzen mit verteilten Reglern im Projekt Green Access
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Wittwer, Christof; Reimer, A.; Rohr, M.; Steinbusch, P.; Fischer, S.; Stötzel, M.; Zdrallek, M.; Pistoor, G.; Kumm, T.; Lüken, T.; Klement, P.; Hanke, B.; Maydell, K. von; Agert, Carsten; Neusel-Lange, N.; Hühnergarth, F.; Braje, T.; Bülo, T.
Conference Paper
2015 Automated distribution grid planning considering Smart Grid and conventional grid reinforcement technologies
Biener, Wolfgang; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Krug, B.; Gust, G.; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2013 Applied approach for reactive power control with medium voltage distributed units
Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard; Biener, Wolfgang; Ganer, P.-S.
Conference Paper
2013 Reactive power control in low voltage distribution grids: Comparison of centralized and decentralized Q(U)-controller designs based on probabilistic power flow analysis
Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Biener, Wolfgang; Wille-Haußmann, Bernhard
Conference Paper
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