KATANA – Calibration of Large-Area Tandem Solar Cells and Modules for Industrial Perovskite Silicon Market Entry

Duration: 02/2021 - 01/2024
Contracting Authority/Sponsors:
Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMBK)
Project Partners: WAVELABS Solar Metrology Systems GmbH, Oxford PV GmbH, Intego GmbH, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
Project Focus:  
LED-based module simulator with adjustable excitation spectrum for precise IV measurement of PV modules.
© Fraunhofer ISE
LED-based module simulator with adjustable excitation spectrum for precise IV measurement of PV modules.

A major challenge for the industrial implementation of all future tandem PV technologies is the precise determination of efficiency over large areas. Today, no large-area solar simulators with sufficient spectral quality are available and modules have to be measured in complex outdoor tests. In the »Katana« project, the internationally recognized calibration laboratory for solar cells and modules at Fraunhofer ISE, the University of Freiburg and the companies Wavelabs, Oxford PV and Intego are pooling their expertise to develop a new calibration procedure as a future standard for determining efficiency with high accuracy. Analysis tools are being developed that enable calibrated efficiency measurements and, as a result, systematic process optimization. Camera-based measurement methods (luminescence, thermography) are used to support the understanding of the scaling of solar cells to larger areas up to the module.

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Business Area


Research Topic

Silicon Photovoltaics

Research Topic

Perovskite and Organic Photovoltaics

Field of Work

High-Efficiency Silicon Cell Fabrication and Analysis

Field of Work

Perovskite Silicon Tandem Photovoltaics

Accredited Labs

CalLab PV Cells