synGHD – Synthetic Load Profiles for an Efficient Energy Supply Planning in Non-residential Buildings

Duration: 09/2017 - 09/2020
Contracting Authority/ Sponsors: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Project Partners: Siemens AG, EHI Retail Institute, NATURSTROM AG, Handelsverband Deutschland HDE, Adelphi, Goldbeck New Technologies GmbH, Stadt Frankfurt Energiemanagement
Project Focus:

False assumptions on the energy consumption and its temporal characteristic lead to energetic and economical inefficiencies of the energy system. This includes for example oversizing and the selection of inappropriate control strategies.

This lack of availability of energy consumption profiles with a high time resolution for the sector of trade, commerce and services is expected to be solved in a project for the German economy, science and society. The project pursues two targets: Firstly, the increase of efficiency by improved decision making and secondly, the reduction of engineering expenses. Both are achieved by representative and easily configurable and accessible load profiles.

These targets are attained by the analysis and classification of energy data of the sector of industry, commerce and service. Methods and algorithms to generate synthetic load profiles will be developed.

The specific goals of the synGHD project are the following:

  1. Development of an algorithm to create individualized load profiles for electricity, gas and heat/cold with a high time resolution which can be created for selected industries in the BTS sector with less information being required about the object
  2. Analysis of load data and creation of transparency in energy consumption of the sectors and the project participants
  3. Closure of the research gap regarding energy consumption itemized by sector and time

One essential part of the project is the analysis of more than 300 sets of load profile data which are being collected and provided by the project partners. Using data mining methods, this data will be evaluated, and representative load characteristics identified.

The project will result in a web tool, which will complement the load generator for residential loads synPRO. The use of individualised high-resolution load profiles enables better decisions when planning supply technology for buildings. Thus, resulting in energetic and economic improvements in the BTS sector. The improved load profiles also allow for a higher quality of scientific studies. The assessment of the potential for the integration of renewable energies will be better and more cost-efficient thanks to this process.