RenoZEB – Promotion of Energetic Renovation Solutions for Zero Energy Buildings and Residential Areas

Duration: October 2017 - March 2021
Contracting Authority/ Sponsors: European Union  (EU)
Project Partners: Solintel (Spain), Focchi S.p.A. (Italy), Beck + Heun GmbH (Germany), Rina Consulting (Italy), CYPE (Spain), Tecnalia (Spain), HIT (Cyprus), Fraunhofer ISE (Germany), Salford University (UK), Università Politecnica Delle Marche (Italy), Balkanika Energy PLC (Bulgaria), Durango Eraikitzen (Spain), Apartment Association Rannaliiva (Estonia), Tartu Regional Energy Agency (Estonia), Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (France), Conseil des Architectes d’Europe (Belgium), Symelec Renovables (Spain), EnergyPro Ltd (UK), International Union of Property Owners (Belgium)
Project Focus:

RenoZEB is a project funded by the EU running from October 2017 to March 2021. The project aims to develop economic "plug-and-play" solutions that increase the real estate value in a comprehensive Nearly-Zero-Energy-Building (nZEB) refurbishment market and guide all project participants through the refurbishment measures with innovative processes, decision-making methods, training and guidelines that are presented at real demonstration buildings.

Additional information: